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Lottery Survey

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  • Lottery Survey

    I was pondering putting this in the main forum, because it does involve gambling but decided to put it here to be safe.
    My question is what is the most you ever won on a lottery ticket?
    Also, describe the type of ticket-lottery, scratch ticket, etc. you won on and how much you paid for it and how long ago.
    Also, how much on an average do you spend in a given week on lottery ticket(we all know there is a big Powerball one going today) and what type do you mostly buy?

  • #2
    Never won
    Never play
    But thanks for asking
    Questions, comments, complaints:
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Scratch Lotto
      $50 winner on a $5 ticket.
      Don't play hardly ever. Just when I get a little urge for a quick fix. LOL
      It's always noon somewhere!

      My Fish and Aquariums

      Griffey's Posted Record


      • #4
        $50 on a $3 scratch, and $240 on pick-4 box, spend about $5 per week
        Lord Knows I'm A Voodoo Child

        My record Click Here


        • #5
          Just to show how you never know, my ex-wife told me a few days ago that a friend of hers just won a million on a scratch ticket;she gets something like $40K for 20 years!
          I myself recently won the most I ever did on a $1 ticket, $100, and thought that was pretty good considering I never won more than $30 before on one of those.


          • #6

            our dept. won $175.000 in the mega millions . we had 5 number's but didnt have the power ball .we had our picture in the daily hearld with the heading village pool make's a splash . we took home after taxes a little over $ 10.000. we each put in $3.00 ( 11 of us ) the funny thing is there was 1 guy in our dept. that dont believe in gambling & didnt play . i only get quick pick's when the prize get's over 100 million . i dont play scratch off's.


            • #7
              When I first moved to Kansas City I hit five of six before they had the powerball. Grand price was $30,000,000, someone hit it and 5 of 6 paid only $968.00. I forgot to claim on my income tax (which is a very simple thing) and was audited three years later. cost me almost $500.00 in taxes and penalties.

              Also won $100.00 to years ago.
              Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


              • #8
                $252 on the PA Super 7 (They dont have it anymore)...

                I think I had 4 or 5 #s (needed 7 to win jackpot)...

                I was 14 at the time, so it was a huge payday lol

                Also ill only play the power ball when the jackpot is higher then the odds (145,000,000 to 1 to win, ill buy tickets when the jackpot is over $145,000,000) Technically it gives you a mathematical advantage if youre the only one that hits!
                Thank you Ryan Howard! <--- ITS A WINNER!

                2012 CFB: 3-7
                2012 NFL: 3-3


                • #9
                  A free 20oz Coke in the "Twist and Look Under the Cap" game.
                  I usually play 3 times a week or so, but I'm trying to cut back
                  because I keep getting the dreaded three words, "Please Try Again".

                  Expensive Habit!

                  ~~~ Tigger


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tigger
                    A free 20oz Coke in the "Twist and Look Under the Cap" game.
                    I usually play 3 times a week or so, but I'm trying to cut back
                    because I keep getting the dreaded three words, "Please Try Again".

                    Expensive Habit!

                    ~~~ Tigger
                    Its funny you should mention that one, as today while I was in process of cleaning up my house in anticipation of the arrival of my soon to be wife, I found two winning bottle caps in the contest you describe, the former which I had forgotten about, each of which entitles me to a litter of coke.


                    • #11
                      powerball/big game: $4-last week Play once in a while

                      regular lotto: Hit 4 of 6 once for about $100- few years ago Play every when i feel like throwing away $1

                      scratch tickets: $75-don't know when i won it Play when I feel like thowing away $1-$2

                      Keno: $100 (4 of 4 numbers)-last week Play everytime I am at a bar that has it. Play 4 numbers $1 each game 15 games max (unless winning at least my money back)

                      Pull Tabs: $250 (max u can win)- 3 months ago. Play every time I am at a bar that has it after Keno is done. Spend almost $30 evrytime, almost very addictive.
                      Good Luck to everyone

                      Richie: [after Gus hits a homerun] Wow and he did it without steroids.
                      Clark: What's steroids?
                      Richie: Something that makes your pee-pee smaller.
                      Clark: There must be steroids in macaroni!


                      • #12
                        Keno - 3 number play - total of $400
                        Scratch off - $1 to win $3
                        Never played lottery.
                        NFL Kruise

                        *updated as of 9/9


                        • #13
                          I buy 1 PowerBall every Monday and Friday.Won small amounts,nothing to brag about YET,but I will when I win one of the $100,000 or Jackpot.

