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Career Advice for a Future Doc

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  • Career Advice for a Future Doc

    Drs. Baraki and Dr. Feigenbaum,

    My name is Stewart Glenister. Just a quick background on me:
    • Rising MS2 at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) School of Medicine
    • Graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and served as a US Army Infantry Officer for 8 years (now contracted to serve as a doc in the US Army Reserves following residency training)
    • Former NCAA swimmer at West Point- swam for 14 years competitively
    • Started barbell training in earnest, following BBM templates/guidance about 1.5 years ago
    • 31yo, married to a Pharmacist, 1x 2yo son
    Naturally, throughout my first year of medical school, I spent a fair amount of time pondering how I want to shape my vocation as a care provider following graduation. I am most interested in a hybrid career as a physician like the one you guys have that blends a passion for both medicine and strength/fitness training. I'm interested in a little mentorship in this regard since those doing what you guys are doing are few and far between. I'm not sure what the best method of contacting you guys is since I don't have social media other than LinkedIn, hence why I'm posting this random message on the BBM forum. Any advice you can provide would be much appreciated.

    All the best!

    Stewart Glenister

    P.S. Do you guys ever present at medical schools? I've mentioned to some of my fellow classmate lifters that it would be awesome if we could get UTMB to bring you guys out for a lecture/clinic of some kind. I was thinking of going through the UTMB Sports Medicine or Lifestyle Medicine Interest Groups.

  • #2
    Your journey so far is truly inspiring! As a rising MS2 with a background in the military and a passion for strength and fitness training, you've set a solid foundation for a diverse and impactful career in medicine. Blending your interest in medicine with strength/fitness training is a unique and exciting path. Just as there are several career options for dog trainers, ranging from training instructors to social media influencers, the medical field also offers varied paths. Your interest in merging medicine with strength and fitness training could lead to specialties like sports medicine or physical rehabilitation. Your military experience adds a valuable dimension, potentially aligning with military medicine opportunities.
    Last edited by Grandfit; 11-20-2023, 05:10 AM.


    • #3
      I think you should post this on studentdoctor forum!!!


      • #4
        This career advice for future doctors is great stuff. The medical field is vast, though, and I've always been curious about exploring a different path – maybe something like becoming an EKG technician. It seems like a good way to get your foot in the door of the medical world, and even offers online programs which could be handy for busy schedules.

        That said, I'm not sure how this stacks up compared to the traditional doctor route. For those of you in the healthcare industry, is being an EKG technician a good stepping stone for someone who might eventually want to become a doctor? Or are these completely different paths?


        • #5

          "Stay committed to lifelong learning; medicine is always evolving. For burnout relief, consider iv hydration washington dc for a quick wellness boost."


          • #6
            That's awesome that you're thinking about your future career as a doctor! It's a big decision, but it sounds like you're on the right track with your studies and extracurriculars. As for hrdf claimable courses, they can be a great way to enhance your skills and knowledge, especially in areas like communication, leadership, and teamwork, which are super important in the medical field. If you're interested in pursuing these courses, I'd recommend checking out what's available in your area or online. It's also a good idea to talk to current doctors or medical professionals to get their advice and insights. Remember, it's all about finding what's right for you and your future patients. Good luck with your studies and your journey to becoming a doctor!
            Last edited by Richcoop; 06-25-2024, 05:32 AM.


            • #7
              Si est?s considerando una carrera en la medicina, es fundamental que te enfoques en ?reas que te apasionen y en las que puedas hacer una diferencia significativa. La medicina es un campo vasto y desafiante, por lo que es importante que te prepares bien acad?micamente y adquieras experiencia pr?ctica a trav?s de pasant?as o trabajos en el ?rea.

              En relaci?n con tu menci?n de "aborto en Baja California", es vital estar al tanto de las leyes y regulaciones locales sobre temas tan sensibles. La legislaci?n sobre el aborto puede variar significativamente entre regiones y pa?ses, por lo que tener un buen entendimiento de estas normativas te ayudar? a proporcionar una atenci?n ?tica y adecuada.

              En espa?ol:

              "Como futuro m?dico, es esencial que te mantengas informado sobre las normativas y regulaciones locales relacionadas con temas delicados como el aborto en Baja California. Comprender las leyes y c?mo afectan la pr?ctica m?dica te permitir? ofrecer una atenci?n m?s informada y ?tica. Adem?s, aseg?rate de continuar con tu formaci?n y b?squeda de conocimientos para estar preparado ante cualquier desaf?o en tu carrera."

