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Bush For the Hall of Fame

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  • Bush For the Hall of Fame

    Subject: D.C Hall of Fame Nominee?

    Dear Friends and Relatives:

    I have the distinguished honor of being on the

    committee to raise $5,000,000 for a monument of

    George W. Bush. We originally wanted to put him

    on Mt. Rushmore, until we discovered there was

    not enough room for two more faces.

    We then decided to erect a statue of George in the

    Washington, D. C. Hall Of Fame. We were in a

    quandary as to where the statue should be placed.

    It was not proper to place it beside the statue of

    George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside

    Jesse Jackson, who never told the truth, since

    George could never tell the difference.

    We finally decided to place it beside Christopher

    Columbus, the greatest Republican of them all.

    He left not knowing where he was going, and

    when he got there he did not know where he was.

    He returned not knowing where he had been, and

    did it all on someone else's money.

    Thank you. George W. Bush Monument. Committee

    P. S. The Committee has raised $1.35 so far.

  • #2
    Cool, where do I send my money?
    Three Jack's Record


    • #3
      maybe there is room for clinton's cock-head on mt. rushmore....that would be a first....since he did not know which head to think with!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by TwoTonTony
        maybe there is room for clinton's cock-head on mt. rushmore....that would be a first....since he did not know which head to think with!!!
        Maybe there should be both a cock and a "bush" on the mountain;that would be very decorative.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TwoTonTony
          maybe there is room for clinton's cock-head on mt. rushmore....that would be a first....since he did not know which head to think with!!!
          At least he had a choice between two heads. The current president is stuck with the one between his legs and little else.
          Circumstances do not make the man; they reveal him.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bdr60613
            At least he had a choice between two heads. The current president is stuck with the one between his legs and little else.
            Well there is always the old saying that a "bird" in hand(in this case in Monica's hand) is worth two in the "bush."
            ps On the other hand, two times in the "bush" is better than one of the bird by the hand.
            Last edited by savage1; 05-18-2006, 06:27 PM.


            • #7
              These threads are so damn tired. Why is it that the name "Savage1" seems to always start them? We'll all be sitting here for the next thousand views arguing over the same old crap. Enough already, we get the point.


              • #8
                Originally posted by te14
                These threads are so damn tired. Why is it that the name "Savage1" seems to always start them? We'll all be sitting here for the next thousand views arguing over the same old crap. Enough already, we get the point.
                I can always change the name to savage2 if you are sick of seeing savage1.
                Seriously, if you look over most of the threads I start, they seem to get a good number of hits, meaning, that a lot of folks are interested enough to at least read them if not respond.
                If you have a good topic, then why don't YOU start a thread.
                If the topic is interesting and/or thought provoking, I am sure we will all enjoy reading and responding to it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by savage1
                  I can always change the name to savage2 if you are sick of seeing savage1.
                  Seriously, if you look over most of the threads I start, they seem to get a good number of hits, meaning, that a lot of folks are interested enough to at least read them if not respond.
                  If you have a good topic, then why don't YOU start a thread.
                  If the topic is interesting and/or thought provoking, I am sure we will all enjoy reading and responding to it.

                  Hes a tool Savage, dont mind him
                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • #10
                    if you want a lot of views talk about something controversial...i.e. politics, religion....or put up nude chicks.....

                    or make good picks......

                    the reason you get so many hits is that politics strike a chord with so many people and it polarizes them......It is so predictable who you are going to bash...(bush) and who you are going to support....(any democrat or talking head that promotes the democratic party).....

                    i know i get suckered in each time...even though i hate politics.....


                    • #11
                      Tony-Curiously I don't see too many threads started extolling the virtues of Bush or his presidency.
                      I would love to see someone start a thread about why they think Bush is a good president;there is no law which says that only democrats and/or liberals can start political posts.


                      • #12
                        Another thread proving how miserable Savage has become and how his life is consumed by Bush. You get your political views from a wannabee comedian, Bill Maher. The same Bill Maher that embarrassed himself and an entire nation when he called Clinton and American's cowards. Yes, Clinton. When he made the comment it was before we went to war in Afghanistan. It was in reference toward Clinton sending missiles in response to terrorist attacks against American interests abroad.

                        We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.

                        — Bill Maher, Politically Incorrect (2001)
                        Savage, how you can admire any person making that comment speaks volumes about yourself. The same guy who whines because American's are dying and at the same time whines because we are saving American lives. Sound familiar? Another liberal democrat flip flopper.

                        Savage look at it on the bright side. You still have at 2 1/2 more years of misery. Then what Hillary?

                        Good luck in 2008. On 2nd thought you have a minimum of 6 1/2 years of additional misery.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CheechB03
                          Another thread proving how miserable Savage has become and how his life is consumed by Bush. You get your political views from a wannabee comedian, Bill Maher. The same Bill Maher that embarrassed himself and an entire nation when he called Clinton and American's cowards. Yes, Clinton. When he made the comment it was before we went to war in Afghanistan. It was in reference toward Clinton sending missiles in response to terrorist attacks against American interests abroad.

                          Savage, how you can admire any person making that comment speaks volumes about yourself. The same guy who whines because American's are dying and at the same time whines because we are saving American lives. Sound familiar? Another liberal democrat flip flopper.

                          Savage look at it on the bright side. You still have at 2 1/2 more years of misery. Then what Hillary?

                          Good luck in 2008. On 2nd thought you have a minimum of 6 1/2 years of additional misery.

                          While I not necessarily agree with the statement, he does have freedom of speech, and it pales in comparison with the hypocrisy, lies, deception, fraud, incompetence, etc. of the Bush Administration, which have resulted directly and in directly in the needless deaths of thousands of persons on both sides in Iraq and which has made the US the laughingstock in the eyes of the most countries of world.
                          Sadly, folks like you would say Clinton's affair with Monica is more important than that because he lied about it;"how awful." How many people died because of that or how as I implied before, how many people dies because of Bill maher's opinion and/or sarcasm?
                          Did you watch the show, and if so, tell me what he or any of his guests said which you disagree with and why(assuming you watched the show which I doubt).
                          Your obvious blindness, stubborness and passivity and inability to accept the mess the country is in now because of Bush speaks volumes about YOU.
                          And don't worry the Dems won't nominate Hillary;she can't win, and they know it(most women don't like her).
                          Joe Biden would be a great choice;he has all the qualites which Bush lacks-intelligence, sense of history, ability to express his thoughts/think on his feet coherently without help and most importantly is not merely a pawn/puppet.
                          Just go on and keep worrying about trivial remarks made by Bill Maher and keep believing Bush is doing a great job.
                          Better yet join the crowd which is finally waking up to the fact that Bush isn't getting it done, and at the same time, tune in Bill Maher-you might learn something and/or at least hear something which might make you think.
                          ps Why don't you be the one to start a rah-rah thread about Bush and all the "good" he has done for this country and the world.
                          Last edited by savage1; 05-19-2006, 10:22 AM.


                          • #14

                            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by savage1
                              While I not necessarily agree with the statement, he does have freedom of speech, and it pales in comparison with the hypocrisy, lies, deception, fraud, incompetence, etc. of the Bush Administration, which have resulted directly and in directly in the needless deaths of thousands of persons on both sides in Iraq and which has made the US the laughingstock in the eyes of the most countries of world.


                              Why why why to you solely bame bush for thousands dying????? I like you i really do, but i'm continuing to prove you wrong here. Bush had the exact same intel as all of congress. Bush went to congress Dem/Rep alike and they all voted and agreed to go to war. Now that the war isnt going as expected, Dem's are trying to flip flop and lay all the blame on Bush. It wasnt just him. Why do you think people are that ignorant? You only make yourself and your arguements look foolish. I'm not even a big bush backer. But to lay the blame on bush and bush only is totally laughable. I'll agree that the war is bush's fault once you Agree with me that it was the D parties fault that thousands died in Iraq as well. Its everyone's fault.
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