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application to get into the clique

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  • application to get into the clique

    1. u have to get lovedocs approval
    2. u can never out eat 10dime or beat him at singing
    3.frankb is the one and only asshole in this group........if u want to be number 1 u need to look else where.........
    4 we have only one soccerbitch that is homer...........
    5.there is only one kaptain in this if u want to steer the ship need not can some keep the kaptain out of the cellar please..................
    6. ship only has one accountant and that is rjeremy
    7......... yes oh yes if u want to learn cow tipping u have to be on the deck..................spaarkie will show u the way
    8.there is only one chuckie cheese on the ship and the kids loves him bring on the pizza
    9.there is only one ass bandit and that is the hipster coverboy......and yes spark is the watcher of all with all his viagara
    10. ps thin skinned people need not apply..............and yes jeff u must be over 100lbs and be at least 18 to apply

    rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

  • #2
    I humbly submit my application....


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by jmarty6969
        2. u can never eat out 10dime



        • #5
          I'm just showing up...Marty did you write that out all by yourself???


          • #6
            yes maam i did and yes we honor all woman to our boat
            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


            • #7
              Originally posted by jmarty6969
              yes maam i did and yes we honor all woman to our boat
              even glenda potz?


              • #8
                Originally posted by jmarty6969
                1. u have to get lovedocs approval
                2. u can never out eat 10dime or beat him at singing
                3.frankb is the one and only asshole in this group........if u want to be number 1 u need to look else where.........
                4 we have only one soccerbitch that is homer...........
                5.there is only one kaptain in this if u want to steer the ship need not can some keep the kaptain out of the cellar please..................
                6. ship only has one accountant and that is rjeremy
                7......... yes oh yes if u want to learn cow tipping u have to be on the deck..................spaarkie will show u the way
                8.there is only one chuckie cheese on the ship and the kids loves him bring on the pizza
                9.there is only one ass bandit and that is the hipster coverboy......and yes spark is the watcher of all with all his viagara
                10. ps thin skinned people need not apply..............and yes jeff u must be over 100lbs and be at least 18 to apply
                11. You have to have hair.

                well #11 eliminates therook and big mike right off the bat
                2013 NCAA POD Record

                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                2013 NFL POD Record

                1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Meg25
                  even glenda potz?

                  yep even her chuck wants to spank her
                  rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TheRook
                    NO PROBLEM THERE!!!

                    please who are you kidding rook your best friend is your fridge
                    2013 NCAA POD Record

                    8-3ATS +3.80 units

                    2013 NFL POD Record

                    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                      please who are you kidding rook your best friend is your fridge


                      Love the new rule you put in.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jmarty6969
                        1. u have to get lovedocs approval
                        2. u can never out eat 10dime or beat him at singing
                        3.frankb is the one and only asshole in this group........if u want to be number 1 u need to look else where.........
                        4 we have only one soccerbitch that is homer...........
                        5.there is only one kaptain in this if u want to steer the ship need not can some keep the kaptain out of the cellar please..................
                        6. ship only has one accountant and that is rjeremy
                        7......... yes oh yes if u want to learn cow tipping u have to be on the deck..................spaarkie will show u the way
                        8.there is only one chuckie cheese on the ship and the kids loves him bring on the pizza
                        9.there is only one ass bandit and that is the hipster coverboy......and yes spark is the watcher of all with all his viagara
                        10. ps thin skinned people need not apply..............and yes jeff u must be over 100lbs and be at least 18 to apply

                        12.You must have fewer children then jmarty..and love taco bell

                        you forgot yourself marty


                        • #13
                          hahahahahaha my kids love taco bell.................and so does homer
                          rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                          • #14
                            damn i forgot a rule and he is upset at me
                            13........u can never beat tigger at a sprint race
                            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                            • #15
                              You forgot one. If you want to be the head nonhandicapping champion, you need not apply we have one. He is the undisputed loser JCINDAVILLE
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]

