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MLK info? interesting

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  • MLK info? interesting

    Just received in an email and curious about anyone's thoughts. Don't know how much of it is true.

    ML King even his name is FAKE

    This is a disgusting Federal Holiday that educated citizens are
    forced to celebrate !
    It seems our country is sick

    Four things I'll bet you didn't know about Martin Luther King:

    1. His name wasn't Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided
    Luther had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never
    legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King.

    2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston
    University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done
    research on a subject similar to King's. An academic committee later
    found that
    over half of King? s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his
    degree. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that
    the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King's
    famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from
    a sermon by
    Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950's.

    3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due
    to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King
    accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In
    return, King had to
    appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern
    Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their
    ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60's ruled that
    the FBI
    files on King links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027.
    Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the
    files, so
    the bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday
    could be abolished. He was denied.

    4. One of King's closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in
    1989 in which he talked about King's obsession with white
    prostitutes. King
    would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where
    he would
    hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them
    brutally. The
    FBI agents who monitored King have also reported this. King was
    married with
    four children

    Martin Luther King Day is a day on which this country comes to a
    screeching halt so we can have parades and memorials to honor this
    man, a man that
    most of the world views as a saint for his! role in the civil rights

    - No other public holiday in the United States honors a single
    Of all the great leaders in our Nation's history-none of them have their
    own holiday;

    - All of our great war heroes share Memorial Day;

    - All of our great presidents share President's Day.

    Yet King -- a man who was a phony, a cheater, a traitor, and a sexual
    degenerate gets a day of his ! own.

    I have a big problem with that. I'm not trying to take anything
    away from
    African Americans, but I am simply trying to point out that:

    - The vast majority of people are sorely mistaken about Michael
    King; and

    - Reverse discrimination is blatantly obvious everywhere you look

    Been watching the news lately? President Bush just got himself in some
    hot water when he spoke out against the University of Michigan for
    black applicants pre cedence over more qualified white applicants.
    Now Jesse
    Jackson, the NAACP, and other black leaders are trashing him, without a
    doubt planning how they can use this against his reelection campaign.
    Think about that - Bush just made a stand for equal human rights,
    but lo and
    behold -- in this case they just didn't want to be treated as equals.

    Make up your own minds, but I feel like I belong to one of the more
    ethnic groups in this country today.

    Can I do anything about it? Absolutely not. If I dare speak out
    I'll get
    labeled a racist, harassed by the media, subsequently lose my job, and
    never be able to show my face in public again.

    But what I can do is send this e-mail to as many people I know in hopes
    that when you're watching the evening news on Martin Luther King
    Day, and you
    observe our politicians falling all over themselves to be filmed in a
    black church, you'll keep these above facts in m ind.

  • #2
    If you don'y know how much i true, why post it? By the way; you're not racist by any means.
    2009 MLB:
    23-19 (+21.72x)
    Sides; 8-12; -9.43x
    Totals; 17-9-1; +33.20x

    1-2 (-4.7x)


    • #3
      Thank you for not calling me a racist. I posted it b/c maybe someone on the board might have some input or information confirming or refuting. I didn't know there was a truth meter on the board. I guess everything is guaranteed.


      • #4
        I don't think there is any secret that he cheated on his wife, I never heard prostitutes, but I've always heard it is widely known he was a cheater.

        Can't say I've heard anything about the rest, but in my book once a cheat, always a cheat, so none of it would shock me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by twr108
          If you don'y know how much i true, why post it? By the way; you're not racist by any means.
          Welcome to speak(write) English!
          5* 0-0
          4* 0-0
          3* 1-0
          2* 1-0
          1* 0-1

          God Bless America

          To win :1* unit = $100


          • #6
            They also say the Rosa Parks happening, was set up by MLK Jr. and his followers....dont know how much I could believe that, but wierd to think...Still MLK was still a great man in his time no matter what he did in his own time.
            Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


            • #7
              Originally posted by SustainDan
              They also say the Rosa Parks happening, was set up by MLK Jr. and his followers....dont know how much I could believe that, but wierd to think...Still MLK was still a great man in his time no matter what he did in his own time.
              True that. I wont blame Pres. Clinton for having an affair and I wont blame Micheal for having an affair as well. I dont even care he plagerized his doc. thesis. His thesis didnt make him what he is today. Sad that he beat women, though.
              NFL Kruise

              *updated as of 9/9


              • #8
                Rev. Jessie Jackson advised Clinton about committing adultry and on the other hand he was doing the exact same thing...hypcorite.


                • #9
                  I hate reverse racism BS. IN school ther are ebony awareness, asian awareness, etc. But let 'white' awareness come to play..holy shit..people would automatically assume its the KKK.
                  NFL Kruise

                  *updated as of 9/9

