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Gambling/Credit card question

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  • Gambling/Credit card question

    I got a call last night on my answering machine from MC/Visa asking me about recent CC use and wanting to verify my use of recent transactions.

    Should I call the 800# and talk with someone or ignore the call? I did use my MC (my only CC) several times in the last week to fund my account.

    Any suggestions?
    NSA's NBA Game Of The Year was on Dallas -4.5 on March 31. Orlando won 108-99. It was a cloudy day for Sonny LaFouchi.

  • #2
    Call them or they could shut your card down. Just make sure who you are talking too. Dont give your card # out, unless your sure its your Credit card company
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #3
      This has happened to me also. Sometimes they will call when they see frequent charges as you said you made several last week to fund your account. Good Credit card companies will often do this if the see charges popping up one after another that seem to be abnormal. They will probally just want to verify that you are making these charges and that someone has not stolen your card. BUT DO BEWARE that it is your MC or Visa calling,,,if it is they shouldn't have to ask you for your card #. If they do then it may seem a little fishy.Hope this helps.
      #2 of 1 Morons


      • #4
        Yes, you need to call. They are checking to make sure you made the charges and that you didn't lose your card. Your transferring larger amounts that you usually charge, caught their attention. Until you let them know you made the charges, they won't process any deposits you make with your offshore. Also, call the number on the back of your card, not the phone number on your machine,. Just to be safe, although the call from the bank is what happens sometimes when they see a change in your charging habits. It's all no big deal.


        • #5

          check the 800# that they left on your recorder & see if it matche's the 800# that you have . if it's different than i would call your 800# . but make sure to call the credit card co. either way.


          • #6
            Thanks guys! All is OK. I just called the 800# and it was Citibank. I did use it to deposit some money into an account. I usually owe about $1000 per month and pay it off each month but this month it was up to $1600 and they were just calling to verify charges.
            NSA's NBA Game Of The Year was on Dallas -4.5 on March 31. Orlando won 108-99. It was a cloudy day for Sonny LaFouchi.


            • #7
              I would quit gambling.

              haha just jokin around.
              Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.

