Here is the question:
With all of the hullabaloo of late with such things as Marc Cuban being fined $250K for criticizing the officiating in the NBA and Ozzie Guillen being required to attend sensitivity lesson for calling a writer a fag, 1) where do you personally draw the line as to what an owner, manager or player can say without being reprimanded and/or fined and 2) do you think that in the above instances (Cuban and Guillen) one of the tenets of this country, freedom of speech, has been violated with the penalties imposed.
With all of the hullabaloo of late with such things as Marc Cuban being fined $250K for criticizing the officiating in the NBA and Ozzie Guillen being required to attend sensitivity lesson for calling a writer a fag, 1) where do you personally draw the line as to what an owner, manager or player can say without being reprimanded and/or fined and 2) do you think that in the above instances (Cuban and Guillen) one of the tenets of this country, freedom of speech, has been violated with the penalties imposed.