Comparing Sadaam and Hitler is not even close. Hitler wanted rid of all of the Jewish people and killed millions.
its not even close. Please put down wayne's bong. Saddam and his son's killed over 40,000 people living in their own country. But i'm sure W is a far worse guy than saddam is right?? you people crack me up
Only Britian would back us on going to war in Iraq. Everyone else was outraged. Now he's doing the same shit with Iran. Meanwhile North Korea has nukes and shit has been done about it.
IMO the only reason we havent attacked iran,n korea is because W wont get the support from the D in congress and he knows they will only rip him on doing it as they did with Iraq yet they all voted for it just like bush did. You cant vote for something then 3yrs later double back and flip flop.....O wait i guess you can if your a Dem
the economy is doing well.....i mean well is relative i suppose and depends who you talk to....unemployment is down,housing has made many people wealthy, stock market is back up....(each administration will take credit for this, but i think it generally is 2 years behind policy change)
TTT this is all fact. your right but what does the media focus on??? They focus on so called "wire tapping", high gas prices, and the war on terror.
1000 Days. That's how many days are left in the Bush presidency.
In the last few days Vice President Al Gore and DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel have written to you asking for your support of our "1000 Days Campaign." Your response has been overwhelming. We met our goal of $150,000 thanks to Democrats from across America rising to the challenge and supporting our campaign at unprecedented levels.
But, right now, I am more interested in another number -- 194 days. 194 days until voters go to the polls in the congressional mid-term elections and are given the chance to stop the Bush agenda cold and restore accountability to our government by electing a new Democratic Majority to the U.S. House of Representatives.
It's clear that Democrats have the momentum going into the 2nd quarter. The American people are fed up with the incompetence, corruption and willful negligence of the Republican Party. They are responding to our message for change and accountability by supporting our candidates at historic levels.
In more than a dozen races, Democratic challengers have raised more money in the first quarter than Republican incumbents. And, in no case does a Democratic Member of Congress have less money on hand than their Republican challenger. In open seats, Democratic candidates dominated the first quarter fundraising period.
This spring, the financial support from grassroots Democrats has been extraordinary. Thanks to you, the DCCC has broken all fundraising records and the days of being buried under an avalanche of Republican special interest money are behind us. For the first time in our history we are going toe-to-toe with the fundraising of the Republican Party.
You can be certain that Republicans are going to shake down all their special interest campaign contributors to try and buy their majority. Now, with the decision to put Karl Rove back in charge of their campaign, the vicious, personal assaults and divide and conquer tactics of their past campaigns will be deployed for full effect.
The outcome of the 2006 election will determine the kind of country we live in not just for the next two years, but for a generation to come. Democrats are campaigning on the values and ideals that unite our country, rather than the issues that divide it.
With a Democratic majority in Congress we will be able to work for the American people, not at their expense. We will make energy independence a national priority, while acting to protect our environment and our natural heritage. We will reform the confusing Republican health care plan written for and by the big drug and insurance companies and focus on providing affordable, accessible health care to America's families. We will demand a strategy for success in Iraq. And we will hold all branches of our government accountable in a bipartisan manner.
Thank you for helping us keep our momentum and keep the Republicans on the defensive.
Together, we will win a Democratic majority and take America in a new direction.
Onward To a Great Democratic Victory!
Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader
PS: Only a Democratic House will have the power to hold the President accountable, rather than rubber-stamping his agenda and covering up the result. The DCCC is the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to support Democratic House candidates every step of the way. Continue to support the DCCC today.
One thing was mentioned last night on the show which deserves merit-the 18 page leader sent by Iran to the US.
As was said this is at the very least an opening for discussion, but of course Georgie is so set in his ways that he wants to so things his way because god told him to do so, that he doesn't even want to consider any type of discussion with Iran.
By my way of thinking, even though Iraq's leader is an lunatic, Bush should take off his blinkers and at least respond instead of continuing the failed policies which led to the mess we are presently in in Iraq.
ps I totally disagree with Rwall's assessment that we had a right to protect the people of Iraq.
Iraq is a total culture and society;rebellion historucally comes from within and not because someone like Bush decides to invade it;keep in mind also that the initial reason for the invasion had nothing to do with freeing the Iraqis-it had to do with the supposed WMD'S.
Thus it could be argued that "freeing" the Iraqis is nothig more than a weak rationalization on the part of the Bush Administration.
In any event the country is still a mess and will remain in a state of civil war once the US pulls out.
Don't get my started on Katrina, another abysmal failure in the 'legacy" of this dolt they call a president.
how is a hurricane W fault??? how was the response his fault??? state and local gov't fail miserabley and yet to fail to mention that in the above statement?? D mayor jackass ray nagin of New Orleans had 4,000 school buses left sitting in the bus lot when 1 day prior he could have ordered them to pick up people to get them out of the city. O and why did nagin flee to Dallas,tx while he ignorantly left his people to die?
And the last part of what you said is correct and that applies to both sides.
I haven't defended Bush other then to say A LOT of the things you left wingers constantly complain about isn't the total responsibility of ONE person.
Are the Republicans on this board going to post link for Rep fundraising?
And when complainging about Katrina, why is Nagin's name ALWAYS left out. Yet Bush was supposed to drive the buses from NO to get everyone to safety eh?
Personal responsibility at it's finest!
how is a hurricane W fault??? how was the response his fault??? state and local gov't fail miserabley and yet to fail to mention that in the above statement?? D mayor jackass ray nagin of New Orleans had 4,000 school buses left sitting in the bus lot when 1 day prior he could have ordered them to pick up people to get them out of the city. O and why did nagin flee to Dallas,tx while he ignorantly left his people to die?
How can you fail to see that appointing your old buddies to head agencies like FEMA is grossly negligent. I mean, head of the Arabian Horse Association? Gimme a break!
That's real experience to head up the nation's disaster response ream!!! Come on! It's so frustrating the incompetence and stupidity that Georgie gets away with. Like the slow kid who can't hit the ball just right.
Damn I was up late typing like a madman. Now I'm doing it again! Thanks Savage!
Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers