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Hillary for President! What a Joke!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by ULikeApples
    Yeah, that's it. I don't know what you're getting at though, sorry.

    Also, in regards to the Bush lying thing. I just think it is irresponsible to say that without any facts to back it up. That goes for saying that about anyone. Obviously he was wrong on alot of things, i.e. pre-war intelligence, but being wrong does not equal lying.
    What I am getting at is that articles of impeachment had to do with lying under oath about Monica, whereas your statement would indicate the lying and impeachment were brought on by the Paula Jones depositon.
    Or perhaps you are saying that you are concerned with his lying about Paula Jones and not Monica;please clarify what you mean.
    Re:lying, I am entitled to my opinion based on what I have read and seen just as you are.
    ps Even if he was merely wrong about a lot of things and did not lie, then one must at least equate the importance of his competency relative to what Clinton did under oath, which did not involve the fate of thousands of people.
    Last edited by savage1; 05-26-2006, 11:57 PM.


    • #92
      you can not distinguish between the severity of 2 evils....If bush and i say if bush deceived the american people about iraq then it is wrong....

      clinton deceiving the people over monica undermines his credibility on other issues as well......How can you trust someone who twists words about the definition of sex.......He damn well knew what he was doing and all you dems say, "well it did not hurt anybody"...what it hurt was the credibility of the office he held and what it stands for.......

      maybe it did not involve lives, but there is not proof that bush decieved the public.....i truly believe he thinks this is a just cause......Whereas Clinton knew damn well he was lying.....

      One could be construed as a tactical blunder if it turns out bad....the other sheer lies and deception....So to me there is no comparison........Clinton thought with his cock.....I am surprised he could not get a better piece of ass.....


      • #93
        Tony-lying about sex (a private matter) does not or did not impact Clinton's ability to do the job(unless perhaps he was getting a bj at the exact time say a 9/11 type event took place;I wonder whether if that had happened, whether he would have continued with the bj as Bush did when he continued to read to the school kids lol).
        Seriously, I view the decision making and resultant actions and thinking processes which comprise them as the most important things when evaluating a president.
        As we all know, Babe Ruth had a less than savory personal life(drinking, plenty of babes), but look what he did on the field.
        Thus from my perspective, even if Bush was truthful about everything(a questionable assumption), then to take your argument and play devil's argument, Bush's tactical blunders alone are enough in themselves to question his competency and ability to do the job.


        • #94
          Problem was that Clinton was getting blown and sticking cigars in Monica's [ussy when he had a shot at getting Bin Laden So it damn well does effect the public! Fuck that private bull shit! Clinton disgraced the office of PRESIDENCY!
          You can live with one lung


          • #95
            Originally posted by savage1
            Tony-lying about sex (a private matter) does not or did not impact Clinton's ability to do the job(unless perhaps he was getting a bj at the exact time say a 9/11 type event took place;I wonder whether if that had happened, whether he would have continued with the bj as Bush did when he continued to read to the school kids lol).
            Seriously, I view the decision making and resultant actions and thinking processes which comprise them as the most important things when evaluating a president.
            As we all know, Babe Ruth had a less than savory personal life(drinking, plenty of babes), but look what he did on the field.
            Thus from my perspective, even if Bush was truthful about everything(a questionable assumption), then to take your argument and play devil's argument, Bush's tactical blunders alone are enough in themselves to question his competency and ability to do the job.

            you can not have it both ways savage...on one hand you decry bush's honesty and how he has defamed the office and then turn around and say it was okay for clinton to have his dick sucked because babe ruth did.....In some ways i could give a fuck that he did that....but my problem is this...he looked straight into the camera and said " i did not have sex with that women" that point he thought he was better than the american public and could pull the wool over our eyes with a formality.......i just do not know how someone of your moral fabric can defend lying.....i am sure you have an answer.....blind followers and religious zealots will always make concessions


            • #96
              This thread is gay!!! who cares who's in office... no matter what America is going down the shitter... Hate to say it but it is... Next question


              • #97
                Originally posted by BorgataRob
                Problem was that Clinton was getting blown and sticking cigars in Monica's [ussy when he had a shot at getting Bin Laden So it damn well does effect the public! Fuck that private bull shit! Clinton disgraced the office of PRESIDENCY!
                If Clinton disgraced the presidency because of a bj, then I hate to think what you would call what Bush has done to it with actions which dwindle what Clinton did.


                • #98
                  Lock This Thread Up!!!!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                    you can not have it both ways savage...on one hand you decry bush's honesty and how he has defamed the office and then turn around and say it was okay for clinton to have his dick sucked because babe ruth did.....In some ways i could give a fuck that he did that....but my problem is this...he looked straight into the camera and said " i did not have sex with that women" that point he thought he was better than the american public and could pull the wool over our eyes with a formality.......i just do not know how someone of your moral fabric can defend lying.....i am sure you have an answer.....blind followers and religious zealots will always make concessions
                    I didn't say it was right, but think relative to everything else that is happening in the world it is insignificant; as stated, it is a PRIVATE matter between him and Hillary like it would be between any other folks; thus, since is no one else's business about the sex to begin with, I couldn't care less if he got blown and/or lied about it.
                    Do you care if any of your buddies had sex outside of marriage and lied about it? I sure as heck don't.
                    The whole matter was/is petty and not grounds for anything except reprimand by his wife or whatever else SHE chose to do about it(in her case nothing).

                    ps continuation of this discussion will have to wait until tomorrow as my wife is waiting for me, and no I am NOT going to say that I am NOT going to have sex with that women.
                    See you all later on.
                    Last edited by savage1; 05-27-2006, 01:31 AM.


                    • Originally posted by ULikeApples
                      Obviously you know nothing about the Courts.


                      • Originally posted by savage1
                        I didn't say it was right, but think relative to everything else that is happening in the world it is insignificant; as stated, it is a PRIVATE matter between him and Hillary like it would be between any other folks; thus, since is no one else's business about the sex to begin with, I couldn't care less if he got blown and/or lied about it.
                        Do you care if any of your buddies had sex outside of marriage and lied about it? I sure as heck don't.
                        The whole matter was/is petty and not grounds for anything except reprimand by his wife or whatever else SHE chose to do about it(in her case nothing).

                        ps continuation of this discussion will have to wait until tomorrow as my wife is waiting for me, and no I am NOT going to say that I am NOT going to have sex with that women.
                        See you all later on.
                        again you miss my point....i do not care he had sex...what i care about is that he lied to us the american people about it....the gig was up......and yes i would care if one of my friends was having an affair on his wife if i were friends with both....enough to turn him in....NO, but enough to lose respect for him........

                        I do not get it savage......You seem to have a high moral fiber yet on this you have a double standard.......It is apparent that any democrat can do no wrong in your eyes.....

                        just be a little fair and will help your credibility when commenting on the other side (republicans).....i can at least admit that there are wrongs on the seemed to have drank the demoratic kool-aid right from bill mahers coffee cup


                        • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                          again you miss my point....i do not care he had sex...what i care about is that he lied to us the american people about it....the gig was up......and yes i would care if one of my friends was having an affair on his wife if i were friends with both....enough to turn him in....NO, but enough to lose respect for him........

                          I do not get it savage......You seem to have a high moral fiber yet on this you have a double standard.......It is apparent that any democrat can do no wrong in your eyes.....

                          just be a little fair and will help your credibility when commenting on the other side (republicans).....i can at least admit that there are wrongs on the seemed to have drank the demoratic kool-aid right from bill mahers coffee cup
                          And Tony you miss MY point-I said in my opinion he shouldn't have had to answer to to any court about the issue in the first place because it was a private matter;thus to me it is immaterial that he lied about it because as far as Clinton's ability to govern the nation, it was irelevant.
                          Lets take an example from our own daily lives as gamblers to try to get home my point;it is a little stretched and makes some very broad assumptions but I think it shows my feelinss:
                          And it revolves about one of my favorite topics-sports services:
                          Lets say you have been doing lousy on your own and you decide you want to try a sports service which has been doing well.
                          For the sake of this example, lets say you have narrowed it down to 2 of them-Wally the Winner and Honest Harry.
                          Now lets say that during the last week both say that they have gone 21-7 or any record which would equate to around 75%.
                          Now here is where the very broad assumptions come in.
                          Lets say you decide to give them both a shot as neither one is that expensive and hope that there are not many conflicts in the games.
                          Ok-so you buy both services and Wally goes 14-14 and say Harry goes 16-17 for the week.
                          Now after the week ends, you see on the internet that Wally claims he has gone 19-11 for the past week, while Honest Harry states his real record as 17-17 or
                          Now here is where the real fun starts, and the speculation begins:
                          Would you really care if somehow you knew that While Wally he lied about his record , he was a great husband, never cheated on his wife and was a model citizen or would you be concerned that he lied about his handicapping record to you?
                          Now on the other hand, would you care if somehow you were able to find out that Harry was divorced, his wife had hired a private detective to prove Harry was cheating on her and that Harry under oath had lied about having an affair with anyone? OR would you be more concerned about the integrity of stating his true handicapping record on the internet?
                          To me if I wanted to give only one of them a second chance, it would be Harry, as I would be only concerned with the ability to pick winners and be honest about his record. I would also feel that there was a much better chance that Harry had really gone 21-7 before and that Wally had lied about that slso.
                          Thus, I wouldn't care AT ALL from a business point of view what either of them had done in their private lives, as it had no bearing on the way they conduct their business as a handicapper.
                          I feel a politician including Clinton should be evaluated the same way.
                          If you didn't like his policies,ok, I can go along with that, but not because he lied about a private matter, which was no one else's business to begin with(excepting his wife of course).
                          Last edited by savage1; 05-27-2006, 10:16 AM.


                          • ps If I had to consider friendship with them as possible friends, I would not choose either of them. I wouldn't want Clinton as a friend either(I didn't say not as a president) for the same reason.
                            Last edited by savage1; 05-27-2006, 10:27 AM.


                            • are missing my point......i say character matters and i do not think that you can have it on the job but not in your personal life...there is crossover.......

                              i guess what i think you are saying is that you do not care what type of things a scumbag does in his personal long as he gets the job done......

                              so i imagine it would be okay if he viewed kiddie porn so long as he won you money.....where do you draw the line on character???? again...i do not care that he cheated...what i care about is that he lied to us...the american people.....

                              you can write until you are blue in the face trying to defend him....i do not believe you can turn character on and off.....

                              could he have just made a mistake....sure.....but admit not lie....thats more no less.....

                              i just think you are blinded by your allegiance to the democratic party......

                              i am not going to talk about it anymore....good luck betting


                              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                                i just think you are blinded by your allegiance to the democratic party......

                                i am not going to talk about it anymore....good luck betting


                                i agree 100% savage is a lost cause. the guy just doesnt even rationalize even one bit. I live in a blue state and have plenty of Dem friends and my wife kelly is a bleeding heart liberal. And you know what none of them nearly hate bush like savage does. i kid you not savage would prolly vote for hitler for US president over bush. thats how fucked up savage is.
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