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  • #16
    thanks ripple. i already have a copy printed out of all my wagers and blackjack sessions. i appreaciate the phone number. if i do not get paid i will definately give them a call. again thank you.

    ps... the funny thing is depp down i know i am not going to get paid.


    • #17
      i talked to those guuys and they said it should only take less than 24 to look over ur account they said call them and they will get u ur money asap


      • #18
        that sounds outstanding. i tried to them earlier today but it rang a couple times them when dead. what is the number again. if you get me my money i will send you a 1000 dollars just for doing this, i promise. as it stands now my account is now over 13,000 . remember i only started with 26 dollars on friday.

        ps.. thanks for trying ripple. i hope you are right about them guys getting me the money but i will believe it when it happens. it just seems that good stuff doesnt happen to me to often. thanks again.


        • #19
          ripple, i called and spoke with matt. he said he did not talk with you it must have been jim and jim was not in. i told matt the story and the excuse from gameday about their may have been a flaw in the blackjack game where it giving out too many winners. i told them not my problem. he told me to file a complaint online. i told him i would wait a few days and see what happens as my account is still open with mney in it. i am going to try to withdrawl 835.00 today which is the amount that it owes my firepay. if that goes through then i will go for more. i fgure i will take about 8000 out and leave the rest in to gamble with.


          • #20
            do u know the site to file the complaint so they have it in writing >>
            http://****.com/Complaint_form.htm........they know that i spoke to them was a girl than it was those guys


            • #21
              they also have my email i sent them ...anyhow do u have there website jim & matts ..if not ill post it here


              • #22
                yes i have the website. i spoke with jim last night after i attempted to make a withdrawl and it was denied because my account is under investigation. jim said that there has been people manipulating the codes at blackjack and winning huge figures. he said the software company is investigating it and will have it all done within 2 weeks. i told him that i did nothing wrong and told him my story just like i posted on this site. he told me if i did not get paid after this was done to call him back and he would get to the bottom of it.


                • #23
                  i spoke to jim 2 times today and asked him to email about whats going on ..everytime we spoke my customer walked in and it was difficult to speak ..i emailed them again and this is what im told and this is whats happening..i been trying for you


                  I spoke with John at VIP Sports (the parnet company for sevveral books/casinos, inlcuding Gameday) yesterday on behalf of several players. It appears that they have been lumped in with a group of people, all from California, who were attempting to defraud this company and their affiliated sites. Right now the software provider for them, IGW, is doing an extensive audits of all accounts believed to be involved with this scam (over 20). Once this audit is completed, estimated at 2 weeks, they will hear from John at VIP. He is fully aware of what is going on and once the audit is completed any players that were NOT involved in this hustle will be paid.

                  Please note that all accounts invoved have been flagged at VIP and their affiliates and NO payouts will be made until the audit is complete. There is not much point in contacting them for at least a week to ten days, as they are doing nothing until IGW has completed their investigation.

                  We will be getting the IGW results as well and may be in contact these payers at that time.




                  • #24
                    he sounds like your money is golden and you will get everydime he told me.Someone was trying to hack and scam some casinos to make a long story short he stated,Im sorry you cant get the money asap but i think ur going to be okay..It suxs waiting but hope your doing okay and dont get all worked up and have a nervous breakdown ..Stay calm go to some go-gos and relax,,Good luck buddy ..Keep me informed and ill check in another week for you ..Rip


                    • #25
                      thanks ripple. i talked with john at gameday today and he said my account has been cleared and i am able to start to take my money out on friday. i already have a order in for 5000gs that should be processed by tomorrow night i am told. thanks for everything. where can i send you some money for helping me out. thanks again.


                      • #26
                        The hell of the money, I want to know how those little basterds got into the casino to steal the money.
                        The only way I tried is to put a gun to the screen and nothing!!!!!!!!
                        I've even shot one bullet and nothing!
                        These guys are real pros!!!
                        I feel sorry for people that do not drink!
                        Becouse when they wake up,
                        thats as good as they are going to feel all day!


                        • #27
                          i dont want no money i never ever want to see anyone get beat..Im happy that i was able help you out alittle ..Thanks for offering the money but hell no.Im glad to help.I like everyone on here and i hope if i have a problem someone can help me.Take a cab to the nearest strip bar and get fucked up and enjoy yourself.When rich was alive (that used to be jims partner before matt) i had all my money in a book named paradise which was great than paradise switch all my money to wallstreet and i had a huge payout problem and rich got me my money in 48 hrs and i thought i was going to get beat ..So they helped me and i returned the favor take care and good luck..Stay with montes forum (bc) and you will become a big winner ..Anything else i can do let me know..If your ever in nyc we will go to scores or flashdancer or private eyes for a cocktail or 4 ..thanks buddy for your offer ..You enjoy


                          • #28
                            thanks ripple. the next time i am in new york i will let you know. i will treat. just take me to the best strip joints around. i will make sure i tell my wife something else(LOL). thanks again.

