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Deadliest Catch

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  • Deadliest Catch

    I'm not much for TV, but have you seen the Deadliest Catch on The Discovery Channel. I am fucking addicted to this show......
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

  • #2
    Yeah....Very good show!
    It's always noon somewhere!

    My Fish and Aquariums

    Griffey's Posted Record


    • #3

      i watch it also, some of those wave's are huge.


      • #4
        Great show, I am addicted as well.
        Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.


        • #5
          I just started watching it last week and BAM I'm hooked. I went to the Discovery Store and bought the first season.....
          Just can't get enough.
          Remember the three R's:
          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


          • #6
            I watch it as well Wally. It is a great show. I started watching these guys before it was a series. Every now and then Discovery would air the documentary and I'd watch it every time.

            One thing .... They couldn't pay me enough money to go out there for that!!!
            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


            • #7
              My son an i watch it all the time .. He's 7


              • #8
                Originally posted by rwall
                I just started watching it last week and BAM I'm hooked. I went to the Discovery Store and bought the first season.....
                Just can't get enough.

                Why dont you give up your day job and go catch crabs. lol.
                2007 BCS and 2009 BCS CHAMPS
                2006 & 2007 NCAA MENS BASKETBALL CHAMPS
                2008 & 2010 RAYS BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAMPS


                • #9
                  When does it come on
                  Questions, comments, complaints:


                  • #10
                    I watch it all the time too, but damn that's a hard way to make money, there's so many things that can go wrong that can get you killed, and they work such long hours, the worst part is when it's wintertime, it's amazing.

                    but they get some killer checks for a few weeks (or days) work.
                    boxing 7-3 +12.95 units


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jcindaville
                      When does it come on
                      New Episodes -- Tuesday @ 8:00 PM CDT -- Discovery Channel

                      Re-Runs -- Sunday @ 7:00 PM CDT -- Discovery Channel
                      "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                      is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lsufan
                        I watch it as well Wally. It is a great show. I started watching these guys before it was a series. Every now and then Discovery would air the documentary and I'd watch it every time.

                        One thing .... They couldn't pay me enough money to go out there for that!!!

                        Yeah , No fuckin' way I'd go out !! I liked the episode where they put the pipe on the other boats line.... LMAO !! that's RAW man....

                        I watched "I Shouldn't Be Alive" for the first time last week ....guys stranded in the middle of the Sea of Cortez near Baja .....pretty whacked show also !!


                        • #13
                          "I shouldnt Be Alive" is awesome! I saw one episode where a dude gets lost in the snowy mountains in Turkey with his son and had to leave his son to find help. Son got frost bite on his feet, and both hadn't eaten for weeks. One word...FUCKED

                          The Deadliest catch is crazy. I would go out for the King crab season but not a chance in hell for the small crabs. OMG, in one episode the whole boat was covered in ice.
                          NFL Kruise

                          *updated as of 9/9


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lsufan
                            New Episodes -- Tuesday @ 8:00 PM CDT -- Discovery Channel

                            Re-Runs -- Sunday @ 7:00 PM CDT -- Discovery Channel

                            Thanks Jimmy, i will DVR so i dont miss them
                            Questions, comments, complaints:


                            • #15

                              "Deadliest Catch" 3 stars quit Discovery show

                              By Matthew Belloni
                              Wed Sep 29, 2:11 AM PDT

                              A trio of stars of Discovery's hit reality series "Deadliest Catch" have left the show.

                              Capts. Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand -- who were sued earlier this month by Discovery for allegedly not performing work on a planned spinoff special -- as well as Capt. Sig Hansen, said in a statement Tuesday that they were "unable" to continue on the series due to the litigation.

                              "We have been through a lot over the past year and unfortunately given the current situation with Discovery we are unable to continue participating in 'Deadliest Catch,'" the three crab fishermen said in a joint written statement. "It has been a fantastic ride, and we wish the best to all of the amazing and supportive 'Catch' fans we have met over the years."

                              A statement from Discovery was not forthcoming.

                              The network sued the Hillstrands for $3 million claiming they failed to show up to finish work on "Hillstranded," a planned "Catch" spinoff. The Hillstrands' lawyer Jeff Cohen then called the suit an attempt to "extort" his clients and said the lawsuit could force them to sell their boats and fire their crews. Hansen, also repped by Cohen, later weighed in, backing the Hillstrands, slamming Discovery and saying, "I want people to know the captains stand together, and me and my brothers support them 100 percent."

                              Hansen, captain of the Northwestern, has been a fixture on "Catch" since its first season premiered in 2005. The Hillstrands, captains of the Time Bandit, joined in Season 2. Filming on the seventh season of the Emmy-nominated series is scheduled to begin as crab season starts in October. But barring any reconciliation, it now appears the show will be down three captains (in addition to Capt. Phil Harris, who died earlier this year).

                              Last edited by Spark; 09-29-2010, 03:05 PM.

