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MLB Contes with Free Prizes Rules

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  • MLB Contes with Free Prizes Rules

    1. You must pick exactly 5 sides per week, Money Lines Only, No Run Lines
    2. Pitching changes still count so take that into consideration
    3. If a game is rained out you that does not count against your 5 picks for the week.
    4. Closing lines from scoresandodds will be used (IE, Current lines)
    5. Winner for the first half of the season which is when the all-star break occurs will be the person with the most units won. In case of a tie a tie-breaker to be determined later will be made up.
    6. This contest is for regular posting members! If you're not a regular posting member you can play, however you must contribute outside of the contest! Which means posting plays, talking sports, talking non gambling. You cannot just go around wishing people good luck or gl.
    7. You can make more than 1 side pick per day, but only 1 post per day. In other words if you make a side pick early in the day you cannot come back later that day to make another pick.

    Please support the site sponsors by signing up with them and making a deposit by clicking on the banners at the top of the site so we can continue to bring contests like this in the future....Thanks!

    First season winner gets an Authentic Signed Tom Glavine Jersey.

    A brand new contest will start after the all-star break and last until the end of the regular MLB season.

    The same rules above will apply for this contest.

    The winner of the second contest will receive an authentic MLB bat signed by Jason Isringhausen, Miguel Tejada, Vladimir Guerrero, Bill Pulsipher, Scott Rolen, Chad Hermansen, & Ben Grieve.

    Last edited by BettorsChat; 04-01-2007, 09:11 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks Monte!


    • #3
      Make sure to sign up in either this thread or the following thread:

      Contest 1 will start opening day of MLB April 1st 2007


      • #4
        Thanks Monte!

        No rules on how high of a favorite you can take I guess?


        • #5
          Originally posted by kbsooner21
          Thanks Monte!

          No rules on how high of a favorite you can take I guess?
          Nope, but if it loses you could get down quick.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BettorsChat
            Nope, but if it loses you could get down quick.
            Yep, I gotcha

