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Target Stores can suck my ass.....

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  • Target Stores can suck my ass.....

    Just got this email.

    Wasn't it last Christmas that Target refused to let the Salvation Army ring their bells in front of their stores?

    Dick Forrey of the Vietnam Veterans Association wrote.

    "Recently we asked the local TARGET store to be a proud
    sponsor of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall during our
    spring recognition event.

    We received the following reply
    from the local TARGET management:
    " Veterans do not meet our
    area of giving. We only donate to the arts, social action
    groups, gay & lesbian causes, and education."

    So I'm thinking, if the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and
    veterans in general, do not meet their donation criteria,
    then something is really wrong at this TARGET store. We were
    not asking for thousands of dollars, not even hundreds, just
    a small sponsorship for a memorial remembrance.

    As a follow-up, I E-mailed the TARGET U.S. Corporate
    Headquarters and their response was the same.
    That's their
    national policy.

    Then I looked into the company further.
    They will not allow
    the Marines to collect for 'Toys for Tots' at any of their
    stores. And during the recent Iraq deployment, they would
    not allow families of employees who were called up for
    active duty to continue their insurance coverage while
    they were on military service. Then as I dig further,

    is a French-owned corporation.

    Now, I'm thinking again. If TARGET cannot support American
    Veterans, then why should my family and I support their
    stores by spending our hard earned American dollars!

    have their profits sent to France.

    Without the American
    Vets, where would France be today?

    "They, most likely would be speaking German and trading in Deutsch Marks"

    Dick Forrey
    Veterans Helping Veterans

    Please send this on to everyone you know
    to let Target know
    we don't need them either !
    It's always noon somewhere!

    My Fish and Aquariums

    Griffey's Posted Record

  • #2
    Great post and thanks for far as I am concerned, bump it daily and start a Target boycott...


    • #3
      I agree with the anti-Target sentiment expressed herein if the information contained in the e-mail is indeed accurate. And I don't mean anything against you, griff. But sometimes you get these chain e-mails that have grossly inaccurate or skewed information. I'm not sure it's even legal to deny military reservists insurance coverage while called up for active duty. Could be wrong. I'm just saying that often information you get from a mass e-mail has to be taken with a grain of salt.


      • #4
        I echo Garth's reply. If it's true, I'll never set foot in a Target again. There are/were many veterans in my family. I know they won't let the Salvation Army's bellringers in front of their stores.....@ least here in western NY........


        • #5
          Fuck Target! and this is true, a college buddy of mine is an exec. at the Target distribution center in Kalamazoo and he confirmed this story awhile back. What a pathetic company, I will never go there again!


          • #6
            I hear ya Garth. Mass emails can be VERY inaccurate. If it is true this is a shame.
            It's always noon somewhere!

            My Fish and Aquariums

            Griffey's Posted Record


            • #7
              Here's the real story:

              Dick Forrey, a member of the Indiana-based Howard County Vietnam Veterans organization, rashly penned the above message in March 2002 after failing to secure a $100 sponsorship for a travelling Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall exhibit from his local Target store. Mr. Forrey was rebuffed, because Target does not give out cash donations through local stores; they donate money only at the corporate level, and only through grants to organizations falling within their defined general areas of giving. Mr. Forrey has since apologized for his mistake and issued a retraction:

              "I made a mistake on this one, and I've learned a hard lesson — that's for sure. What started out as a message for the members in our organization has turned into a hate-type thing. I never wanted to start any national boycott. I just wish it would all stop.

              Some people have used my words and perpetuated lies. It's sad that some of these people would use veterans as a way to push their own political views. I've sent out a retraction, and no one pays any attention."

              Target also explained their side of the story:

              "We want to clearly and completely apologize for any misunderstanding regarding Target's support of the Vietnam Wall and our corporate giving program. Giving back to the communities where our stores are located is something we're proud to do. In fact, nationwide, Target Corporation gives more than $2 million a week to the communities in which we serve.

              In March of 2002, a veteran approached one of our stores seeking a $100 donation for a display of the "moving wall" in his area. Target does support events in the communities in which our stores are located. While each store determines which events to sponsor, any contribution is limited and is made in the form of a gift card. The stores are not able to give cash contributions to any organization. Stores are also able to donate volunteer hours to community events and projects.

              Our corporate giving program that does incorporate cash donations is handled through a process called grants. Unfortunately, the veteran and his organization were not provided the proper information to facilitate consideration of a grant from either the store or our corporate office. The initial response of the team member at the store and the reply from our corporate office are inconsistent with the respectful manner in which we want all of our guests to be treated. We are truly sorry for this oversight and the resulting confusion that has taken place.

              We accept all applications for grants from January 1 to September 30 of each calendar year. Any guest can request a grants application brochure at their local store, called "Grant Guidelines." Veterans programs may be considered for grants if the subject matter falls into one of our three general areas of giving: education, arts and family violence prevention.

              Guests can also access a grant application at our web site.

              This is certain: Target appreciates the dedication and service of all our veterans. Thank you again for your interest."

              In fact, the Target Corporation donates a tremendous amount of money to charitable causes every year, and in both 2002 and 2003 they topped Forbes magazine's list of "America's Most Philanthropic Companies." Among the many organizations to which Target donates are veteran-related causes, including exhibits like the one for which Mr. Forrey was seeking a contribution:

              "In the Greater Cleveland area alone, Target has recently donated more than $95,000 to such worthwhile causes as the Museum of Art, the Rape Crisis Center, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and the Cleveland Reads literacy program.

              The company has been no less generous toward veterans. Not only did Target contribute to the World War II Memorial and sponsor the 2003 tour of "The Wall that Heals" — the same exhibit for which Forrey was soliciting donations — but it also donated to the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association in New York, the Hays County veterans in Texas, and the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliaries in Michigan and California."

              As the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) noted on their website:

              "Although there has been a resurgence of patriotism and support for our nation’s veterans, there have been various messages posted on the Internet that would lead people to believe that corporate America, specifically retail department stores, are falling short in supporting our nation's veterans.

              The Veterans of Foreign Wars would like to remind all that the Internet culture weaves rumors and misinformation. Simply put, don't believe everything you read. For example, an e-mail message urging veterans to boycott Target has been circulating on the Internet because a solicitation request to support "The Moving Wall" was denied.

              Target has a long-held corporate policy regarding donations. And in all fairness, Target contributes more than $2 million weekly to charitable causes and is one of the corporate sponsors for the 2003 tour of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Fund's "The Wall That Heals." "The Wall That Heals" is a traveling Vietnam Veterans memorial and museum that has a strong educational component for schools and serves to honor all our veterans."


              • #8
                target can go straight to hell,boycott


                • #9
                  Thanks for straightening this out CTT!
                  It's always noon somewhere!

                  My Fish and Aquariums

                  Griffey's Posted Record

