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  • Tigger and Monte. I'm putting up a link to a book. Its a true story about the Fascists trying to take over the US and the White House in the 30's. Its been blacked out of American history but its true and it happened. Well worth the time to read as you'll see how much it has in common with today,
    I wish the Bush supporters and defenders would read it also, they might learn how, in their ignorance, they're destroying Democracy.


    • Originally posted by gamblin1
      Tigger and Monte. I'm putting up a link to a book. Its a true story about the Fascists trying to take over the US and the White House in the 30's. Its been blacked out of American history but its true and it happened. Well worth the time to read as you'll see how much it has in common with today,
      I wish the Bush supporters and defenders would read it also, they might learn how, in their ignorance, they're destroying Democracy.
      Listen...we all get on here and strongly state our beliefs and philosophies. Some feel it deeper than others. And we certainly disagree with each other on numerous issues. Conservatives think liberals are bed wetting commies and liberals equate conservatives to nazis, etc. We all probably overdue it a bit. But when you claim a group of people are "ignorant" because they may support something or someone you don't, it benefits no one. I submit to you, as a 20 year conservative, that I want this country to get back to the "democracy" it once was where personal responsibilty mattered and it was expected than you put in an honest days work. And that democracy was set up as a "republic," not a true democracy. Don't assume you know others' intentions or beliefs simply by their stated party. I am not thrilled with Bush, but I sure as hell will never go back to the Democratic party which left me years ago.
      Last edited by te14; 05-06-2006, 03:22 PM.


      • Originally posted by gamblin1
        Tigger and Monte. I'm putting up a link to a book. Its a true story about the Fascists trying to take over the US and the White House in the 30's. Its been blacked out of American history but its true and it happened. Well worth the time to read as you'll see how much it has in common with today,
        I wish the Bush supporters and defenders would read it also, they might learn how, in their ignorance, they're destroying Democracy.
        One more careful throwing words like Fascists around. Marx believed in the philosophy of "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs." I could easily pin that lable to the Democratic party but I don't. One more for you...the Nazi party was a Socialist party. Never have figured out how Conservatives are compared to Nazis when Socialism is the last thing we want.

        My point is that these are words that automatically spark reaction. Let's stay away from that.


        • Originally posted by te14
          Listen...we all get on here and strongly state our beliefs and philosophies. Some feel it deeper than others. And we certainly disagree with each other on numerous issues. Conservatives think liberals are bed wetting commies and liberals equate conservatives to nazis, etc. We all probably overdue it a bit. But when you claim a group of people are "ignorant" because they may support something or someone you don't, it benefits no one. I submit to you, as a 20 year conservative, that I want this country to get back to the "democracy" it once was where personal responsibilty mattered and it was expected than you put in an honest days work. And that democracy was set up as a "republic," not a true democracy. Don't assume you know others' intentions or beliefs simply by their stated party. I am not thrilled with Bush, but I sure as hell will never go back to the Democratic party which left me years ago.

          Well said te14 !!


          • Damn that book is $299 on amazon.


            • Originally posted by BettorsChat
              The world isn't going to last forever
              Im sure the world will far outlast mankind.
              Maybe the we wont need to worry about gas much longer. Maybe the Hopi prophesy of a new type of energy will come.. antimatter?


              • Originally posted by swghost
                Im sure the world will far outlast mankind.
                Maybe the we wont need to worry about gas much longer. Maybe the Hopi prophesy of a new type of energy will come.. antimatter?
                What's the point of the world outlasting mankind?

                Also I believe when the end comes it will be for everyone and anything not just certain places etc.



                • Originally posted by gamblin1
                  Tigger and Monte. I'm putting up a link to a book. Its a true story about the Fascists trying to take over the US and the White House in the 30's. Its been blacked out of American history but its true and it happened. Well worth the time to read as you'll see how much it has in common with today............
                  I totally agree with you in that the American education system is fucked up from the beginning. They "teach" what they want and what side of it they'd like. Just like very little is ever said about how horrible Joseph Stalin was throughout any level of schooling through high school, but all your hear about is how bad the Nazi's and Hitler were. Joseph Stalin killed TWICE the amount of people that Hitler every did and it was his own people. But none of this is ever mentioned because Russia was consider our "ally" by the end of the war, and we're going going to talk bad about our "ally", "friend", or "family"..... BULLSHIT a spade is a spade and if someone did something wrong, CALL THEM OUT ON IT. (wow, resurrecting memories) American education system is just as corrupt as the government in a lot of ways.

                  ~~~ Tigger


                  • Originally posted by Tigger
                    I totally agree with you in that the American education system is fucked up from the beginning.
                    ~~~ Tigger
                    I'm tutoring 2 kids - one in 9th and the other in
                    10th. Both are born here but cant speak one coherent sentence let alone write one. Needless to say, their writing skills are equivalent to a chimp and their vocab is very limited. Yet they still get A's on their essay. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE? I read their essay and it made no sense. I had no idea were they were trying to say or what they were trying to convey. It was filled with sentence fragments, run-on's, etc. Want to talk about math, they dont know how to add fractions, they dont know how to draw a bar graph, they dont know how to do long division, etc. I'm talking about 3 grade math level. I do blame the school system but I blame their parents even more. How the hell can you let your child come home with a 1.0 GPA? How the hell do you think nothing is wrong with them and believe that they are going to be doctors when all is said and done?

                    I understand what Bush is trying to do with that no children left behind program but it just forces teachers to teach how to pass the test.
                    NFL Kruise

                    *updated as of 9/9


                    • If you compare Japan to America in the sense of family, they kill us. On average, a Japanese kid has an IQ of 20 points higher than an American child and I believe you are totally right is saying that it has direct correlation with the strength of the family unit within the home. More and more parents nowadays just don't care when it comes to their children. They are having kids younger and younger and they are more concerned with possessing materials than raising their own children. A lot of them would rather sacrifice their children's time and education than sacrifice the luxaries they live with (due to working the extra job).

                      When I worked in New Olreans, I was with a resturant chain and with that comes a specific stereotype of people that work there for the most part, it's a low education job that has the potential to make a handful of money in a small amount of time (approximately $80-$120 in about 5 hours) and with that level of education there is no where else that most of these people are going to get paid $20/hour. With that said..... some of these girls had kids at 18 years old, some younger..... and none of them would go straight home to take care of it. All they'd talk about is "where is everyone going after work" (to get drunk or high). It's disgusting; accidents and mistakes happen, but the second you find out you're pregnant.... GAMES ARE OVER; TIME TO GROW UP.

                      With that said... when you started your story, the first thing I thought was these kids were international students and you were helping them catch up..... it's sad that this wasn't the case. My girlfriend is not from here and came here 11 years ago.... she started school in the 7th grade (so the she had to bust her ass to learn the foundation of education) She speaks FIVE languages fluently, and will be getting a degree in criminal justice this August..... now that my friend is a job well done, but not by any means of the education system.... strictly by her and her will and discipline not to listen to anyone else (have to understand the culture) and not to fail.

                      ~~~ Tigger
                      Last edited by Tigger; 05-08-2006, 11:43 AM.


                      • Damn skippy. But these kids lack the motivation. They want to go to college but dont want to put in that extra effort. I have to start from scratch with them, from grade 3. However, how can I help someone who cheats - they cheat on the homework that I give them. I was teaching them the difference bewteen Prime and Composite numbers. Instead of figuring out, if the numbers are Prime or not, they just decided to scribble prime and composite to any number. When I told their mom about it, she didnt even seem that upset. They told her that they didnt understand. BULLSHIT!!! Mom thought that shit was my fault. Teachers dont even spend two hours on one subject let alone one part of a subject. I spent two hours going over that shit with them and before I left I made sure they knew what they were doing. I gave them 50 numbers and told them to tell me if they are Prime or not...they got 2 wrong. Now you tell me, if they didnt understand. They just didnt want to do their homework
                        I give constant report to their mom on how they are doing. She belives that I am the answer to her kids problems. This is bullshit. I cant watch over them 24-7, monitoring their school work. Isn't that the parents job?
                        Its amazing that people need a license to drive but anyone can have a baby. I would really would like to rip these kids balls off, so they cant contaminate this world.
                        Last edited by tkim11; 05-08-2006, 12:25 PM.
                        NFL Kruise

                        *updated as of 9/9


                        • agree with you.... the government can pour all the money they want into the schools.... it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Putting a computer in front of every child in America is not going to solve a damn thing. IT'S A STUPID IDEA!

                          Learning is hard, learning is frustrating, and a person has to sacrifice a lot to do it. No one wants to sit at home studying and cramming and learning, when they could be with friends, working out, at a bar, watching sports, etc. This is why the graduation rate for kids that enter college is less than 15% much less those that don't even try to go. (COLLEGE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE, but at the same time.... whatever you decide to do, do it to your best ability). This is what is wrong with America today.

                          ~~~ Tigger

                          Here is a great poem that my grandmother sent me and it paints a good picture of what I'm talking about:
                          PRETTY GOOD BY CHARLES OSGOOD, 1986
                          There once was a pretty good student
                          Who sat in a pretty good class
                          And was taught by a pretty good teacher
                          Who always let pretty good pass.
                          He wasn’t terrific at reading,
                          He wasn’t a whiz-bang at math,
                          But for him, education was leading
                          Straight down a pretty good path.
                          He didn’t find school too exciting,
                          But he wanted to do pretty well,
                          And he did have some trouble with writing
                          Since nobody taught him to spell.
                          When doing arithmetic problems,
                          Pretty good was regarded as fine.
                          5+5 needn’t always add up to be 10;
                          A pretty good answer was 9.
                          The pretty good class that he sat in
                          Was part of a pretty good school,
                          And the student was not an exception:
                          On the contrary, he was the rule.
                          The pretty good school that he went to
                          Was there in a pretty good town,
                          And nobody there seemed to notice
                          He could not tell a verb from a noun.
                          The pretty good student in fact was
                          Part of a pretty good mob.
                          And the first time he knew what he lacked was
                          When he looked for a pretty good job.
                          It was then, when he sought a position,
                          He discovered that life could be tough,
                          And he soon had a sneaking suspicion
                          Pretty good might not be good enough.
                          The pretty good town in our story
                          Was part of a pretty good state
                          Which had pretty good aspirations
                          And prayed for a pretty good fate.
                          There once was a pretty good nation
                          Pretty proud of the greatness it had,
                          Which learned much too late,
                          If you want to be great,
                          Pretty good is, in fact, pretty bad.


                          • This is awesome. This is exactly how the kids are. They think "pretty good" is good enough. When they are not pretty good in anything. I'll be sure to let the kids read this and analyize it with me. They wont understand it but hopefully, they'll get the point.
                            NFL Kruise

                            *updated as of 9/9


                            • Originally posted by tkim11
                              This is awesome. This is exactly how the kids are. They think "pretty good" is good enough. When they are not pretty good in anything. I'll be sure to let the kids read this and analyize it with me. They wont understand it but hopefully, they'll get the point.
                              EXACTLY tkim..... take college for example. Some classes are graded on a "curve". There are all different types of curves as you probably know, but one of the most common is where the professor, averages all the grades and that is a mid-C and then grades accordingly from there postive and negatively.....

                              Don't get me wrong, I have made some 'A's with this system as well and I'm glad I made them, but it's not a true 'A' in my book. Well, I'm going to try and find the story sometime tonight for you, but there was an engineering student about 10years ago or so, that graduated from I believe Georgia Tech (very decent school, especially for engineering always around the Top 10 nationally)...... went on to get a job with a firm and helped build a bridge or some huge structure of sorts..... long story short, HE WAS AT FAULT FOR OVERLOOKING A BIG VECTOR OF FORCE that later was the reason for them having to tear it down and redo the whole thing. They went back to look at his grades and come to find out, he passed physics with a 'C'....... on a curve.... he made something like a 50 or so in the class..... and didn't know shit about accounting for molecular forces. He was 'pretty good' at physics.

                              ~~~ Tigger


                              • Originally posted by tkim11
                                This is awesome............. I'll be sure to let the kids read this and analyize it with me. They wont understand it but hopefully, they'll get the point.
                                You're right, most won't..... but the smart ones will, the driven ones will, the determined ones will see the point.

                                To me the purpose of a great teacher is not only to educate the children on the basics of the subject, but to watch and see the ones that are going to excel way beyond the others.... the ones that possess more potential than the rest. And let them know..... I'm being harder on you because I see that you are above the rest, you possess more ability than the others.... I want you to strive to be BETTER than the "average".

                                In that sense when it comes to any particular subject or skill...... humans are like most species a few winners, a whole bunch of losers that THINK..... they are doing "pretty good".

                                It's been great talking with you tkim.... I have a lot to do with finishing two finals and getting things ready for graduation and such back home. I'll try to find that story for you that I said I would later tonight, and I'd love to stay and chat, but I just don't have that kind of time on my hands these days. To many other things to do. Good Luck to you buddy.

                                ~~~ Tigger
                                Last edited by Tigger; 05-08-2006, 04:08 PM.

