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What is wrong with our country????

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  • What is wrong with our country????

    Trimming 'Christmas' from trees stirs debate

    In city halls and public parks across the country, stories-high evergreens are being erected and decked with glowing lights and sparkling ornaments.

    They look - and smell - like Christmas trees. But not so fast.

    In places as varied as Chicago, Reno and Prairie Village, Kan., they're "holiday" trees. In other spots, such as Atlanta, they have no name at all.

    This year, the tree-name game has sparked a backlash, with some Americans crying humbug and Christian groups threatening lawsuits over what they say is religious discrimination.

    Perhaps the most heated debate is brewing in Boston. The city's Parks and Recreation Department ignited a furor when it advertised the lighting of a "Holiday Tree," scheduled for tonight.

    People complained, and the Nova Scotia logger who donated the spruce told newspapers he'd rather feed the tree to a wood chipper than call it that. Said Boston Mayor Thomas Menino: "I consider this tree to be a Christmas tree."

    Mathew Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, a legal group that focuses on religious issues, said the mayor's use of "Christmas tree" means there's no need to go to court over the issue. His group's Christmas campaign aims to stop what it views as religious censorship and "political correctness run amok." It is endorsed by the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

    "It's like calling a menorah a candlestick," Staver said. "It's wrong. It's offensive. And it disenfranchises a large segment of the community."

    This week in Washington, D.C., the "Capitol Holiday Tree" was renamed the "Capitol Christmas Tree" at the request of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

    It was called a Christmas tree until the mid-1990s, Hastert spokesman Ron Bonjean said. "The Speaker thought it was important to reflect what Americans call their trees, which are Christmas trees," he said.

    Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said using the term "Christmas tree" excludes people of other faiths and backgrounds.

    "I certainly don't need spiritual sustenance from the government," he said. "I get that in my church."

    Respect for diversity is the most common reason given by those that use the term "holiday tree." In the town of Fishers, Ind., officials advertise the annual "tree lighting ceremony," without using the words "Christmas" or "holiday."

    "We want to be sensitive to all ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs," said Marc Steczyk, a town spokesman. "We're in the business of treating all people how they should be treated."

  • #2
    My 2 best friends growing up were jewish. They both celebrated Hanukkah. Both familes had CHRISTMAS trees.

    Not Trees!

    Not Holiday Trees!

    We truly live in a very sick world.


    • #3
      you're not kidding frank. i have a freind who dresses as santa and goes into hospitals and he told me this year, he is not santa, he is "the big man in the red suit", i was sickened. this country has gotten so politically correct that it's losing everything it stood for and turning on itself. the newest thing in schools is no more deserts. teachers are being told they can't bring i any treats for kids and kids lunches are being watched under the idea that if it is not nutricious or healthy, it can be taken!! i'd like to see the first one that is and the stir that follows that.... again, just an example of people trying to tell people the "right" way to, think, eat, behave, etc....


      • #4
        What a joke.....Some people have nothing better to do than this? Comon people wake up!
        It's always noon somewhere!

        My Fish and Aquariums

        Griffey's Posted Record


        • #5
          oh let them have their can still call it a Christmas tree in your house


          • #6
            exactly griff, who cares bout it anyway
            OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
            NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
            NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


            dont call my p.o.


            • #7
              Another Fine Example Of Over Correcting The Scales Of Inequality For The Sake Of Being Politically Correct.......................


              • #8
                my lil cousin few years ago was like 9 or 10 he said christmas was stupid and they took him to the principals office for that.
                If i was allowed to i'd smack some sense into them, trying to punish a child ridiculous. Thats not the worst of it friend of mine lost his job after september 11th caz he said he didnt like that innocent ppl were dying in afghanistan and some stupid soccer mom didn't like his comments. So not only did he get fired he gets interregated by F.B.I. and they actually ask him about sept 11th and he toyed with them n said wy would i tell you. Needless to say a lot of ppl been arrested unjustly but you don't hear about it on the news because there not black, spanish, or jewish.
                I wonder why, Thankfully there are some organizations fighting this big gov't organizations no matter it be F.B.I., CIA or NYPD.
                Last edited by therealdeal; 12-01-2005, 03:09 PM.
                OVERALL OPINONS 1ST 2 WEEKS 136-121-52.9%
                NBA 98-97 TOTALS 54-44 SPREADS 44-53 THRU 12/4
                NFL 38-24 TOTALS 19-13 SPREADS 19-11 THRU 12/4


                dont call my p.o.


                • #9
                  unreal. people will always find something to bitch about! They don't want the flag on money, they don't want kids saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school, now we're calling our Christmas trees, "holiday trees"???????

                  and freakin Santa is just Bryan in his warm up suit? jeez!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RJeremy

                    and freakin Santa is just Bryan in his warm up suit? jeez!

                    bwahahahahahahahaha that was hilarious


                    • #11
                      Just another why to call attention to themselves!!!!! If you don't like it look the other way!!!!


                      • #12
                        It's not that damn simple to say "look the other way." If it were as simple as looking the other way, couldn't the people who are supposedly so offended do just that? Political correctness has done as much to damage this country as anything in the last 20 years.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by packer34
                          Just another why to call attention to themselves!!!!! If you don't like it look the other way!!!!

                          Misread your post- Sorry!


                          • #14
                            what about kwaanza-klaus???? is he next for this folly??


                            • #15
                              Heard this one this morning- Why not then change the menora to a holiday candalabra?

