Originally posted by kbsooner21
No announcement yet.
NBA/CBB Capping Contest Pick Thread Week 6 (12/8 - 12/9)
Originally posted by kbsooner21a guy loses internet for a week and you expect me to snap my fingers and have this done
Week 6 Results
Player List .......
littlewager (13 Pts.) = (Dal) (Chi "over") (Den) ---> +1
libertypl (11 Pts.) = (Tor) (Nova) (Niag) ---> +2
wayne1218 (11 Pts.) = (DaVille) (Ohio) (Mich St) ---> +2
tdtylert (10 Pts.) = (Pur) (WV) (Dav) ---> +2
MtrCtyPimp (10 Pts.) = (Utah "over") (Ill) (Wis) ---> +1
GOLDENGREEK (10 Pts.) = (Sea) (Cal) (Tem) ---> +1
jmarty6969 (10 Pts.) = (Duke) (SDSU) (UGA) ---> +2
thaikarate1 (9 Pts.) = (SDSU "over") (WV "over") (Cle "under") ---> +1
BrezzeEaze (9 Pts.) = (Tor) (K St) (Nor Az) ---> +3
orientalhawn (9 Pts.) = (Ill) (SDSU) (SD) ---> +1
The Game (9 Pts.) = (Duke) (Kent) (WV) ---> +2
TMAC951 (9 Pts.) = (Kent) (UAB) (Dav) ---> +1
checkers (9 Pts.) = (Atl) (Minn) (Ind St) ---> +3
DollarPlayer (8 Pts.) = (St Joes) (Cal) (Mary) ---> +1
ravens1 (9 Pts.) = (Tex) (Minn) (Ill St) ---> +1.5 *pushed on Illinois St*
*ULikeApples* (8 Pts.) = (St. Mary's) (Cuse) (Dav) ---> +2
BillMill71 (8 Pts.) = (NJ) (Siena) (Wash St) ---> +0
Dat Boi E (8 Pts.) = (Dal) (Marq) (Dav) ---> +3
longnex (8 Pts.) = (Bos) (Duke) (Ind) ---> +3
frankb03 (8 Pts.) = (Tor) (Mia) (Det) ---> +3
bearman (7.5 Pts.) = (Pho) (KU) (WV) ---> +1
*KJ1000* (7 Pts.) = (Bos) (NYK) (Tex) ---> +2
*Dennis14072* (7 Pts.) = (Set Hall) (Wis-Mil) (Tenn St) ---> +1.5 *pushed on Seton Hall*
KazDog (7 Pts.) = (LAL "under") (Mil) (Wash) ---> +1
seaofred (7 Pts.) = (GMU) (BYU) (Marq) ---> +1
JBC13 (7 Pts.) = (Por) (NJ) (Tem) ---> +1
*packer34* (6 Pts.) = (Kent) (Wash) (Marq) ---> +2
ckazman (6 Pts.) = (Mil) (Brown) (Cal Poly) ---> +0
BearDown (6 Pts.) = (Cle) (Pho "under") (Chi "over") ---> +2
Irish fan (6 Pts.) = (GS) (Brown) (BC) ---> +1
bryce (6 Pts.) = (Cuse) (Ill St.) (CS-North) ---> +.5 *pushed on Illinois St*
meaiken (6 Pts.) = (Ill) (Marq) (WV) ---> +2
plandbill (6 Pts.) = (Duke) (Ia St) (Ind) ---> +3
zeib10 (6 Pts.) = (Mizz) (USF) (RI) ---> +3
*xstac2169* (6 Pts.) = (Bos) (NYK) (Duke) ---> +2
jcindaville (6 Pts.) = (K St) (Nova) (BC) ---> +3
SACPAC (5.5 Pts.) = (Atl) (Cuse) (CSU) ---> +2
rcmcd (5.5 Pts.) = (St Joes) (K St) (Tow) ---> +3
*gr8whtnorth* (5 Pts.) = (Mia) (Det) (Cal) ---> +2
ctt8410 (5 Pts.) = (Pitt) (Col) (Wis-Mil) ---> +1
TheRook (5 Pts.) = (Det "over") (BC) (E Wash) ---> +1
logan3372 (5 Pts.) = (Ia St) (Loy Chi) (Val) ---> +2
blitz (5 Pts.) = (Por) (NO) (GS) ---> +1
kbsooner21 (4.5 Pts.) = (K St) (Nova) (GW) ---> +2
vondie (4 Pts.) = (Pho) (Mich) (Day) ---> +1
Tony Vegas (4 Pts.) = (Kent) (BYU) (Penn St) ---> +.5 *pushed on Penn St*
MNCapper (3 Pts.) = (Hou) (GS) (Port) ---> +1
If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.
Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.
Good luck!
Standings after Week 6
Player List .......
littlewager (14 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
libertypl (13 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
wayne1218 (13 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
tdtylert (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
jmarty6969 (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
BrezzeEaze (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
checkers (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
MtrCtyPimp (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
GOLDENGREEK (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
The Game (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
Dat Boi E (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
longnex (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
frankb03 (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
ravens1 (10.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
thaikarate1 (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
orientalhawn (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
TMAC951 (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*ULikeApples* (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
DollarPlayer (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*KJ1000* (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
plandbill (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
zeib10 (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
jcindaville (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
bearman (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*Dennis14072* (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
rcmcd (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
BillMill71 (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
KazDog (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
seaofred (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
JBC13 (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*packer34* (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
BearDown (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
meaiken (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*xstac2169* (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
SACPAC (7.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
Irish fan (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
*gr8whtnorth* (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
logan3372 (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
bryce (6.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
kbsooner21 (6.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
ckazman (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
ctt8410 (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
TheRook (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
blitz (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
vondie (5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
Tony Vegas (4.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
MNCapper (4 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0
If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.
Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.
Good luck!