OK, I do have 3, it's just that I thought that this was for this weekend, and the pts are not updated.
No announcement yet.
NBA/CBB Capping Contest Pick Thread Week 3 (11/17 - 11/18)
im all confused with this point system.i didn't keep track from the start of this and now im not sure how many points i should have,......im not complaining im just saying that its confusing if not tallied after the weeks games are over,thats allI AM A NITWIT
What's confusing me is that last weeks pick thread is still up and people posted this weekend's plays in it.Good Luck to everyone
Richie: [after Gus hits a homerun] Wow and he did it without steroids.
Clark: What's steroids?
Richie: Something that makes your pee-pee smaller.
Clark: There must be steroids in macaroni!
Originally posted by seaofredyea this aggravation is not worth it
Originally posted by kbsooner21Sorry Sea, I've been pretty busy around the holidays and what not this week. I'll try and do a better job of updating it sooner, but remember, this is a "FREE" contest, so don't act like you're going out of your way to participate. I'm sorry, but if you don't like it, don't play.
KYLE,really didn't mean to have it come off like that and i know how much shit we have around the holidays so lets just chill.its fine with me if you don't want me ill be ok and don't worry i won't think nothing of it,were still buddies i hope anyway,....have a great day tomorrowI AM A NITWIT
Originally posted by seaofredKYLE,really didn't mean to have it come off like that and i know how much shit we have around the holidays so lets just chill.its fine with me if you don't want me ill be ok and don't worry i won't think nothing of it,were still buddies i hope anyway,....have a great day tomorrow
Reply here with your Week 3 Picks
1) You must pick 3 games each week against the pointspread.
2) The games must be played on either Saturday or Sunday.
3) You must pick all 3 games on either Saturday or Sunday. You can't pick 2 on 1 day and 1 on the other. If this happens, you will be credited with a automatic loss for the 1 play posted on a particular day. You will get credit for the 2 plays posted on the other day though.
4) You can use NBA or College Basketball plays. You can play all 3 in 1 sport or mix them up. That's up to you.
5) Closing lines will be used from www.scoresandodds.com. If you have a problem with one of their lines (Unless it is an obvious one), take it up with them. Last minute line changes are possible so be careful about posting too early and having it change.
6) Do Not post lines with your plays. Many are likely to change and all you will do is confuse us more. Rotation Numbers would be great, lines ... Not so much.
7) Once your plays are posted, they are final. NO CHANGES will be accepted.
8) You will get 1 pt. for every correct call and 1/2 pt. for every push. Highest number of points in the end, Wins!
To see the Prize and the Full Rules, click the link below ...
Player List .......
littlewager (5 Pts.) = (Mia) (Pho) (Chi) ---> +3
tinman666 (5 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS
libertypl (5 Pts.) = (Bos) (Det) (LAL "under") ---> +1
tdtylert (5 Pts.) = (Den) (Chi) (Virg) ---> +3
MtrCtyPimp (4 Pts.) = (NJ) (Dal) (Pho) ---> +1
packer34 (4 Pts.) = (NYK) (Mia) (Was) ---> +2
TMAC951 (4 Pts.) = (Ark) (Tem) (ND) ---> +1
KJ1000 (4 Pts.) = (FSU) (Mia) (Pho) ---> +2
longnex (4 Pts.) = (Sea) (Pho) (Stan) ---> +1
Irish fan (4 Pts.) = (Bos) (Det "under") (Chi "under") ---> +1
BrezzeEaze (4 Pts.) = (Pho) (Ore) (Stan) ---> +2
bryce (4 Pts.) = (Bos) (VCU) (USF) ---> +1
BillMill71 (4 Pts.) = (Chi "over") (VCU) (N. Iowa) ---> +1
orientalhawn (4 Pts.) = (Utah St) (UNLV) (Nev) ---> +2
dog (4 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS
gr8whtnorth (4 Pts.) = (Mia) (Tor) (VCU) ---> +1
SpursFan4ever (4 Pts.) = (Orl) (Det) (Chi) --->1
Dennis14072 (4 Pts.) = (N. Iowa) (Cle St.) (ND) ---> +2
thaikarate1 (4 Pts.) = (N Tex) (Wash) (Memp "over") ---> +3
TheRook (4 Pts.) = (S. Caro) (Dal "under") (Chi "under") ---> +0
GOLDENGREEK (3 Pts.) = (Orl) (Sac) (Chi) ---> +2
jmarty6969 (3 Pts.) = (Ohio) (But) (IUPUI game was taken off the board, gonna have to count it a loss) ---> +2
checkers (3 Pts.) = (Ind) (Dart) (GM) ---> +2
KazDog (3 Pts.) = (GS) (GS "under") (Bos) ---> +2
ckazman (3 Pts.) = (Wash) (JMU) (Day) ---> +2
The Game (3 Pts.) = (Mia) (Pho) (USC) ---> +3
DollarPlayer (3 Pts.) = (Tenn St.) (Orl) (Orl "under") ---> +2
xstac2169 (3 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS
wayne1218 (3 Pts.) = (UNT) (NW) (Ore) ---> +3
ravens1 (3 Pts.) = (Loy MryMnt) (URI) (Ga. Sout) ---> +2
Dat Boi E (3 Pts.) = (Sea) (Atl) (Pho) ---> +1
ULikeApples (3 Pts.) = (Pho) (UNLV) (Cal-Irvine) ---> +3
*Jolly1* (2 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS -ELIMINATED
*BigWeiner* (2 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS - ELIMINATED
JBC13 (2 Pts.) = (Mia) (Utah) (Sea) ---> +1
zeib10 (2 Pts.) = (Utah) (Mia) (Pho) ---> +2
SACPAC (2 Pts.) = (UNC Wilm) (Ga South.) (ND) ---> +1
frankb03 (2 Pts.) = (Pho) (NYK) (Chi) ---> +2
meaiken (2 Pts.) = (Mia) (Ore) (Ariz) ---> +2
seaofred (2 Pts.) = (S. Car) (GM) (Nev) ---> +2
myrjimmy3 (2 Pts.) = () () () ---> +0 NO PICKS!
BearDown (2 Pts.) = (Orl) (Det "over") (Chi) ---> +2
bearman (2 Pts.) = (UMass) (Ore) (Wich St) ---> +2
ctt8410 (2 Pts.) = (UNC) (Ark) (NC St.) ---> +2
jcindaville (2 Pts.) = (S. Car) (Ariz) (Stan) ---> +0
rcmcd (1 Pts.) = (USC) (Stan) (SJSU) ---> +1
plandbill (1 Pts.) = (Ind) (But) (Wis) ---> +3
kim61299 (1 Pts.) = (N. Iowa) (VCU) (ND) ---> +1
logan3372 (1 Pts.) = (Dep) (UNLV) (Pep) ---> +1
vondie (1 Pts.) = (Wash) (NO) (Day) ---> +2
kbsooner21 (0 Pts.) = (ODU) (USF) (Bay) ---> +3
MNCapper (0 Pts.) = (Tor) (Bos) (LAL) ---> +1
Tony Vegas (0 Pts.) = (Tem) (VCU) (Mia) ---> +1
blitz (0 Pts.) = (Mia) (Utah) (LAC) ---> +1
If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.
Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week.
Good luck!