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  • moussaui

    gets life in prison without parole. what does it take to kill someone these days??
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  • #2
    Man, I don't know. I have mixed emotions here. No one wanted him to die more than me but I understood the part about not making him a martyr. But at $100,00 per year to house him in a maximum security prison? I don't think the taxpayers wanna foot that bill.


    • #3
      A Lot!! Prisons are full down here to the point that they have too release the less criminal ones. Or hold them in questioning rooms with a guard outside.


      • #4
        That's ridiculous. He needs the death penalty!!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by kbsooner21
          That's ridiculous. He needs the death penalty!!!!!
          There's a lot of them that need it and have it that go on living out there lives in prison.


          • #6
            Jury Spares Moussaoui's Life
            Admitted al-Qaida Conspirator Gets Prison Sentence for Role in 9/11
            By MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN, AP

            ALEXANDRIA, Va. (May 3) - A federal jury rejected the death penalty for al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui on Wednesday and decided he must spend life in prison for his role in the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history.

            After seven days of deliberation, the nine men and three women rebuffed the government's appeal for death for the only person charged in this country in the four suicide jetliner hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001.

            Three jurors decided Moussaoui had only limited knowledge of the Sept. 11 plot and three described his role in the attacks as minor, if he had any role at all.

            Moussaoui, as he was led out of the courtroom after the 15-minute hearing, said: "America, you lost. I won." He clapped his hands as he was escorted away.

            The verdict came after four years of legal maneuvering and a six-week trial that put jurors on an emotional roller coaster and gave the 37-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan descent a platform to taunt Americans. The judge was to hand down the life sentence Thursday morning, bound by the jury's verdict.

            The jury did not reach the unanimity required for a death sentence. Whether jurors were split on that question or unanimous on a life sentence was not announced.

            The jury did agree unanimously that Moussaoui "knowingly created a grave risk of death" for more than the intended victims of Sept. 11 and committed his acts with "substantial planning" - accepting"two of the aggravating factors necessary for a death sentence.

            But they did not give sufficient weight to those findings to reach a death sentence, balancing them against mitigating factors offered by the defense. Jurors did not, however, accept defense arguments that Moussaoui was mentally ill.


            • #7
              The thing is, these fanatics aren't worried, or afraid to him it probably would have been more "honorable". Let him rot in prison.....he isn't that old....and trust me, he will have a tough time if he is in the general population.


              • #8
                If the guy was found guilty and the options are life in prison or the death penalty....his choice was to be put to death..... WHY do we still have hearrings and decide differently.
                Remember the three R's:
                Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gookis
                  The thing is, these fanatics aren't worried, or afraid to him it probably would have been more "honorable". Let him rot in prison.....he isn't that old....and trust me, he will have a tough time if he is in the general population.
                  I agree ... death would be too easy for this asshole ... lets see how he does the next 40 years ...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spark
                    I agree ... death would be too easy for this asshole ... lets see how he does the next 40 years ...
                    I disagree, I think we could use those three hots a cot and cable tv on some other asshole rather then this piece of shit.....
                    I would however agree with you if they still had chain gangs, but the panty waste liberals think that's cruel and unusual.
                    Remember the three R's:
                    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                    • #11
                      they want to be matyrs, but they also believe you go into the afterlife like you left this one, so you remove a few body parts, and then voila' bye bye 'hero'.
                      boxing 7-3 +12.95 units


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rwall
                        I disagree, I think we could use those three hots a cot and cable tv on some other asshole rather then this piece of shit.....
                        I would however agree with you if they still had chain gangs, but the panty waste liberals think that's cruel and unusual.
                        that is the entire problem ... it is the panty waste liberals that kept this guy alive ... but in this case I am sorta glad he was not sentenced to death cause he wanted it ...


                        • #13
                          did you miss his quote in Monte's post:

                          Moussaoui, as he was led out of the courtroom after the 15-minute hearing, said: "America, you lost. I won." He clapped his hands as he was escorted away.
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                          • #14
                            They should've sentenced him to a 5 year term of being Husker's friend....that'll teach him! LOL
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                            • #15
                              Had the guy been given the death penalty it would have been at least 3 years of appeals and probably more like 7-9 years before he would have been executed. As for him getting put into the general population I highly doubt that will happen.

