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Gas price

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  • #46
    Originally posted by BettorsChat
    Where did I mention it was Bush's fault?

    And Congress and the Senate is Republican held meaning more of them on each side. So I doubt that's why anything is being done. And mileage has nothing to do with this.

    I don't think I said you mentioned it was Bush's fault. I meant most people blame one person when it's not one's person's fault. And there are some potential solutions or at least things that can be done to do better and enacting better fuel mileage standards is a step in the right direction.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BettorsChat
      If you don't think there's members in Congress getting nice perks for making things happen then you're dreaming.

      So what is being given to the decsion makers who are making gas $3+ a gallon? I DO think they are lots of perks being given to drag one's feet, turn the other way, etc. But what specifically do you know that is being done illegally to force gas to 3+? Or is it just people bitching about something they have zero control over?


      • #48
        Originally posted by winner
        So what is being given to the decsion makers who are making gas $3+ a gallon? I DO think they are lots of perks being given to drag one's feet, turn the other way, etc. But what specifically do you know that is being done illegally to force gas to 3+? Or is it just people bitching about something they have zero control over?
        Please explain to me then how exxon/mobil went from a $34 billion profit company in 2002 to a $114 billion profit company in 2005. That is if theres a free market.

        And explain why the Government won't look into it.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BettorsChat
          Please explain to me then how exxon/mobil went from a $34 billion profit company in 2002 to a $114 billion profit company in 2005. That is if theres a free market.

          And explain why the Government won't look into it.
          I don't know why the gov't won't look into it, but as someone else stated, why don't they look into the markup of bottled water, or soda? And since they aren't necessities like power, but health care is, why don't they look into those profits? I am not disputing the fact that consumers are getting raped by greedy oil companies, I just question where the smoking guns are that something illegal is going on. And I wonder if there's any other solutions other then people just bitching about it. I guess the free market is the fact that no one is forcing you to buy the gas. If you need/want it, you buy it. If you don't, you don't.
          Now I do wish someone could explain the pump prices changing when it's already in the tanks at station. That gas is paid for and not affected by speculation and trading of oil.


          • #50
            Originally posted by winner
            I don't know why the gov't won't look into it, but as someone else stated, why don't they look into the markup of bottled water, or soda? And since they aren't necessities like power, but health care is, why don't they look into those profits? I am not disputing the fact that consumers are getting raped by greedy oil companies, I just question where the smoking guns are that something illegal is going on. And I wonder if there's any other solutions other then people just bitching about it. I guess the free market is the fact that no one is forcing you to buy the gas. If you need/want it, you buy it. If you don't, you don't.
            Now I do wish someone could explain the pump prices changing when it's already in the tanks at station. That gas is paid for and not affected by speculation and trading of oil.
            Most people in the USA need gas.

            Why does the price change when the tanks are full? Simple it's price gouging. Every State Attorney General could be looking into these things along with the Government, but there not going too.

            As far as bottled water and soda prices that's comparing apples to oranges. I don't see bottled water and soda prices soaring right now or last year.


            • #51
              Originally posted by BettorsChat
              Most people in the USA need gas.

              Why does the price change when the tanks are full? Simple it's price gouging. Every State Attorney General could be looking into these things along with the Government, but there not going too.

              As far as bottled water and soda prices that's comparing apples to oranges. I don't see bottled water and soda prices soaring right now or last year.
              A lot of state don't have gouging laws as Attorney generals have looked into it. Several have found that gouging has gone on but no law on the books in that state so immoral, yes, illegal no.
              And my water/soda comaprison wasn't about prices going up but was about the markup on bottled water. If it costs 5cents to make and sold for $1, that 2000% markup. But no public outcries. No public outcries for scal/junk fees taken from mutual funds.


              • #52
                Originally posted by winner
                A lot of state don't have gouging laws as Attorney generals have looked into it. Several have found that gouging has gone on but no law on the books in that state so immoral, yes, illegal no.
                And my water/soda comaprison wasn't about prices going up but was about the markup on bottled water. If it costs 5cents to make and sold for $1, that 2000% markup. But no public outcries. No public outcries for scal/junk fees taken from mutual funds.
                Legal vs. Illegal is a very grey line.

                Like I said you're comparing apples to oranges.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by BettorsChat
                  Legal vs. Illegal is a very grey line.

                  Like I said you're comparing apples to oranges.
                  I think legal is legal and illegal is illegal. If there's a law on the books they're breaking, illegal. If no law, not illegal. Pretty simple.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by winner
                    I think legal is legal and illegal is illegal. If there's a law on the books they're breaking, illegal. If no law, not illegal. Pretty simple.
                    That's your opinion.

                    You obviously don't know what a very fine line is in the Legal field.


                    • #55
                      As I write this, a great discussion is going on about thid issue on Meet the Press. Catch it. I think program will be repeated at various times depending on where you live.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        That's your opinion.

                        You obviously don't know what a very fine line is in the Legal field.
                        Please explain a very fine line in the legal field to me then please. Thanks.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by winner
                          Please explain a very fine line in the legal field to me then please. Thanks.
                          How old are you? As you sound very wet behind the ears!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat
                            How old are you? As you sound very wet behind the ears!

                            Old enough to question someone! Can you answer my question? Thanks! I'm not getting into a tit for tat with you but you throw out comments about legal/illegal and I question you and you come back with that?


                            • #59
                              Dimers Fat
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #60
                                Bovers mom has humped 65% of BC members
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

