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  • Fitness/Health

    Used to be a runner, but having kiddos got me out of that for awhile. I would run from time to time, but made a New Year’s resolution to focus on my health and fitness this year. Luckily I’ve stuck with it, as health issues have fun in both sides of my family. 
    Been going to the gym and/or running at least 3 times a week. Tonight I ran 4.1 miles. Goal is to run a half-marathon in September or October.


  • #2
    That can't be easy. It's great that you're still keeping active with hiking, the elliptical, and Peleton classes, though.
    And your message about enjoying the run, no matter how it goes, is spot on. Sometimes, it's not about the distance or speed; it's about the joy of moving and feeling alive.
    If you ever want to explore some low-impact exercises or even add some strength training to your routine, I recently set up a home gym in my garage. It's been a game-changer for me, and you might find it helpful too. If you're interested, you can check out for some workout accessories.

