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  • monuments

    So currently, Evangelicals are putting up 10 Commandments monuments through the USA at State buildings, and the Satanic Temple is in response trying to get a monuments of Baphomet the goat headed diety people often use to depic Satan put up next to it to demonstrate religous plurality. As you can imagine the right wing Christians are fighting against this. In particular the state of Akansa is currently embroiled in this battle.
    If it interests you, you can donate to TST to help support this monuments going up and the legal fees to fight for it. Plus it looks damn cool.

  • #2
    Thanks for the post. Gonna donate a bit later


    • #3
      It's important to remember that religious plurality is a vital aspect of our society, and everyone should have the right to express their beliefs.

      Speaking of monuments, consider creating a personalized memorial for a loved one with Colorado Headstone Designer. They offer custom design services for headstones and monuments, allowing you to create a unique tribute that honors the life of the person you lost.

