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Spark Jokes

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  • Spark Jokes

    The four signs of that Spark is growing old....

    1. Forgetting names
    2. Forgetting faces
    3. Forgetting to zip up
    4. Forgetting to zip down

    Old man Spark and his wife went to the doctor for their yearly checkup, and the doctor saw the old Spark first, and asked him how things were going. Fine, says Spark, except one thing. When we have sex the first time I start shaking and can't stop and the second time I sweat profusely. What's going on?
    The doc gets the old man's wife into his office and tells her what her husband said. No wonder, she says. The first time is in January and the second time is in July.
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

  • #2
    Spark walks into a bar and sees a dog lying in the corner licking his balls.
    He turns to the bartender and says, "Boy, I wish I could do that."
    The Bartender replies, "You'd better try petting him first."
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


    • #3
      lol just saw these rwall.....great
      2013 NCAA POD Record

      8-3ATS +3.80 units

      2013 NFL POD Record

      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


      • #4

        Very good wally .. thanks

