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SEO Indexing / Visibility - robots.txt error

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  • SEO Indexing / Visibility - robots.txt error

    Initially site was password protect and option for crawling disabled.

    Subsequently, it has been made public and crawling enabled.

    Have toggled the crawling switch again recently to no avail. Unknown directive problem still shows.

  • #2
    Interestingly, you're seeing an "Unknown directive" problem with your robots.txt file. Have you checked your syntax to make sure everything is formatted correctly? There may be a mistake somewhere that's causing the issue. Creating your robots.txt file is a good idea, especially if you suspect that the auto-generated one is causing problems. If you continue to need help, it might be worth contacting a professional SEO company like Athina Digital for some assistance. They can help ensure your site is optimized for search engines and help you get the visibility you need. Good luck!

