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What do you think of the Red Sox - Marlins Trade?

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  • What do you think of the Red Sox - Marlins Trade?

    I heard it this morning and now Sporting News Radio is reporting that it is almost official.

    Boston gets Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell For prospects P Annabelle Sanchez & SS Hanley Ramirez, along with a player to be named later.

    These are 2 of the so called "Untouchables" in the Sox farm System but myself and Many others have been begging them to trade a couple of the.

    Bottom line for me is I LOVE IT. We need Beckett more than anything and if it goes through, i APPROVE.

    This does leave open alot of questions about others on the team though if it happens.

  • #2
    I have been busy today and had heard a rumor about Beckett coming here but thats it.
    If trsde goes through, I love it; and to get Lowell also-wow!
    I have a feeling today that Manny won't be here next year,and that will hurt big time.


    • #3
      I heard it is official pending physicals...and the Red Sox add a player to be named later...being a Yankee fan, I hate it.


      • #4
        I have season tickets to the Sea Dogs so I have seen a lot of play by both Annabelle Sanchez and Hanley Ramirez and I got to be honest I LOVE the trade! I am not too impressed with Ramirez anyway. I do see a lot of talent with Sanchez though.

        Great trade for us


        • #5
          trade sucks for us...i dont mind lowell going even though he is a very good defensive player but i dont like beckett leaving at all!


          • #6
            seems like Boston got a GREAT deal!


            • #7
              Not really sold on Lowell...if he stays healthy...good move...but he's moving up in age there.

              Beckett was a great pickup.


              • #8
                Love the pickup for the Sox! Beckett is a great young pitcher, something lacking with the Sox this past season.


                • #9
                  Boston Herald had the edge to Texas as of this morning, Blaylock is the deal of the centry with about 100 rbi for 3.5 million next year and final year of three at 5.5. Trade I also read about in Sunday Globe was Wells to Padres for Dave Roberts, that would be the end of ****** Damon. Also Lowell give Sox flexablity in moving Manny....
                  Joe Thorton for MVP


                  • #10
                    Terrific trade for Boston to fill big gap. Amazing since they don't have a GM to make such a huge and IMO great deal.


                    • #11
                      I'm hearing it's going to happen. I know Lowell had a rough year but compare Fenway to where he played. That wall could be his best friend!!!!

                      I LOVE IT!

                      I'm sure Manny is gone ... BUT for what in return?


                      • #12
                        You get rid of Manny it free up money for AJ Burnett...Sox will then be able to keep Papplebaun in pen, and have three young arms that throw 95 plus, modled after Anahiem pen....Nomar will return for Left field...LOL!!!
                        Joe Thorton for MVP


                        • #13
                          I heard if they got Burnett too that the starting 5 would be


                          I heard Clement would be dealt and Arroyo would work middle relief and be insurance in case of a starter injury.

                          The pen would have plenty for the 8th and 9th with the kid throwing late again.


                          • #14
                            it is very difficult to judge this trade until we see how these two highly touted prospects turn out. Remember Larry Anderson for Jeff Bagwell Red Sox fans? Mike Lowell had a sub-par season in 2005 and any way you paint it Josh Beckett is a very nice addition.

                            I would love to see Manny and JDamon leave beantown but we'll see...

                            congrats to all sawx fans 2nite...
                            "MONEY WON IS TWICE AS SWEET AS MONEY EARNED!"


                            • #15
                              lowell overpriced bust !!!!!!Beckett Great!!!!!
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