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Opinions On Laptops

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  • #16
    Doggie ...

    Homer deals with laptops for a living. Try and check with him as well.
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #17

      you are correct when it comes to laptops. But they very by brand. The site i gave deals in Dell PC's and laptops.
      2013 NCAA POD Record

      8-3ATS +3.80 units

      2013 NFL POD Record

      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


      • #18

        Here are my I bought a new one to replace my desktop...

        Brand: HP Pavilion zd 8000 (pretty much topshelf)

        Also purchased and to consider:
        3 yr warranty
        wireless keyboard and mouse
        upgraded RAM/memory to max potential
        backpack to transport around either to Vegas or anywhere
        Docking station (allows me to surf anywhere and drop back into dock to print items needed)
        Extra plug in adaptar (so I don't have to unplug from dock station)

        Now, when it comes to electronics things become obsolete faster than we'd like...I think this laptop will last long enough, 3 yrs? that if things change, I can give to kids...this particular laptop is like a TV...biggest screen, windows media loaded, so it's entertainment as well as functional for all the other things I do...I haven't even tapped into the TIVO portion I can do or throwing it into my entertainment sys if I wanted for music...this is what I wanted and somewhat how I use...I love the fact that the wireless internet access is available, so I can drive around and if needed tap into someone's network or any of the available one's like HOOTER's for free and get info, email, whatever...

        If I think of anything else, I'll add...good luck on the purchase...but IMO, the laptop is the only way to go...being mobile is awesome...


        • #19
          Originally posted by vinnyvegas

          Here are my I bought a new one to replace my desktop...

          Brand: HP Pavilion zd 8000 (pretty much topshelf)

          Also purchased and to consider:
          3 yr warranty
          wireless keyboard and mouse
          upgraded RAM/memory to max potential
          backpack to transport around either to Vegas or anywhere
          Docking station (allows me to surf anywhere and drop back into dock to print items needed)
          Extra plug in adaptar (so I don't have to unplug from dock station)

          Now, when it comes to electronics things become obsolete faster than we'd like...I think this laptop will last long enough, 3 yrs? that if things change, I can give to kids...this particular laptop is like a TV...biggest screen, windows media loaded, so it's entertainment as well as functional for all the other things I do...I haven't even tapped into the TIVO portion I can do or throwing it into my entertainment sys if I wanted for music...this is what I wanted and somewhat how I use...I love the fact that the wireless internet access is available, so I can drive around and if needed tap into someone's network or any of the available one's like HOOTER's for free and get info, email, whatever...

          If I think of anything else, I'll add...good luck on the purchase...but IMO, the laptop is the only way to go...being mobile is awesome...
          Thanks for the imput Vinny


          • #20
            i have a compaq presario r3000 works great. got it at circuit city 900 bucks after rebates


            • #21
              My Pops Bought Compaq W/celeron Sep 04 Runs Great Like 500 OR 550 HAS 512mb, 80gigs, Digital Card Readers, Memory Chip, UsB Front Ports From Circuity City As Well.
              OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
              NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
              NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


              dont call my p.o.


              • #22
                Hey Moondog. I have a DELL INSPIRON 9300. I love it. Its a great laptop with a nice widescreen. Dell frequently has sales with 400-600 dollar coupons.
                Good luck!
                Remember, one just man causes the Devil greater affliction than a million blind believers


                • #23
                  I have a HP Presario 2500 that is pretty simple to use. It has a built in wireless adaptor so most motels if you travel as I do provide free wireless internet. Makes it a breeze to get online and it is pretty fast also. GL in your search,,,also HP continues to alert me for free updates and I have had this one going on 3 years now,,works as good now as the day i got it.
                  #2 of 1 Morons


                  • #24
                    I bought a Dell Inspiron 6000

                    I am very loyal to Dell after having others in the past and i have nothing but great things to say about their company, computers, and service!

           gives you a nice selection!


                    • #25
                      yuri that is very true.

                      You go to google and punch in dell computer coupons and they have some great ones saving hundreds on a computer that you can use at the Dell website.

                      I used to use HP but i'll be honest in saying i never had any luck with their computers. Always problems, always. I must of had 5 or 6 of those before giving up and going to Dell.


                      • #26
                        Go to cnet and check out what they have to say about this stuff. You type in what features you need and it spits out the top picks for your needs. Pretty in depth reviews too. Then check it out at a store if possible and then return to online and find it cheap!!!!!!!
                        GOOD LUCK ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        If you lose you are a degenerate....If you win you are a handicapper

