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Uncontroversial Topic

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  • Uncontroversial Topic

    This one is serious admittedly but if it is considered controversial, well then I give up.
    State in a sentence or two the most important event or day in your life(other than being born of course) so far and if you wish to go futher with this, what is your most important personal goal which you have not yet attained?

  • #2
    my goal is to stop seeing ridiculous questions asked on BETTORSCHAT


    • #3
      Originally posted by mmw151
      my goal is to stop seeing ridiculous questions asked on BETTORSCHAT
      Do you consider this a ridiculous question and if so, why?


      • #4
        The single most important day in my life was when i was in the cancer center with my mother after they said she had end stage cancer and she was in for a test and they were doing a needle biopsy and the doctor called me to his office and said,
        "Your mother does not have cancer...she has a fractured sacrum that presented like spinal cancer on the MRI"......Meant we were going to have her and we still do

        Just showed me life is fragile and change in an instant

        Most important goal is to establish another winning business that will meaningfully employ people who wish to better themselves...and to do what i love


        • #5
          Originally posted by TwoTonTony
          The single most important day in my life was when i was in the cancer center with my mother after they said she had end stage cancer and she was in for a test and they were doing a needle biopsy and the doctor called me to his office and said,
          "Your mother does not have cancer...she has a fractured sacrum that presented like spinal cancer on the MRI"......Meant we were going to have her and we still do

          Just showed me life is fragile and change in an instant

          Most important goal is to establish another winning business that will meaningfully employ people who wish to better themselves...and to do what i love

          Great news about your mom tony......

          Where in florida do you live??


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Lovedoc
            Great news about your mom tony......

            Where in florida do you live??
            i lived in ft. lauderdale 3 years ago and i am moving back down there in 2-4 weeks


            • #7
              Originally posted by TwoTonTony
              i lived in ft. lauderdale 3 years ago and i am moving back down there in 2-4 weeks

              ahhh...only 45 minutes from my house.......


              • #8
                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                The single most important day in my life was when i was in the cancer center with my mother after they said she had end stage cancer and she was in for a test and they were doing a needle biopsy and the doctor called me to his office and said,
                "Your mother does not have cancer...she has a fractured sacrum that presented like spinal cancer on the MRI"......Meant we were going to have her and we still do

                Just showed me life is fragile and change in an instant

                Most important goal is to establish another winning business that will meaningfully employ people who wish to better themselves...and to do what i love
                Very meaningful and well said; hopefully many people will read and relate to this!


                • #9
                  My own most significant without question would be the birth of my daughter in 1995(my only child so far)l, and I would there are others who would agree.
                  From my perspective, watching the birth of a child and develop both physically(walking, talking, etc.) as well as emotionally and intellectually is truly an event which cannot really be expressed in words, and obviously being only 11, she has a long way to go, which of course hopefully will give me much more to look forward in the coming years.
                  Although I guess in a sense I answered/implied part of my goals in the latter part of the sentence(watching my daughter develop further and hopefully of course be happy, healthy and a productive member of society), I think as I get older I find myself thinking more and more about the state of the world and what seems to me the unfairness and iniquities in it(terrorists, wars, famine, natural disasters, etc.)
                  I guess a personal goal would be to try to understand in my lifetime some of this and why it happens, which might be unrealistic, and then to do something in my own small way(haven't figured out yet) which would give me a sense/feeling that I actually had done something to improve the state of the world.
                  If I personally am unable to do that, at the very least before I die, I hope I will have seen others do/achieve things which would in fact have made the world a much happier, safer and better place than it is now.
                  ps Sorry if latter part seems general, but I really can't think of any other way to sai it.
                  Last edited by savage1; 06-05-2006, 12:51 AM.


                  • #10
                    MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bover1
                      Don't you do that every day? Or do you have to wear depends.

