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NBA/CBB Capping Contest Pick Thread Week 6 (12/8 - 12/9)

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  • #61
    Originally posted by kbsooner21
    relax, i'm working on it
    u act like u have nothening better to do..............
    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


    • #62
      [QUOTE=jmarty6969]u act like u have nothening better to do.............. [/QUOTEps i forgot get to say this get to work bitch

      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #63
        a guy loses internet for a week and you expect me to snap my fingers and have this done


        • #64
          Originally posted by kbsooner21
          a guy loses internet for a week and you expect me to snap my fingers and have this done
          They are vultures and they do not care what is going on in your life ... They just want to see the standings. Trust me, i know and it sucks! lmao


          • #65
            Originally posted by wayne1218
            They are vultures and they do not care what is going on in your life ... They just want to see the standings. Trust me, i know and it sucks! lmao
            I hear ya! I kinda feel like i'm being eaten alive


            • #66
              Originally posted by kbsooner21
              a guy loses internet for a week and you expect me to snap my fingers and have this done

              dont make me take my grill back lol finger snappers
              rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


              • #67
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                They are vultures and they do not care what is going on in your life ... They just want to see the standings. Trust me, i know and it sucks! lmao
                Speaking of standings, where are the 3 for all standings?


                • #68
                  What a bunch of assholes


                  • #69
                    [QUOTE=kbsooner21]What a bunch of assholes [/QUOTE

                    only my wife gets to used that name bahahahahahaha
                    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                    • #70
                      Talking about wives.... if you think KB is getting his balls busted in this thread you need to be on her shit list for while.

                      This is more like a Christmas greeting.



                      • #71
                        Week 6 Results

                        Player List .......

                        littlewager (13 Pts.) = (Dal) (Chi "over") (Den) ---> +1

                        libertypl (11 Pts.) = (Tor) (Nova) (Niag) ---> +2

                        wayne1218 (11 Pts.) = (DaVille) (Ohio) (Mich St) ---> +2

                        tdtylert (10 Pts.) = (Pur) (WV) (Dav) ---> +2

                        MtrCtyPimp (10 Pts.) = (Utah "over") (Ill) (Wis) ---> +1

                        GOLDENGREEK (10 Pts.) = (Sea) (Cal) (Tem) ---> +1

                        jmarty6969 (10 Pts.) = (Duke) (SDSU) (UGA) ---> +2

                        thaikarate1 (9 Pts.) = (SDSU "over") (WV "over") (Cle "under") ---> +1

                        BrezzeEaze (9 Pts.) = (Tor) (K St) (Nor Az) ---> +3

                        orientalhawn (9 Pts.) = (Ill) (SDSU) (SD) ---> +1

                        The Game (9 Pts.) = (Duke) (Kent) (WV) ---> +2

                        TMAC951 (9 Pts.) = (Kent) (UAB) (Dav) ---> +1

                        checkers (9 Pts.) = (Atl) (Minn) (Ind St) ---> +3

                        DollarPlayer (8 Pts.) = (St Joes) (Cal) (Mary) ---> +1

                        ravens1 (9 Pts.) = (Tex) (Minn) (Ill St) ---> +1.5 *pushed on Illinois St*

                        *ULikeApples* (8 Pts.) = (St. Mary's) (Cuse) (Dav) ---> +2

                        BillMill71 (8 Pts.) = (NJ) (Siena) (Wash St) ---> +0

                        Dat Boi E (8 Pts.) = (Dal) (Marq) (Dav) ---> +3

                        longnex (8 Pts.) = (Bos) (Duke) (Ind) ---> +3

                        frankb03 (8 Pts.) = (Tor) (Mia) (Det) ---> +3

                        bearman (7.5 Pts.) = (Pho) (KU) (WV) ---> +1

                        *KJ1000* (7 Pts.) = (Bos) (NYK) (Tex) ---> +2

                        *Dennis14072* (7 Pts.) = (Set Hall) (Wis-Mil) (Tenn St) ---> +1.5 *pushed on Seton Hall*

                        KazDog (7 Pts.) = (LAL "under") (Mil) (Wash) ---> +1

                        seaofred (7 Pts.) = (GMU) (BYU) (Marq) ---> +1

                        JBC13 (7 Pts.) = (Por) (NJ) (Tem) ---> +1

                        *packer34* (6 Pts.) = (Kent) (Wash) (Marq) ---> +2

                        ckazman (6 Pts.) = (Mil) (Brown) (Cal Poly) ---> +0

                        BearDown (6 Pts.) = (Cle) (Pho "under") (Chi "over") ---> +2

                        Irish fan (6 Pts.) = (GS) (Brown) (BC) ---> +1

                        bryce (6 Pts.) = (Cuse) (Ill St.) (CS-North) ---> +.5 *pushed on Illinois St*

                        meaiken (6 Pts.) = (Ill) (Marq) (WV) ---> +2

                        plandbill (6 Pts.) = (Duke) (Ia St) (Ind) ---> +3

                        zeib10 (6 Pts.) = (Mizz) (USF) (RI) ---> +3

                        *xstac2169* (6 Pts.) = (Bos) (NYK) (Duke) ---> +2

                        jcindaville (6 Pts.) = (K St) (Nova) (BC) ---> +3

                        SACPAC (5.5 Pts.) = (Atl) (Cuse) (CSU) ---> +2

                        rcmcd (5.5 Pts.) = (St Joes) (K St) (Tow) ---> +3

                        *gr8whtnorth* (5 Pts.) = (Mia) (Det) (Cal) ---> +2

                        ctt8410 (5 Pts.) = (Pitt) (Col) (Wis-Mil) ---> +1

                        TheRook (5 Pts.) = (Det "over") (BC) (E Wash) ---> +1

                        logan3372 (5 Pts.) = (Ia St) (Loy Chi) (Val) ---> +2

                        blitz (5 Pts.) = (Por) (NO) (GS) ---> +1

                        kbsooner21 (4.5 Pts.) = (K St) (Nova) (GW) ---> +2

                        vondie (4 Pts.) = (Pho) (Mich) (Day) ---> +1

                        Tony Vegas (4 Pts.) = (Kent) (BYU) (Penn St) ---> +.5 *pushed on Penn St*

                        MNCapper (3 Pts.) = (Hou) (GS) (Port) ---> +1

                        If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.

                        Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.

                        Good luck!


                        • #72
                          Standings after Week 6

                          Player List .......

                          littlewager (14 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          libertypl (13 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          wayne1218 (13 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          tdtylert (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          jmarty6969 (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          BrezzeEaze (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          checkers (12 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          MtrCtyPimp (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          GOLDENGREEK (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          The Game (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          Dat Boi E (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          longnex (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          frankb03 (11 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          ravens1 (10.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          thaikarate1 (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          orientalhawn (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          TMAC951 (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *ULikeApples* (10 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          DollarPlayer (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *KJ1000* (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          plandbill (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          zeib10 (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          jcindaville (9 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          bearman (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *Dennis14072* (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          rcmcd (8.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          BillMill71 (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          KazDog (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          seaofred (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          JBC13 (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *packer34* (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          BearDown (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          meaiken (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *xstac2169* (8 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          SACPAC (7.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          Irish fan (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          *gr8whtnorth* (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          logan3372 (7 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          bryce (6.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          kbsooner21 (6.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          ckazman (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          ctt8410 (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          TheRook (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          blitz (6 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          vondie (5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          Tony Vegas (4.5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          MNCapper (4 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0

                          If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.

                          Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.

                          Good luck!

