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Cory calls out Barry

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  • Cory calls out Barry

    The Philadelphia Daily News' Marcus Hayes reports Philadelphia Phillies SP Cory Lidle said he doesn't believe San Francisco Giants OF Barry Bonds' numbers are legit. "What he could have done without performance-enhancing drugs - which he hasn't been proven guilty of (using), which I'm not buying - you can maybe take what he had done in his prime, before his head started growing at an enormous rate, and just make those projections… maybe it's 550 home runs. I don't know. It definitely wouldn't have been anything close to 700," Lidle said." "The reason I'm not scared to speak out is - I don't think he's a dumb person - basically, he had decisions to make. Whether he wanted to treat people good or treat people bad. Whether he wanted to pump drugs into his body or stay clean. I believe he chose the (former)."

  • #2
    Wow finally someone speaks out.


    • #3
      theres one player I now respect a hell of a lot.....Mr Lidle......

      what a man----to step up and say hats off to ya....kapt

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #4
        Why doesnt Barry just say he did it and that he made a mistake? So easy and people would leave him alone. Everybody knows he did it, why not just get it over with...what a bitch
        NFL Kruise

        *updated as of 9/9


        • #5
          Lidle is a very smart man...why not voice what we have an america as citizens, your opinion...its not like he can get suspended for stating his thoughts...very good by lidle to come out and say what he think i commend might start to see more and more players voice their thoughts about barrys situation agreeing with lidle
          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


          • #6
            Bone chips in his arm, bone on bone is knee, and he hit an absolute bomb last night. Is he on steriods this year? I'm a San Francisco Giants fan and biased as hell, so don't take this the wrong, but honestly, do people think he's taking steriods this year?


            • #7
              Originally posted by BigWeiner
              Bone chips in his arm, bone on bone is knee, and he hit an absolute bomb last night. Is he on steriods this year? I'm a San Francisco Giants fan and biased as hell, so don't take this the wrong, but honestly, do people think he's taking steriods this year?
              No, but that hasn't got anything to do with the previous years and the fact that he wouldn't be near any records. Like they were talking on ESPN last night they said he probably would have hit 550 HR's at most in his career if no steroids.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BettorsChat
                No, but that hasn't got anything to do with the previous years and the fact that he wouldn't be near any records. Like they were talking on ESPN last night they said he probably would have hit 550 HR's at most in his career if no steroids.
                I don't disagree with that at all. He would've hit fewer homeruns, I don't think there's any doubt about that, but I still think it's impressive that he's hitting monster homeruns, today, with all the injuries, and he's being tested for steriods, so unless he's still using some undectable steriod, he's still an animal and still the most feared player in baseball, that's pretty amazing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BigWeiner
                  Bone chips in his arm, bone on bone is knee, and he hit an absolute bomb last night. Is he on steriods this year? I'm a San Francisco Giants fan and biased as hell, so don't take this the wrong, but honestly, do people think he's taking steriods this year?
                  HELL YEAH I DO!!!!!!

                  The world of blood doping and steroids has always been years ahead of the testing. There will always be new and "improved" designer steroids and growth hormones as long as there is a market for them. And as long as there is the Olympics and Professional athletics (to name just 2) they will keep improving to beat the tests.
                  I also believe that with the amount of money Bonds has at his disposal he will ALWAYS have access to these drugs.

                  But I am biased the other way....I can't FUCKING stand the arrogant prick.
                  Remember the three R's:
                  Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rwall
                    HELL YEAH I DO!!!!!!

                    The world of blood doping and steroids has always been years ahead of the testing. There will always be new and "improved" designer steroids and growth hormones as long as there is a market for them. And as long as there is the Olympics and Professional athletics (to name just 2) they will keep improving to beat the tests.
                    I also believe that with the amount of money Bonds has at his disposal he will ALWAYS have access to these drugs.

                    But I am biased the other way....I can't FUCKING stand the arrogant prick.
                    If that's the case, then I'm sure hundreds of players are still using steriods. I realize why Bonds is hated, and I hate plenty of other athelets, like Kobe Bryant, for example. Dude cheated on his pregnant wife by raping some girl and he'll be in the Hall of Fame. Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were roid heads and look how they went out, one was crying (he might as well have had a gun to his head in a white bronco) and the other just vanished of the face of the earth. Barry Bonds limps to the plate and hits bombs of second story McDonalds signs.


                    • #11
                      i am praying that bonds beats Aaron's record.
                      2013 NCAA POD Record

                      8-3ATS +3.80 units

                      2013 NFL POD Record

                      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BigWeiner
                        If that's the case, then I'm sure hundreds of players are still using steriods.
                        I have NO doubt in my mind this is true.....

                        I think Bonds is one of the most talented to EVER play the game.....But ethically he is a zero and he has become terrible for the game.

                        Getting back to his current conditions and homers, I don't think he can come off now. ALL eyes were going to be on him this year, If he fell on his face and stopped hitting home runs then we would all know he was juicing so he can't stop.

                        This may also sound crazy but I don't truly believe he's as injured as he says. Built in excuses. (this is my BIASED opinion though)
                        Remember the three R's:
                        Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                        • #13
                          GO BARRY Break Aaron's record
                          2013 NCAA POD Record

                          8-3ATS +3.80 units

                          2013 NFL POD Record

                          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rwall
                            I have NO doubt in my mind this is true.....

                            I think Bonds is one of the most talented to EVER play the game.....But ethically he is a zero and he has become terrible for the game.

                            Getting back to his current conditions and homers, I don't think he can come off now. ALL eyes were going to be on him this year, If he fell on his face and stopped hitting home runs then we would all know he was juicing so he can't stop.

                            This may also sound crazy but I don't truly believe he's as injured as he says. Built in excuses. (this is my BIASED opinion though)
                            I don't think he could get away with faking a bone on bone knee and bone chips in his elbow, but I could be wrong. You're probably right about the steriods, I'm still kicking myself for not writing a book about steriods in major league baseball 10 years ago. I can't believe people are actually acting surprised about all this info. If they wanted to do something about it, they shoud've put an end to it along time ago, but they didn't and they let it happen, and Bonds hit 700 homeruns, so baseball needs to deal with what they let happen. It was good for baseball at that time, and now it's not good for baseball.

                            If being married and having sex with random girls was ok, would you do it? If steriods wasn't illegal, and everyone was doing it, was it wrong? In either scenerio you'd be called a cheater, but if cheating is good for baseball or your sex life, is it wrong? Some people would argue that steriods was bad for baseball, they'd also probably argue that having sex with random girls would be bad for you. I disagree.


                            • #15
                              The amazing thing with this whole steriods scandal is, if you look at the players (mostly minor leaguers) that have been suspended, I think the number is around 70% of them have been pitchers! Bonds juiced, so did a number of major leaguers and probably a good number of the pitchers he hit bombs off of! Why doesn't anyone throw a fit over Clemens? Bonds is being penalized because he is the most talented cheater out there. I hate the guy, but I think this whole isse is rather comical...if he was a 'good guy' and not a jack-ass, I don't think there would be this uproar about a roider breaking the record.
                              Three Jack's Record

