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Price of Gas Question....

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  • Price of Gas Question....

    What am I missing...I just paid $3.59 for a gallon of milk. Why is not as big an issue than a gallon of gas? Milk isn't as big a necessity as gas, but it is a staple item. We import most of our oil but most of our milk is domestic. So why does this not get everyone's ire up?
    Three Jack's Record

  • #2
    The only good deal these days is the $1 double cheeseburger at mcdonalds.


    • #3
      Because for most of us, we need gas every single day. In today's America most people work a good distance from where they live. Unless you work on a farm. So spending money on gas just for commuting is very frustrating, considering most of America is not in the middle class. Those in the lower classes have it even tougher. The more money they spend on gas, the less money they spend on food, housing, and "living" essentials.
      Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


      • #4
        Originally posted by JBC13
        The only good deal these days is the $1 double cheeseburger at mcdonalds.



        • #5
          Originally posted by yuri
          Because for most of us, we need gas every single day. In today's America most people work a good distance from where they live. Unless you work on a farm.



          • #6
            Originally posted by yuri
            Because for most of us, we need gas every single day. In today's America most people work a good distance from where they live. Unless you work on a farm. So spending money on gas just for commuting is very frustrating, considering most of America is not in the middle class. Those in the lower classes have it even tougher. The more money they spend on gas, the less money they spend on food, housing, and "living" essentials.
            I agree, I guess I know the answer to my own question. I am as outraged as everyone else about the price of gas, but when I bought a gallon of milk last night, it dawned on me that milk seems to be a lot easier to produce and it is produced why would it be so expensive?
            Three Jack's Record


            • #7
              Every think is a raquet!
              Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


              • #8
                The rise in price is directly tied to the rise in gas. The milk may be produced here, but must be transported via truck, which must use the high priced gas. Domino effect
                2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                21 - 20 - 0

                2012 - 2013 NFL

                14 - 10 - 1


                • #9
                  Same thing for airline travel and the price of tickets.
                  Everybody buy a bicycle!
                  Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


                  • #10
                    i hear all makes sense. I was just thinking driving home about how and where milk is produced/transported/sold versus gas and how/where produced/transported/sold and on the surface, milk should cost half as much as would think.
                    Three Jack's Record


                    • #11
                      my fellow americans, if you want to feel better about gas prices think about the situation in other countries, here in Madrid, Spain, 1 gallon of gas is $6.06. Why donĀ“t you post some goos picks, so we can use our cars!!!
                      I know nothing about baseball, but I enjoy gambling


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Three Jack
                        What am I missing...I just paid $3.59 for a gallon of milk. Why is not as big an issue than a gallon of gas? Milk isn't as big a necessity as gas, but it is a staple item. We import most of our oil but most of our milk is domestic. So why does this not get everyone's ire up?
                        Where are you buying milk at? Milk is $ 2.49 a gallon in WI.
                        for 1%. Sounds like the store or convenience store is making the money. I can guarantee you it's not the farmer.



                        • #13
                          Figure what a gallon of water is.. when you buy it in a 20 oz bottle at 7-11 for $1.29 ... around $18.00 a gallon .. but we do it every day ... No one bitches ... I live in West Texas .. I don't like paying $3.00 a gallon for gas .. but when it helps feed my family ... I can live with it ..
                          NOW LETS KICK ASS TODAY
                          (((( NLKAT ))))


                          • #14
                            I get milk at Costco for $1.90 a gallon. However, if you buy a name brand like Kemps it's around $3.50 a gallon at the grocery store. Milk tastes the same, wonder why Kemps charges so much!

                            We needs to start using E85 fuel in the future so we don't have to depend on other countries for oil.
                            Posted record as of 03/12/08:

                            NBA 35-33 -.22 units
                            NCAA Basketball 12-14-1 -3.08 units


                            • #15
                              I'm sure if everyone had to drink 25-30 gallons of milk a week you would hear some bitching .... But then again, I'm pretty sure the leading "milk company" is not profiting $36 billion a year.
                              "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                              is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

