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North Pole Meets South Pole: Earth Is Melting at Both Ends

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  • North Pole Meets South Pole: Earth Is Melting at Both Ends

    Melting Ice Caps Could Spell Disaster for Coastal Cities

    (March 2) - For the first time, scientists have confirmed Earth is melting at both ends, which could have disastrous effects for coastal cities and villages.

    Antarctica has been called "a slumbering giant" by a climate scientist who predicts that if all the ice melted, sea levels would rise by 200 feet. Other scientists believe that such a thing won't happen, but new studies show that the slumbering giant has started to stir.

    Melting at Both Ends

    Recent studies have confirmed that the North Pole and the South Pole have started melting.

    Experts have long predicted that global warming would start to melt Greenland's two-mile-***** ice sheet, but they also thought the more massive ice sheet covering Antarctica would increase in the 21st century.

    It seems they were wrong.

    Two new studies find that despite the increasing snowfall that comes with global warming as a result of the increased moisture in the air, Antarctica's ice sheets are losing far more than the snow is adding.

    According to the National Academy of Sciences, Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last century, with accelerated warming during the last two decades. Most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities through the buildup of greenhouse gases — primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Although the heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed, uncertainties exist about exactly how Earth's climate responds to them.

    "The warming ocean comes underneath the ice shelves and melts them from the bottom, and warmer air from the top melts them from the top," said NASA glaciologist Jay Zwally. "So they're thinning and eventually they get to a point where they go poof!"

    Zwally explains that the ice shelves, which the Antarctic ice cap pushes out into the ocean, are responding more than they expected to Earth's warming air and water. If the melting speeds up to a rapid runaway process called a "collapse," coastal cities and villages could be in danger.

    James Hansen, director of NASA's Earth Science Research, said that disaster could probably be avoided, but that it would require dramatically cutting emission outputs. If the proper actions aren't taken, Hansen said, the sea level could rise as much as 80 feet by the time today's children reach middle age.

    "We now must choose between a serious problem that we can probably handle and, if we don't act soon, unmitigated disaster down the road," Hansen said.

    Scientists looking at ice cores can now read Earth's temperatures from past millennia and match them to sea levels from those eras.

    "Based on the history of the Earth, if we can keep the warming less than 2 degrees Fahrenheit, I think we can avoid disastrous ice sheet collapse," Hansen said.

    Hansen and other scientists point out that a rise of at least 1 degree Fahrenheit — and another few feet of sea level — seem virtually certain to happen because of the carbon that mankind has already put in the atmosphere.

    Copyright 2006

  • #2
    Time to sell that house in the Outer Banks...


    • #3
      we wont be alive when all this shit fully takes place, neither will our great great great grandkids
      Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

      2012 CFB: 3-7
      2012 NFL: 3-3


      • #4
        Is antartica a piece of land covered in shit load of snow? If so, if that melts and we lose costal lands but we would have antarica to live at. Might be a little chilly but hey, some people still live in Maine.
        NFL Kruise

        *updated as of 9/9


        • #5
          OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
          NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
          NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


          dont call my p.o.


          • #6
            Bc - I had the opportunity of seeing Al Gore give his power point presentation on this topic a few days ago . Bottom line is that IF THIS is not Addressed within the next 10 years .....WE'RE F*CKED !!


            Gore's program is due for Mass Release this coming May ! If you have the chance WATCH IT !! Spooky Stuff.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by jackal
              we wont be alive when all this shit fully takes place, neither will our great great great grandkids

              Nice try jackal 'bout 45 yrs ! Our Grandchildren will have to walk around with Gas Mask on, if they can find a piece of ground to STAND on .
              For instance...... there could be 80 Big M , MILLION people displaced in INDIA alone . Where the fuck are they going to go, Manhatten ? The Southern half of Florida WILL be UNDER water. Ding Dong......someones at the DOOR !!



              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Foolery
                Bc - I had the opportunity of seeing Al Gore give his power point presentation on this topic a few days ago . Bottom line is that IF THIS is not Addressed within the next 10 years .....WE'RE F*CKED !!


                Gore's program is due for Mass Release this coming May ! If you have the chance WATCH IT !! Spooky Stuff.....
                Your reasoning becomes unsound the minute you reference the creator of the internet, Al Gore. We are NOT fucked-


                • #9
                  Al Gore did not invent the internet. Sorry. I actually met the guy who helped to build the internet, Reed Overfelt. He works at Microsoft now as some Mid Atlantic GM. Reed was actually the guy behind the scene buidling this shit. The Internet was actually made for military then was decided by the powers that be that a public should have their own version..guess who was the first to think of that - Reed. Al took all the credit for it. But honestly the 'leader' always take the credit for both good and bad, so I guess Al gore creating the interent is not totally false.

                  I took Enviromental Econ...this shit is serious but 10 yrs..NO WAY. That assumption is made via mathius law but that was proven wrong by the advnacement of technology thus neo-mathius law was made. Those that dont know..mathius basically said, if population exceeds (at the rate we are going) what the land can provide, we will fuck up the land and fucking up the land will fuck us up. There is a graphical reprsentation to this..its just positive slope. But the neo -law says before we fuck up the land technology will fix that shit. Problem with this approach is that technology is a contributor to the orginal problem (fucking shit up). So what came first chicken or the egg...the chicken. Take chemistry, you'll know why.
                  Last edited by tkim11; 03-03-2006, 03:46 PM.
                  NFL Kruise

                  *updated as of 9/9


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by te14
                    Your reasoning becomes unsound the minute you reference the creator of the internet, Al Gore. We are NOT fucked-

                    te - allow me to cut right to the chase ....GO FUCK YOURSELF !!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tkim11
                      Al Gore did not invent the internet. Sorry. I actually met the guy who helped to build the internet, Reed Overfelt. He works at Microsoft now as some Mid Atlantic GM. Reed was actually the guy behind the scene buidling this shit. The Internet was actually made for military then was decided by the powers that be that a public should have their own version..guess who was the first to think of that - Reed. Al took all the credit for it. But honestly the 'leader' always take the credit for both good and bad, so I guess Al gore creating the interent is not totally false.

                      I took Enviromental Econ...this shit is serious but 10 yrs..NO WAY. That assumption is made via mathius law but that was proven wrong by the advnacement of technology thus neo-mathius law was made. Those that dont know..mathius basically said, if population exceeds (at the rate we are going) what the land can provide, we will fuck up the land and fucking up the land will fuck us up. There is a graphical reprsentation to this..its just positive slope. But the neo -law says before we fuck up the land technology will fix that shit. Problem with this approach is that technology is a contributor to the orginal problem (fucking shit up). So what came first chicken or the egg...the chicken. Take chemistry, you'll know why.
                      Have you ever heard of sarcasm? Of course I know Gore didn't invent the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said that to make the point that using him as a reference is ignorant!


                      • #12
                        Tom Fool- No room for disagreement in your little bubble? You really shouldn't use such intelligent language to make your case.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by te14
                          Tom Fool- No room for disagreement in your little bubble? You really shouldn't use such intelligent language to make your case.

                          Sorry --- How about just saying ..... Your views are Cutting Edge Irrelevance.
                          That better

                          When you start off a reply with "Your reasoning becomes unsound ..." , that tends to be a little irritating .

