Fellows I took the old Herbwiser out last night. My old buddy Bob he wanted some large ass . I am a little more picky.. I mean Bob has never made it with a hot chick in his whole life. We get to this club Herbie he is always looking for love in all the wrong places. He is hell on married women for some reason. Bob hooks up with gorgeous chick I thought to myself something is not right Bob has never made with any thing but a Large Marge his whole life. So I get a closer look this hot looking bitch has a adams a little to big if you no what I mean. I thought to myself this isnt no lady its a chick with a dick and Bobs in trouble.. I think I cant let him fall for this . I walk up root right in between them. Bob tells me to get lost. I said Bob I am going to do you a favor. Bob says I got a blowjob in the bag if you would get your fucking ass lost. I said Bob you goof googly eyed son of a bitch. This a chick with a dick I reached right down there and grabbed that freak right by his fucking nuts. You should have seen the comotion. One dude stars puking saying he had a blowjob the night before.. Bob couldnt believe it.. I said Bob you can hose all the Fat girls you want but Iwasnt going to let you get raped by a chick with a dick.. When things look too good to be true they usually are.
