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Can't Blame White Bill Cosby

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  • Can't Blame White Bill Cosby

    Can't Blame White BILL COSBY


    > They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't

    > even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain't, Where you is,

    What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be...


    > And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard

    > the father talk. Everybody knows it's important to speak

    > English...except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that

    > kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any

    > kind of job making a decent living.


    > People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an

    education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.


    > I am talking about these people who cry... when their son is standing

    > there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were

    you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18...? and how come you

    > didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is

    his father?


    > People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of

    > something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down

    > around the crack, isn't that a sign of something? Or are you waiting

    for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and she's got all type of needles piercing,

    > going through her body?


    > What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those

    > people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa. With

    > names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and

    all of them are in jail.


    > Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white

    > person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. People

    > used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight

    > different 'husbands' -- or menor whatever you call them now.


    > We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have

    > million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs.

    We as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids saying... you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer


    > It is not for media or anyone of this time anymore to say whether I'm

    > right or wrong. It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to look at the

    > numbers. Fifty percent of our children are dropping out of high

    school. Sixty percent of the incarcerated males happen to be illiterate.

    > There's a correlation.


    > Tell the media to stop asking me what I think about people who don't

    > believe what I'm saying, or feel that I'm too harsh, or feel that I'm

    > just running my mouth because I'm old. Seventy percent of the

    > teenagers pregnant happen to be African American girls. Don't ask me

    to soften my message."

  • #2
    I always admired Bill Cosby and not just because he is black,I'm white.He is a very intelligent,witty human being and I wish we had a gazillion more people like Bill Cosby.


    • #3
      It's a shame...our parents own standards of getting an education, a job, a home, and a family, is not being followed by all, white, yellow, red.It is the parents responsibility first, the teachers second, and the government third. We need all Americans to unite, quit this finger pointing, and become one nation under God.
      I can honestly say...the most poisonous dreg upon our society has been drugs...not the occasional blunt or joint, but the crack, the heroin, the methamphetamines, and don't forget the alcohol.
      I have a nephew who is in a rehab for heroin addiction...he is white.
      I have a friend who died an alcoholic...a case of beer and a bottle of cheap whiskey, EVERYDAY, for the last few years of his life...
      We have to spend more time with our youth.They are our future.
      The blight on our society is not limited to just the poor has affected all of us, in one way or another.
      We have to start teaching our children that hard work does pay,and the easy way to riches is not always the best way.
      Old Bill Cosby has spoken for his race in an attempt to wake them up...but all of us need to wake up.The only way to get rid of a termite is not to stomp on them, but to remove the things they crave.
      We have to eliminate the "rotten wood" in our society in order to rebuild a stronger homeland.
      God Bless America....


      • #4
        Finally, a person who realizes that a 'fault' can be caused by self rather than 'the white men' or 'the society' I'm yellow (korean) and I know shit I do determines what I become. Action = Reaction. i.e if I kill someone = I go to jail. Not b/c the white men hate me its b/c I commited a crime.
        Last edited by tkim11; 02-10-2006, 12:57 PM.
        NFL Kruise

        *updated as of 9/9


        • #5
          It is not the dog's fault that bites the man, it is the man who faulted the dog...(Old Chinese proverb)


          • #6
            Thanks RJ for the thread. What Cosby says is so true but there is no way he will be praised for it by the so called "black leaders." We all have our crosses to bear but the point at which personal responsibility doesn't exist is the point at which we fail. That's not a color issue, it's all of us. The more some people are kept down , the more they will believe those who promise to GIVE them more. What does that equal? More votes and more power over those people. And ultimately, that is the driving force behind much of this.


            • #7
              Amazing What An Education Can Do For An Individual.............cosby Represents What Afro Americans Need To Concentrate On Vs Waiting For The Govert To Do All And Fix All


              • #8
                I hate white people!!


                • #9
                  Fuck Bill Cosby!



