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Bill Maher

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  • #61
    "Republican who more often then not is not a good debater."

    SO you are saying each and every time these poor hack Republican debaters willing go on to this liberal show and under perform?
    That's quite a streak!
    Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


    • #62
      Originally posted by shoeman530
      I am not going to get in the middle of the argumant hear about the Dems and Pres Bush - but the fact that you think Bill Maher's show is one to get all the facts or "TRUTH" as you say is ridiculous. He loads his panel with people who will say exactly what he wants to hear and adds one Republican who more often then not is not a good debater. He was a hack comedian who got his own shows because the liberals love to hear him bitch and whine.

      Savage said he's not a comedian but one of the finest political minds to ever attempt to enlighten the stupid people. His show is filled with NOTHING but FACTS!!


      • #63
        Originally posted by winner
        Remember though, he represents you too. And of course you can laugh, you just can't change anything.
        He does not represent me. He represents the government of the United States. And does it quite poorly.
        Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


        • #64
          Originally posted by savage1
          Time to retire the evening;its too bad that somehow Bush and his Administration can't be retired also.

          Good night Savage. Get some rest and fill us in on how the services did tonight please!!


          • #65
            Originally posted by yuri
            He does not represent me. He represents the government of the United States. And does it quite poorly.
            For the people, by the people!!


            • #66
              Keep thinking that.

              For the lobbyists, by the lobbyists.
              Let's be real.
              Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


              • #67
                Originally posted by shoeman530
                I am not going to get in the middle of the argument here about the Dems and Pres Bush - but the fact that you think Bill Maher's show is one to get all the facts or "TRUTH" as you say is ridiculous. He loads his panel with a couple of people who will say exactly what he wants to hear and adds one Republican who more often then not is not a good debater. He was a hack comedian who got his own show because the liberals love to hear him bitch and whine.
                Watch the show this week and then tell me what was said that is not true.
                If we had more discerning people like Bill Maher in this country, people who want to know the truth and are concerned not only about their wallets and taxes, then the country would be in a much better state than it is.
                Even Rove, who I admit is a brilliant political strategist, cannot help Bush at this point;only so much dirt can be swept under the rug before it is obvious to all.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by winner
                  Savage said he's not a comedian but one of the finest political minds to ever attempt to enlighten the stupid people. His show is filled with NOTHING but FACTS!!
                  I never used the word "finest." You are weakening your argument by putting words in my mouth;you did the same thing in the discussion about whether attempts are made to control the outcomes of games,


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by winner
                    Good night Savage. Get some rest and fill us in on how the services did tonight please!!
                    Speaking of "services,". do yourself a "service" and watch the show and do yourself another "service' by exploring the possibility that Bush is a BAD president.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by savage1
                      If you get any of the HBO Channels, watch Real Time With Bill Maher and his guests this week and see and hear the TRUTH about Bush and his pathetic administration;it is no wonder his approval rating is at 29%. It should really be at ZERO percent.
                      What are the times? And does it run through what day? I may have to subscribe to HBO just to hear this stuff.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                        its like michael moore. This retard bitches and complains about Chaney and haliburton yet Michael moore himself is a major stockholder in the haliburton corp. The guy is pimping his own company by bashing it, giving free pub to it. Democraps believe his line of BS and its all been disproven countless times it borders on absurd
                        Hell sounds smart as he's probably making $ and knows the company will show a profit, because of the war and the contracts that the company is getting.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                          where do they poll people??? FYI the economy is at a all time high. its never been better but what do you hear about?? you hear about iraq, gov't wire tapping and all other BS that the main stream liberal media feeds you. Wake up. that is a total crock. Are gas prices high yes, you wanna do something about it..........tell those fuckin bitch ass liberals that vote for all these enviormental BS restrictions to fuckin losen up and our gas prices will be under $1 a gallon by 2007
                          Under $1 you have to be kidding. No fucking way gas ever goes that low again!

                          The economy is not at an all time high either. If it was why are so many companies going broke, mergering etc. And the unemployment rate is higher than what they say too.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                            i never said bush was the man. My whole point is the D party is a fuckin joke. They have no one who holds true to anything. kerry,hillary,schumer and on and on simply flip flop on everything. take a freakin stand and stick to it. maybe then you might just win the office
                            All Politicians are liars, however the republicans have always stuck together on voting while the democrats do sway back & forth.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                              yeah and beyond that forget about criticizing what they need is someone that has issues they believe in. thats my whole point. D party simply wants to raise our taxes and never give a answer to a problem. Dont tell me a line of BS please if your gonna have a stance please just voice it and dont flip flop in a year cause its the "in thing"
                              No new taxes= Republican then came taxes c'mon wake up.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by savage1
                                Great post. What an embarrassment to have a president who has no sense of history, can't give intelligent answers without help,etc. He showed his true colorss when he continued to read to grade school kids when the nation was under ATTACK!!!!
                                Listen to Joe Biden think and speak sometime and compare it to that of Bush;it is akin to comparing to Pujois to a 4th stringer on a low life Class D baseball team.
                                ps They mentioned on the show that in a recent poll(sorry 10 Dime-they are accurate) 68% of people would vote for Clinton over Bush if the election were held tomorrow. I guess Georgie's popularity must be slipping a bit;its too bad it took folks so long to catch on to this guy-better late than never though.
                                Hell he knew about the first plane before he went in there to read. Then he stayed in there for quite some time after the second plane hit.

                                And when Katrina hit he finished his last 9 holes on the course. The guy has taken more days for vacation than any other President in the US history.

