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Gambling Susperstition Poll Question

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  • Gambling Susperstition Poll Question

    Do any of you have any susperstitions good or bad when it comes to gambling?
    I have one and it never fails to be wrong:
    On any day when I turn a light on and the bulb pops(no more juice in it), it usually signifies that I am going to lose on that day or at the very least to be real careful;it is eerie that it is unfortunately right a lot more times than it is wrong.
    Does anyone have any similar experiences or beliefs?
    ps No bulbs popped today thank god, which is no guarantee that I will have a winning day either.
    Last edited by savage1; 01-08-2006, 02:18 PM.

  • #2
    I have a few:

    My house needs to be clean...

    I need to be showered before the game starts...

    And if I post plays I lose, that's why I never post anymore, maybe a prop here and there.
    "You like the odds of lightning?"


    • #3
      I used to be Susperstition. I try to fight the temptation.


      • #4
        I pop light bulbs and take the opposite of what I write down...WINNER every time...LOL


        • #5
          As stupid as it sounds no looking at porn will a game is on, or no marking down w's even if you have a (5 run lead) , (15 point lead), (3 touchdown lead)
          2007 BCS and 2009 BCS CHAMPS
          2006 & 2007 NCAA MENS BASKETBALL CHAMPS


          • #6
            Vinny-good thinking;I might try it. Seriously, though are you just being facetious or have you also experienced the "popping light syndrome?" I am beginning to think that the light popping comes from the hereafter as a warning to be careful;it has happened too many times to me to be sheer coincidence.


            • #7
              I aslo do not look at porn......i dont bet if i am hanging out with my girlfriend or when i am with my mom because they HATE gambling and hope i lose so i will stop and it seems like i always lose when i am around them.


              • #8
                I never write down a 'w' until the game is OVER. I don't care how big a lead is; the game isn't over till it is over.... been burned too many times.


                • #9
                  I Never Carry A Plus Or Minus Into A New Week With My Bookie, If Up Places To Much Confidence In The Nexts Weeks, If Down Quick Attempt To Bail Out, Settle Up Every Week, Start With New Slate Weekly, A Must For My Mindset, Never Carry Total Wins Or Losses In $, Judge Success Or Failure On A Weekly Basis, Hey So I Am Anal


                  • #10
                    Never, EVER give the early call and call a game over when it isn't, or mark it down as a 'W'. Also, NEVER gamble on travel days. Whenever I am going on an airplane I get my ass handed to me!
                    Three Jack's Record


                    • #11
                      I agree with the philosophy of never marking down the W until the game is over.
                      On the other hand, I have tried the opposite approach when a game seems lost and marking down the L and then seeing my team come back and win;it can cut both ways sometimes.


                      • #12
                        Most of my superstitions involve gambling on the golf course. There are just a few shirts I will wear to a good golf game. The other shirts are left for work days or bs golf games.
                        On sports gambling I have changed clothes, changed watches or ball caps between games to try and change my luck. My wife knows what going on when I start changing clothes during the middle of the afternoon.

