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Religion help..plz

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  • Religion help..plz


    I'm not a religious person by all means but I defintely need to question this 'GOD'

    If I have a question such as why does bad things happen to good people (like Katrina), the answer is, its God testing us.

    How can anyone tell me that a child who was raped by his/her parents was a test from God? Test to who, to see if the parents can overcome their fucked up sexual wants? Or to see if that child will still believe in god? What kind of sick, fucken twisted shit is that.

    I only bring this up b/c my best friend's little sister was raped two weeks ago (not by her parents). I'm so sick of people fighting for religious bullshit. Fucken killing over a piece of land, killing by the name of GOD. Put it this way, if it wasnt for religion half of this people would have no reason to fight. To me, 'god' is just a way for people to find comfort that there is some meaning to our lives. Maybe, I'm just venting our my answer, but that doesnt mean 'GOD' get a free pass. My question is, if God is so good, HOW THE FUCK DID HE ALLOW A 14 YR OLD TO GET RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen my best friend shed a tear, but when he was telling me this, he couldnt stop wailing. If god does exist, he a fucken sadist. Watching "his children" kill, murder, rape, toture, etc.... each other. Yes, the guy was caught but so the fuck what. That doesnt bring back her innonce, it doesnt do shit.

    Why cant we just die and that be the end of that? Why does there have to be a meaning to everything?

    Again, if I have offended you, I'm sorry. But to me, God is the biggest fable, secret told by man.
    Last edited by tkim11; 06-07-2006, 04:36 PM.
    NFL Kruise

    *updated as of 9/9

  • #2
    religion is the root of all evil.
    2013 NCAA POD Record

    8-3ATS +3.80 units

    2013 NFL POD Record

    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


    • #3
      What Are U Talking About?i Worked Closely With Him 4 Years When I Was 16...



      • #4
        What happens when the winds of adversity blow in your life ? Do they flatten you, knock you down, stop your growth ? Or, like those trees, do you grow stronger ?

        I am a born again Christian and believe that Jesus Christ was sent from God to be our savior from eternal death. If YOU believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again...For GOD so loved the world , that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, that whosever believes in HIM shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE...JOHN 3:16
        It does not matter if you are black, white, Indian, Mexican, HOMOSEXUAL...have 2 heads, 1 arm, 3 toes...IF YOU BELIEVE and asked GOD to SAVE you from will be BORN AGAIN.
        Will bad things here on Earth still happen to you ??? YES 100% YES.
        Here are a few bad things that have happened to me since I was divorced...i was diagnosed with best friend shot and killed of my ex-girlfriends in college got cancer and died...WHY ???
        I don't know !!!
        But, I do know that WE all at some time in our lives have a moment where we are praying to GOD for help and we all believe that HE will help in that time of need...YOU have to go through the valley to get to the mountain top !!!

        PLEASE....PLEASE...PLEASE...believe and you will be saved from HELL.

        ...believe on the Lord Christ , and thou shalt be saved...
        ...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus is Lord, and shalt believe in thy heat that GOD raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved...

        Buy a BIBLE it is the greatest book ever written...

        Attend a church and you will see and will believe...

        I pray for your friend's daughter...I have 2 girls and there is no explanation and the sorrow, madness, questions and prayers are in my heart for the family. May GOD be with them and especially her.

        I pray for all you Bettors Chat members each and every day...not just to WIN $$$, but your life in general...I hope that someone/all will recieve Christ as there saviour and one day we will all meet in Heaven.

        ...winning and grinning...


        • #5
          Hey Tkim. First off, whoever raped your friend's sister deserves the most severe punishment he can get under the law. That kinda shit just boils my blood. Age doesn't and never matters with rape, but to do that to a 14 year old girl is simply despicable.

          Second I understand your questioning about the existence of God. It often doesn't make sense to me either. I stopped going to church when I was about 11 years old after I realized I was being taken there and not going because I wanted to be there.

          The fact is I don't believe in God, as in the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent man upstairs. However, I do respect most that do. That is their right. Some use it to do good things in this world. While others use it to commit the most evil of acts and absolve themselves of personal responsibity as "God's work", etc. These are the people with whom I have a problem.

          For me, if there is a god or God, it rests and exists here among us humans. I think God is goodness. It's how we treat each other. It's the space between me and you, you and your best friend and how you fill that space. With kindness, love, and respect. Which is what your friend and his sister needs right now. And you can provide that, whether or not you believe in "God". That is your power.
          Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


          • #6
            wait til savage gets a hold of this thread!!!


            • #7
              WHy tony why! ha!
              Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


              • #8
                Originally posted by yuri
                WHy tony why! ha!
                i am stepping off here...i have alot of work to do....and since savage knows everything....he can handle it........T minus 10 and counting until explosive conversation........

                10.....9.....8......7.....tick tick tick


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                  i am stepping off here...i have alot of work to do....and since savage knows everything....he can handle it........T minus 10 and counting until explosive conversation........

                  10.....9.....8......7.....tick tick tick
                  No explosive conversation here, and no I don't know everything about God;I sure wish I did.
                  Perhaps, when Jcindaville and I have our meeting with God, I will know more, but for now, well lets just say the questions and responses are interesting and have been posed since religion came into being.
                  I think about the type of questions raised all of the time.
                  Last edited by savage1; 06-07-2006, 05:50 PM.


                  • #10

                    Sorry about the tragedy. That kinda' stuff makes you wonder. Letting those kind of people back out doesn't help the matter either. Sorry about your friend's sister.

                    God bless man,


                    • #11
                      religion is the root of all evil
                      2013 NCAA POD Record

                      8-3ATS +3.80 units

                      2013 NFL POD Record

                      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                      • #12
                        I generally dont talk religion as i dont want to offend anyone, or seem high and mighty, cause im not. I'm a humble man with great faith in Christ.
                        Its easy to point to the bad things while forgetting the millions of good things that God gives us everyday.
                        Fast Eddie said it very well. Please please believe and you will saved. You have to understand, its faith. No way we can ever know for sure, we were not there when Christ raised Lazurus, or walked on water, its all faith.
                        This tragic event in this young ladies life could have purpose that you cant see. I know that sounds fucked up, but this event might lead her later in life to be a counselor for rape victims. She could be the difference in someones ability not to just give up on life.
                        I'm so sad what happen to that young lady, i know this sounds lame, but i will pray for her.
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #13
                          I know that this might seem more like a rationalization than answer, but to me faith, spirituality and religion if you believe are felt inwardly. Also, we all have finite minds
                          My feeling is that if someone accepts the above premises as a give, then it is impossible to think in earthly terms about matters which cannot be defined or explained with our finite reasoning abilities and intelligence.
                          Believe me, it bothers me as much as anyone that we can't explain the hurts and evils and the injustices which we see all the time(as defined in earthly terms); no matter what we believe that ultimately happens to us after we die, most of us including myself are concerned with the present, as as we all know, "life is a stage annd we are all players."
                          That being said, I myself believe do believe in the Almighty, and that we "advance" to another level (for lack of a better world) after departing this world.
                          As stated though, I am not a strong enough person to simply dismiss/explain what I see occurring every day, but do have the belief that there is a divine reason for what occurs.


                          • #14
                            I've always asked my self one question and i've never got an answer. If there is one god why is there 1000 different religions?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tkim11
                              Again, if I have offended you, I'm sorry. But to me, God is the biggest fable, secret told by man.
                              I agree. I simply don't believe there's a "whatever" watching over us and judging.

