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FBI Raid on Lawmaker's Office Is Questioned

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  • FBI Raid on Lawmaker's Office Is Questioned

    An unusual FBI raid of a Democratic congressman's office over the weekend prompted complaints yesterday from leaders in both parties, who said the tactic was unduly aggressive and may have breached the constitutional separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government.

    Rep. William J. Jefferson (La.), who is at the center of a 14-month investigation for allegedly accepting bribes for promoting business ventures in Africa, also held a news conference in which he denied any wrongdoing and denounced the raid on his office as an "outrageous intrusion." Jefferson, who has not been charged, vowed to seek reelection in November.

    "There are two sides to every story; there are certainly two sides to this story," he said at a Capitol Hill news conference. "There will be an appropriate time and forum when that can be explained."

    The Saturday raid of Jefferson's quarters in the Rayburn House Office Building posed a new political dilemma for the leaders of both parties, who felt compelled to protest his treatment while condemning any wrongdoing by the lawmaker. The dilemma was complicated by new details contained in an 83-page affidavit unsealed on Sunday, including allegations that the FBI had videotaped Jefferson taking $100,000 in bribe money and then found $90,000 of that cash stuffed inside his apartment freezer.

    Republican leaders, who previously sought to focus attention on the Jefferson case as a counterpoint to their party's own ethical scandals, said they are disturbed by the raid. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) said that he is "very concerned" about the incident and that Senate and House counsels will review it.

    House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) expressed alarm at the raid. "The actions of the Justice Department in seeking and executing this warrant raise important Constitutional issues that go well beyond the specifics of this case," he said in a lengthy statement released last night.

    "Insofar as I am aware, since the founding of our Republic 219 years ago, the Justice Department has never found it necessary to do what it did Saturday night, crossing this Separation of Powers line, in order to successfully prosecute corruption by Members of Congress," he said. "Nothing I have learned in the last 48 hours leads me to believe that there was any necessity to change the precedent established over those 219 years."

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a statement that "members of Congress must obey the law and cooperate fully with any criminal investigation" but that "Justice Department investigations must be conducted in accordance with Constitutional protections and historical precedent."

    Relations between the two Democrats have been rocky. Pelosi refused to appoint Jefferson to the chairmanship of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee after the 2002 election, and early this month she called for an investigation of his case by the House ethics committee. Last week, the committee announced it would investigate Jefferson and Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio), who is also the subject of a federal corruption probe.

    Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, asked about the raid during an unrelated news conference in Washington, declined to discuss the case in detail but said "the executive branch intends to work with the Congress to allay" any concerns.

    "I will admit that these were unusual steps that were taken in response to an unusual set of circumstances," he said. "I'll just say that."

    About 15 FBI agents, wearing suits, entered Jefferson's office in the Rayburn House Office Building about 7:15 p.m. Saturday and left about 1 p.m. Sunday. Authorities said it was the first time the FBI had raided the office of a sitting congressman.

    The FBI is investigating allegations that Jefferson, acting as a member of Congress, took hundreds of thousand of dollars in bribes to promote high-tech business ventures in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana. Two people -- Brett Pfeffer and Vernon L. Jackson -- have pleaded guilty to bribing Jefferson to promote iGate Inc., a Louisville-based company that was marketing Internet and cable television technology in Africa.

    Jefferson and his wife, Andrea, are targets of the investigation, and the government is moving closer to deciding whether to indict, according to those familiar with the probe.

    Legal experts were divided on the legality and propriety of the FBI's raid, but many said that it could raise serious evidentiary problems for prosecutors at trial. In scores of cases of alleged congressional wrongdoing, federal prosecutors and FBI agents have most commonly sought to issue subpoenas for documents rather than conducting an impromptu raid on congressional property, experts said.

    At issue is the "speech or debate" clause of the Constitution -- language intended to shield lawmakers from intimidation by the executive branch. Historically, courts have interpreted the clause broadly, legal experts said.

    Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), in an e-mail to colleagues with the subject line "on the edge of a constitutional confrontation," called the Saturday night raid "the most blatant violation of the Constitutional Separation of Powers in my lifetime." He urged President Bush to discipline or fire "whoever exhibited this extraordinary violation."

    Many legal experts and defense lawyers agreed with Gingrich. Charles Tiefer, a University of Baltimore law professor who served as solicitor and deputy general counsel of the House for 11 years, called the raid "an intimidating tactic that has never before been used against the legislative branch."

    "The Framers, who were familiar with King George III's disdain for their colonial legislatures, would turn over in their graves," Tiefer said.

    Washington defense lawyer Stanley M. Brand, a former general counsel for the House who has represented numerous lawmakers accused of wrongdoing, also questioned the government's strategy.

    "This is really an over-the-top move, and it could create some real blow-back problems for them in the courts," he said.

    But Viet D. Dinh, a former assistant attorney general in the Bush administration who is now a Georgetown University law professor, said that "the raid on his offices itself does not define a constitutional issue."

    The constitutional privilege for lawmakers does not "expand to insulate everything that goes on in a congressional office, especially if there's allegations of abuse of process or bribery," Dinh said. ". . . The fine line is whether or not it relates to a legislative process or not, not whether they've raided his office."

    The legal debate and protests acted as something of a diversion for Jefferson, whose political future becomes more precarious with every new development. He recently drew a Republican opponent, New Orleans lawyer Joseph M. Lavigne, who announced his candidacy in late April, and others are likely to jump in before the Aug. 11 filing deadline.

    Jefferson's case also complicates what Democrats had hoped would be one of their more potent election-year arguments: that a culture of corruption instigated by former Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and some lawmakers and congressional aides has infected the GOP, and that Democrats would usher in a new era of honest leadership.

    "As bad as people want to say the Abramoff situation was, it didn't lead to any House offices getting raided," said Carl Forti, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

    Jefferson had taken a defiant and assertive stance in recent appearances, but he appeared softer-spoken and more hesitant yesterday. "There's a criminal investigation going on regarding this, and my lawyers have advised me not to discuss, and I will not discuss any of the alleged facts in the case," he said, wringing his hands as he faced the cameras. "That would be extraordinarily foolhardy to avoid their advice."

    Jefferson said of his political future: "I expect to run for reelection, but that's a matter that's down the road."

    John Maginnis, editor of the Louisiana Political Fax Weekly newsletter, says he is always surprised when politicians get caught in such acts of malfeasance. "It's not a very good reflection on the state to have your congressman accused of taking bribes at the same time Louisianans are trying to get money out of the federal government," Maginnis said, referring to the recovery from Hurricane Katrina.

  • #2
    Why are ALL politicians questioning the validity????

    One reason: They are all dirty.


    • #3
      The guy is a crook its that plain and simple


      • #4
        Democrats want Rep. Jefferson out of post

        Democratic leaders worked to strip embattled Rep. William Jefferson (news, bio, voting record) of his committee assignment on Thursday after the Louisiana lawmaker rebuffed repeated calls to step aside pending completion of a federal bribery investigation.

        Jefferson, at the center of an increasingly complicated legal and political controversy with racial overtones, insisted he would not go quietly. "I can guarantee" he will not voluntarily step aside, said Melanie Roussell, his spokeswoman.

        The congressman has not been indicted and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. He is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, with authority over taxes, Medicare, trade, Social Security and more.

        Several officials said Jefferson had rebuffed a final appeal to step aside in a meeting with three fellow Democrats dispatched by party leaders. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the delicate nature of the conversation.

        Within hours, the same leadership group met and voted to remove him from the panel, at least temporarily, according to officials familiar with the deliberations. These officials said the vote was not unanimous, reflecting at least some disagreement about the case.

        Ominously for Jefferson, the entire Democratic rank and file was summoned to an evening meeting to ratify the action.

        "I'm planning to call an emergency meeting of the caucus to talk among ourselves and make some determination as to what we should do," said Rep. James Clyburn (news, bio, voting record) of South Carolina, the caucus chairman.

        A vote by the full House would be required to force Jefferson to step aside.

        The maneuvering capped a determined attempt by the Democratic leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) of California, to ease Jefferson from his position. "I feel he should step aside," she told reporters but declined further comment.

        Democrats intend to campaign against Republicans this fall by accusing them of presiding over a "culture of corruption." Jefferson's continued presence on the committee presumably would allow Republicans to blur the issue in the midterm elections.

        While Jefferson has not been indicted, two men have been found guilty in the probe.

        Brett Pfeffer, a former Jefferson aide, was sentenced to eight years in prison last month for conspiring to commit bribery and aiding and abetting the bribery of a public official.

        Vernon Jackson, 53, chief executive of iGate Inc., a Louisville, Ky.-based telecommunications company, pleaded guilty May 3 to paying more than $400,000 in bribes to Jefferson.

        Additionally, the FBI claims it videotaped the Louisianian last summer taking $100,000 in bribe money and that agents later found $90,000 of the money stashed in a freezer in his home.

        FBI agents carried out a weekend search of Jefferson's congressional office last month, triggering an outpouring of criticism from congressional leaders claiming they had encroached on Congress' constitutional powers.

        In response, Bush ordered the material taken be turned over the a Justice Department official not involved in the investigation.

        Race was a further complication in the episode. Jefferson is black, and some Democrats say that black voters could be alienated if he is forced aside.

        "The rule is you lose your leadership position or chairmanship" after indictment, said Rep. Bobby Scott (news, bio, voting record) of Virginia, who is also black.

        Pelosi recently prevailed on Rep. Alan Mollohan (news, bio, voting record) of West Virginia, to step aside as senior member of the ethics committee after questions were raised about some of his legislative actions. But he remains a member of the Appropriations Committee, with broad authority over the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.


        • #5
          It didn't take long for his own party to turn their backs on him.

          This is not a knock on democrats. It's another example of politicians looking out for themselves. Many republicans and democrats initially rushed to his defense. I guess they realize it's a potential hot bed.
          Last edited by CheechB03; 06-08-2006, 07:49 PM.


          • #6
            i guess his excuse for the 90g's was he wanted it in "cold hard cash"!


            • #7
              Cash In The Freezer, I Went Down To Lake Ponchartrain And The Fishermen Told Me It Was Catfish, I Froze Them Fish Because When I Retired I Thought I Would Have A Big Fish Fry And Invite All My Friends.........................welcome To La...... Move Over Gov. Edwards New Cellmate Coming In


              • #8
                Seriously are all these politicians smoking crack up their in washington? Iam simply amazed by this whole case. These politicians really believe they are above the law and shouldnt be able to have search warrants executed against them in their offices. I never knew about this law, and am glad its finally surfaced to show the American people even further what scumbags they all are, republician and democrat. Really if after hearing about this story, you dont go out and vote every single incumbent out of office this year and every year from now on, then we all deserve what we get in this country.
                If these guys are breaking laws, then they should be able to be investigated where ever the cops need to look and to say congress is off limits is just not right.
                This one really cracks me up "At issue is the "speech or debate" clause of the Constitution -- language intended to shield lawmakers from intimidation by the executive branch"
                Well lets see, dont break the law and you dont have anything to worry about. Unbelieveable that these assholes break the law and are now trying to hide behind the Constitution.
                Why dont these pricks abide the whole meaning of the constitution:
                "by the people, of the people, for the people,"
                Man these politicians really make me sick.


                • #9
                  Oh and i love how they want to make this about race now.
                  The guy is on videotape taking 100k, what the hell doe that got to do with race? Am fed up with people always trying to use that race card when they are involved in a crime.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cd329
                    Seriously are all these politicians smoking crack up their in washington? Iam simply amazed by this whole case. These politicians really believe they are above the law and shouldnt be able to have search warrants executed against them in their offices. I never knew about this law, and am glad its finally surfaced to show the American people even further what scumbags they all are, republician and democrat. Really if after hearing about this story, you dont go out and vote every single incumbent out of office this year and every year from now on, then we all deserve what we get in this country.
                    If these guys are breaking laws, then they should be able to be investigated where ever the cops need to look and to say congress is off limits is just not right.
                    This one really cracks me up "At issue is the "speech or debate" clause of the Constitution -- language intended to shield lawmakers from intimidation by the executive branch"
                    Well lets see, dont break the law and you dont have anything to worry about. Unbelieveable that these assholes break the law and are now trying to hide behind the Constitution.
                    Why dont these pricks abide the whole meaning of the constitution:
                    "by the people, of the people, for the people,"
                    Man these politicians really make me sick.
                    CD, well put. For me this case is not about dems or reps. It's about how corrupt are our politicians. They are ALL corrupt. From top to bottom. You know something smells when ever republicans come to the aid of democrats. Especially with all going on.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CheechB03
                      Democratic leaders worked to strip embattled Rep. William Jefferson (news, bio, voting record) of his committee assignment on Thursday after the Louisiana lawmaker rebuffed repeated calls to step aside pending completion of a federal bribery investigation.

                      Jefferson, at the center of an increasingly complicated legal and political controversy with racial overtones, insisted he would not go quietly. "I can guarantee" he will not voluntarily step aside, said Melanie Roussell, his spokeswoman.

                      The congressman has not been indicted and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. He is a member of the Ways and Means Committee, with authority over taxes, Medicare, trade, Social Security and more.

                      Several officials said Jefferson had rebuffed a final appeal to step aside in a meeting with three fellow Democrats dispatched by party leaders. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the delicate nature of the conversation.

                      Within hours, the same leadership group met and voted to remove him from the panel, at least temporarily, according to officials familiar with the deliberations. These officials said the vote was not unanimous, reflecting at least some disagreement about the case.

                      Ominously for Jefferson, the entire Democratic rank and file was summoned to an evening meeting to ratify the action.

                      "I'm planning to call an emergency meeting of the caucus to talk among ourselves and make some determination as to what we should do," said Rep. James Clyburn (news, bio, voting record) of South Carolina, the caucus chairman.

                      A vote by the full House would be required to force Jefferson to step aside.

                      The maneuvering capped a determined attempt by the Democratic leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) of California, to ease Jefferson from his position. "I feel he should step aside," she told reporters but declined further comment.

                      Democrats intend to campaign against Republicans this fall by accusing them of presiding over a "culture of corruption." Jefferson's continued presence on the committee presumably would allow Republicans to blur the issue in the midterm elections.

                      While Jefferson has not been indicted, two men have been found guilty in the probe.

                      Brett Pfeffer, a former Jefferson aide, was sentenced to eight years in prison last month for conspiring to commit bribery and aiding and abetting the bribery of a public official.

                      Vernon Jackson, 53, chief executive of iGate Inc., a Louisville, Ky.-based telecommunications company, pleaded guilty May 3 to paying more than $400,000 in bribes to Jefferson.

                      Additionally, the FBI claims it videotaped the Louisianian last summer taking $100,000 in bribe money and that agents later found $90,000 of the money stashed in a freezer in his home.

                      FBI agents carried out a weekend search of Jefferson's congressional office last month, triggering an outpouring of criticism from congressional leaders claiming they had encroached on Congress' constitutional powers.

                      In response, Bush ordered the material taken be turned over the a Justice Department official not involved in the investigation.

                      Race was a further complication in the episode. Jefferson is black, and some Democrats say that black voters could be alienated if he is forced aside.

                      "The rule is you lose your leadership position or chairmanship" after indictment, said Rep. Bobby Scott (news, bio, voting record) of Virginia, who is also black.

                      Pelosi recently prevailed on Rep. Alan Mollohan (news, bio, voting record) of West Virginia, to step aside as senior member of the ethics committee after questions were raised about some of his legislative actions. But he remains a member of the Appropriations Committee, with broad authority over the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
                      pulling out the race card when there is an obvious improriety has really comprimised the validity of such a claim...We are so used to it being pulled out now any time there is an issue with a black person, that i think it will hurt their cause and take away from its impact when it is deservedly needed.....JMHO

