Does anyone know of a book where i can play w/o depositing money prior to making plays?
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Where can i bet games on credit?
Whew--- You would have to build up alot of credit or played for awhile before anybody would trust ya on gambling. And that would have to be a local who is doing well and knows your friends!"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
y SPEAR,I HAVE SEEN SOME OFFSHORES DO THAT WITH A CASHRUNNER IN SOME OF THE BIGGER CITIES,PROBLEM IS LOTS OF TIMES THE GUY COLLECTING THE MONEY,once a month or once a week,whatever there deal is, HAS A GAMBLING PROBLEM AND SCREWS THE POOCH FOR EVERYBODY ELSE !! ps-saw a guy who worked for pinnacle,log on his customers accounts and blew some big figs on paper,then flew the coupe before they could collect,makes these kind of deals tough,has to be lots of trust.Last edited by WayneChung; 02-23-2007, 12:12 AM.DON'T YOU EAT THE YELLOW SNOW !!PS-MARVIN LOVES SPLIT SALAD !!