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An Ugly Opinion Question

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  • #16
    Is there any real harm to a cat shitting in your basement in a litter box and covering it up?
    I personally would prefer that to another animal(you figure out which one), which needs to be taken out every day several times a day to do its thing and even worse will NOT use a litter box if you forget to take it outside or are away when it needs to do its duty.


    • #17
      Originally posted by wayne1218
      I was just curious. You seem open to things shitting in your house as long as you can't see it!


      • #18
        Originally posted by savage1
        Is there any real harm to a cat shitting in your basement in a litter box and covering it up?
        I personally would prefer that to another animal(you figure out which one), which needs to be taken out every day several times a day to do its thing and even worse will NOT use a litter box if you forget to take it outside or are away when it needs to do its duty.
        first of all you do not forget to take your dog out....The dog should be walked daily and it needs to do its business twice a day....Not much to ask for the companionship you get in return.....Dogs love is unconditional.....My experience with cats is they operate on their terms.......They have time for you when they need you......Very independent.....I know I know.....every cat owners cat is different....My sister said the same thing yet her house smelled like cat piss.....

        I read an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed their was a linear correlation to owning a cat (as a man) and having the urge to suck cock........


        • #19
          No fucking amount


          • #20
            Originally posted by TwoTonTony
            first of all you do not forget to take your dog out....The dog should be walked daily and it needs to do its business twice a day....Not much to ask for the companionship you get in return.....Dogs love is unconditional.....My experience with cats is they operate on their terms.......They have time for you when they need you......Very independent.....I know I know.....every cat owners cat is different....My sister said the same thing yet her house smelled like cat piss.....

            I read an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed their was a linear correlation to owning a cat (as a man) and having the urge to suck cock........
            Obviously, as in the case of most opinions, one's opinions about cats are based on one's own experiences.
            My own experiences with my present cat and the three which I owned previously (the other three all lived to be 17 or 18) has been nothing short of rewarding.
            Yes it is true they are very independent, but I fail to see why that in itself is a problem.
            In fact, during the times I was working and was single, I actually enjoyed the independence of knowing that I could be away for a while and that the worst which would happen would be that I would return to some covered shit in a litterbox rather than a mess on the floor which could happen with a dog.
            More importantly though cats (at least mine ) have always showed affection and NOT just when they are hungry.
            This cat and the other one jump on my lap and sleep sometimes, which I think is kind of nice and do like to play/chase strings, rolling objects such a balls and cat toys.
            Even my wife is amazed at how responsive and affectionate this particular cat is.
            Sure cat piss can smell even if it done in the litter box;that is why the box is in the cellar and why I spray the litter box with a litter spray twice a day.
            I am sure that what you say about cats is true with SOME cats, but I maintain if a cat is loved properly, it can and will respond in kind.
            I personally think dogs are great for many people, and I would have no problem having one some day if my new wife wanted one, although one( a neighbor's) got loose back in the early nineties and bit me in the leg(while jogging) requiring some stitches.
            Regarding the New England Journal of Medicine article, I would just say please quote for me the date of the issue, as I would like to read it.
            Last edited by savage1; 06-06-2006, 07:05 PM.


            • #21
              in 11 years my dog has not crapped on the floor once since she was a puppy.....

              maybe you are like sigmond and roy, but most cats i have seen are not like you describe......

              i am an animal lover in general, but cats are not for me....


              • #22
                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                in 11 years my dog has not crapped on the floor once since she was a puppy.....

                maybe you are like sigmond and roy, but most cats i have seen are not like you describe......

                i am an animal lover in general, but cats are not for me....
                I respect that and believe you.
                However, just as you have generalized perceptions about cats, I have some about dogs, which obviously are not always true such as in your case.
                I think though that the fact that there are probably more cat owners than dog owner in this country would at the very least indicate that many folks as myself view them(cats) as having more pluses than minuses, and as overall great pets.
                Last edited by savage1; 06-06-2006, 07:18 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by savage1
                  I respect that and believe you.
                  However, just as you have generalized perceptions about cats, I have some about dogs, which obviously are not always true such as in your case.
                  I think though that the fact that there are probably more cat owners than dog owner in this country would at the very least indicate that many folks as myself view them(cats) as having more pluses than minuses, and as overall great pets.
                  there are more cats in this country????? i would wager that cat owners are predominantly female and the opposite is true of dogs.....

                  I do not know a thing about cats, but dog ownership is very breed there are probably misconceptions based on that....


                  • #24
                    hey savage, interesting timing.....I have 2 awesome Siamese cats that are like family members since my wife and I do not have kids....I mean these things sleep in the bed with my wife, under the covers and on her pillow! Unfortunately, we took one of them to the vet today because she has a form of lymphoma and is now under 7 pounds and needs an IV since she cannot keep any food down. We have been putting off surgery because she is so small and delicate and we are afraid she couldn't survive it. My wife and I have had to have some serious talks about thwat to do because the cost will be astronomical and there are no guarantees...just seeing the pain and sadness in my wife's eyes made me realize there is no price.....even if it meant only 1 more day, we would write the check and worry about how to pay it later


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by drugstuntman
                      hey savage, interesting timing.....I have 2 awesome Siamese cats that are like family members since my wife and I do not have kids....I mean these things sleep in the bed with my wife, under the covers and on her pillow! Unfortunately, we took one of them to the vet today because she has a form of lymphoma and is now under 7 pounds and needs an IV since she cannot keep any food down. We have been putting off surgery because she is so small and delicate and we are afraid she couldn't survive it. My wife and I have had to have some serious talks about thwat to do because the cost will be astronomical and there are no guarantees...just seeing the pain and sadness in my wife's eyes made me realize there is no price.....even if it meant only 1 more day, we would write the check and worry about how to pay it later
                      spoken like a true pet or dog!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                        there are more cats in this country????? i would wager that cat owners are predominantly female and the opposite is true of dogs.....

                        I do not know a thing about cats, but dog ownership is very breed there are probably misconceptions based on that....
                        I am sure you are right on both counts, although just while jogging, I myself have seen plenty of cats in houses of married folks(obviously the sample size is so small as to not prove everything).
                        As I predicted when I started this thread, the dogs would win easily over the cats;this was based on the feeling that probaly 99% of the folks who read and participate in this forums are guys.
                        Re: cats-I don't know that much about cat ownership specifically;all of my cats were ones which needed homes(not bought), and in the case of my present one, one my daughter and I got at the local shelter.
                        I would say that from what what I know and my general impression, that I would NOT want a Siamese cat.
                        I really thibk that much of what you said/implied about cats in general applies to them-not friendly, aloof, etc.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by drugstuntman
                          hey savage, interesting timing.....I have 2 awesome Siamese cats that are like family members since my wife and I do not have kids....I mean these things sleep in the bed with my wife, under the covers and on her pillow! Unfortunately, we took one of them to the vet today because she has a form of lymphoma and is now under 7 pounds and needs an IV since she cannot keep any food down. We have been putting off surgery because she is so small and delicate and we are afraid she couldn't survive it. My wife and I have had to have some serious talks about thwat to do because the cost will be astronomical and there are no guarantees...just seeing the pain and sadness in my wife's eyes made me realize there is no price.....even if it meant only 1 more day, we would write the check and worry about how to pay it later
                          What you just said seriously calls into question what I said in my last post about Siamese cats, and I probably should not have generalized(although I am sure that what I said could and has been true with some folks).
                          ps That was a great and inspiring answer to which I and all pet lovers can relate.
                          Last edited by savage1; 06-06-2006, 07:37 PM.


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by savage1
                            Is there any real harm to a cat shitting in your basement in a litter box and covering it up?
                            I personally would prefer that to another animal(you figure out which one), which needs to be taken out every day several times a day to do its thing and even worse will NOT use a litter box if you forget to take it outside or are away when it needs to do its duty.

                            Just don't set it up in Sparks Basement........I wouldn't appreciate it, things are tough enough around here........


                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #29
                              Kaptain-I promise NOT to set up the litter box next to Spark's litter box(whoops I mean massage chair);I am not trying to pretend that cat shit/piss smells like perfume no matter how well the cat covers it up.
                              Last edited by savage1; 06-06-2006, 07:48 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by savage1
                                Then who is it in your family who likes cats if you don't mind my asking?
                                My girlfriend

