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Welcome to the Enable Remote Work community

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  • Welcome to the Enable Remote Work community

    With more than 3% of the workforce—or around 5 million people—now working from home at least half of the time, remote work within the non-self-employed population has grown by nearly 200% in the last 15 years.? More than 70% of employees worldwide work remotely at least once a week.? 

  • #2
    I'm new to this forum, and I couldn't agree more with the importance of creating boundaries while working remotely. It's easy to fall into the trap of working all the time, especially when your office is your home. Thanks for the heads up about the Enable Remote Work community. It sounds like a great resource for anyone navigating the challenges of working remotely.
    As for freelance jobs, I think they are a great option for anyone looking for more flexibility in their work life. Remote freelance work has become more popular in recent years, and it can offer many benefits, including the ability to work from anywhere and on your own schedule. I'm always looking for new opportunities in the freelance job market.


    • #3
      Absolutely, managing a remote workforce comes with its own set of challenges. One major issue is ensuring clear communication across different time zones. Companies often overcome this by setting core hours when everyone is available for meetings. Another challenge is maintaining a sense of team spirit; virtual team-building activities and regular video calls can help. For more specialized needs, such as finding skilled developers for remote projects, companies can turn to platforms like this which connects them with qualified professionals. This ensures that they have the right talent, regardless of location, to keep projects on track and maintain productivity.

