why? simple. because mlb let this shit with steroids happen. its their problem let them be the ones ashamed that they have a fraud as the HR king. It serves them right. He finishes in 2nd MLB walks with nothing against them. HR is prolly the most hollowed record in any sport. A fraud on top would totally make Bud Selig and MLB look like the fools that they are.
why? simple. because mlb let this shit with steroids happen. its their problem let them be the ones ashamed that they have a fraud as the HR king. It serves them right. He finishes in 2nd MLB walks with nothing against them. HR is prolly the most hollowed record in any sport. A fraud on top would totally make Bud Selig and MLB look like the fools that they are.
Go Barry
Bry, part of me agrees with you. It'll be a huge black eye for baseball. The part that does not agree with you is American's have short memories. If he breaks the record in 2 or 3 years people will forget about steroids.
Bry, part of me agrees with you. It'll be a huge black eye for baseball. The part that does not agree with you is American's have short memories. If he breaks the record in 2 or 3 years people will forget about steroids.
i disagree. If he doesnt break the record people will tend to let the steroid era be. if he owns the record it will be up there on top and talked about and debated until someone passes him. it will forever be a tanted record. I sure hope barry breaks aaron's record
i disagree. If he doesnt break the record people will tend to let the steroid era be. if he owns the record it will be up there on top and talked about and debated until someone passes him. it will forever be a tanted record. I sure hope barry breaks aaron's record
You mean you want to hear about Bonds from now on?