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Rumsfield On Cnn, What A Fuking Liar!!!

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  • Rumsfield On Cnn, What A Fuking Liar!!!

    This Is Great Stuff! Some One Should Slap A Lie Detector On His Butt. When Questioned About The Mustard Gas,anthrax Weapons Of Mass Destruction That He Said Existed He Claims The Stuff Just Disappeared But It Actually Existed.when Asked If The American Public Deserved An Apology For The Lost Due To The Incorrect Intelligence He Said Absolutely Not!!!!! Rumsfield Is A Bad Liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rumsfield Claims He Didnt Recognize Colin Powells Chief Of Staff Who Commented On A Disagreement Between Him And Cheney Which Left American Foreign Policy In Doubt.
    Last edited by musclemann; 11-20-2005, 11:36 AM.

  • #2
    I wonder would happen if they ran a lie detector on Cheney. lol


    • #3
      wonder if his pace maker would screw up the results

      if it might then just take it out


      • #4
        Originally posted by bobw45
        wonder if his pace maker would screw up the results

        if it might then just take it out
        Speaking of "pacemaker", Cheney sure as hell isn't a "peacemaker." (The big money guys at Halliburton love him though).


        • #5
          i think Cheney still owns a lot of Haliburton stock

          wonder if GW can spell conflict of interest


          • #6
            Anyone who thinks there were no wepaons of destruction, nerve agent or mustard gas in Iraq is either a friggin idiot, a liberal, or BOTH!! It has been documented FACT that Saddam has killed 10's of thousands of Iraquiis over the past 10 years, including an entire village of men, women and babies, using these agents! So we all know damn well he had them, and it's quite obvious they were buried or removed from the country when Iraq knew we wee coming! So let's not try to twist this thing to seem like something it's not. Just becasue they did not find them doesn't mean a thing, unless again, you're an idiot or a liberal (in which case again, you're probably both)!


            • #7
              Slap,These same people would probably say hilter was a good man too.Liberals amaze me. Concentration camps never exited as well during the holocoust too right muscleman?
              You can live with one lung


              • #8
                Originally posted by slappy's son
                Anyone who thinks there were no wepaons of destruction, nerve agent or mustard gas in Iraq is either a friggin idiot, a liberal, or BOTH!! It has been documented FACT that Saddam has killed 10's of thousands of Iraquiis over the past 10 years, including an entire village of men, women and babies, using these agents! So we all know damn well he had them, and it's quite obvious they were buried or removed from the country when Iraq knew we wee coming! So let's not try to twist this thing to seem like something it's not. Just becasue they did not find them doesn't mean a thing, unless again, you're an idiot or a liberal (in which case again, you're probably both)!
                Has anyone read the book out on liberal hypocrisy? I've only seen a segment or two on it and it supposedly shows where "liberals" aren't putting their money where their mouths are.
                Michael Moore claims to own no stocks b/c Wall Street is corrupt, yet through research in this book shows he not only owns stocks, but stock in Haliburton!
                Barbara Streisand is supposed to be preaching environmentalism, telling people to dry their laundry on clotheslines, etc yet recently had air conditioning installed in her BARNS!
                Ted Kennedy wants to bang everyone on the death (estate) tax, yet the Kennedy's have supposedly transferred over $500 million over several generations and have paid a pinch over $100k in estate taxes. The use of offshore trusts, especially in Fiji, is their "secret."
                Al Franken's hiring practices are in there in regards to his support of affirmative action, but has one African-American on his staff of 103 people. Should be an interesting read.
                Last edited by capperjohn1; 11-21-2005, 09:49 AM.
                Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                • #9
                  You bush apologists are downright pathetic. What would it take for you to admit that this administration is the worst, most corrupt ever? Jeez, if bush is given every benefit of the doubt, the fact remains the buck stops with him. He took us into war based on faulty information.(I say he knew, you dont). What worse thing could a president do? Oh wait, I guess getting a BJ in the oval office and then lying about it is huh? How pathetic that you could impeach a president for that but this moron gets your full support. By the way, if everything had gone smoothly you would be singing his praises but since it hasnt its everyone elses fault. Priceless. Im sure you voted for him twice so you, or should i say our troops are paying the price. now go back listening to your "heroes", druggie rush...pervert oreilly...spineless you have your next "talking points".


                  • #10
           hit the nail right on the head! Liberals are hypoctates, liars and socialist idiots! They can't stand America and what America stands for! They want all the benefits from America, but want to put NOTHING into it or pay the price it takes to stay free! They're cowards to the bone, they're socialists thru & thru, and they truly want this country to be communistic, just the way the USSR was for decades! Liberals are the most spineless, gutless bunch of hypocrates you'd ever lay eyes on! These friggin idiots don't understand that the military is here for this very reason. They WANT to fight, they WANT to fight for this country, and other countries that need help! It's only the bleeding heart moron liberals that think they know what the military wants! Fact is, the liberals don't know much of anything, especially on how to be true Americans!! Again, only a friggin moron or a liberal (one in the same) thinks Suddam had no weapons or biological agents!! HE HAD THEM, end of story idiots!!

                    Funny how these friggin moron liberals think it's OK to murder innocent, unborn infants, teach our young children about homosexuals in elementary school, teach them how to put condoms on cucumbers, and yet when it comes time to defending this country from those that attacked it on 9/11 killing 3000 Americans (chalk those up to that cowardly whore Clinton), they jump up and down screaming like babies! F*ck the scum-bag liberals!! This country doesn't need em!!
                    Last edited by slappy's son; 11-21-2005, 11:30 AM.


                    • #11
                      Hahaha Im not into politics but as I live in Australia I can tell you that the rest of the world is still having a quiet chuckle that somebody like George W Bush runs the show over there. Anyone who comes up with famous quotes like "Rarely is the question asked "Is Our Children Learning?" should be removed from Office based purely on stupidity.
                      Can somebody please let me know when Carmen Electra is ovulating???


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by chickry
                        You bush apologists are downright pathetic. What would it take for you to admit that this administration is the worst, most corrupt ever? Jeez, if bush is given every benefit of the doubt, the fact remains the buck stops with him. He took us into war based on faulty information.(I say he knew, you dont). What worse thing could a president do? Oh wait, I guess getting a BJ in the oval office and then lying about it is huh? How pathetic that you could impeach a president for that but this moron gets your full support. By the way, if everything had gone smoothly you would be singing his praises but since it hasnt its everyone elses fault. Priceless. Im sure you voted for him twice so you, or should i say our troops are paying the price. now go back listening to your "heroes", druggie rush...pervert oreilly...spineless you have your next "talking points".

                        I agree with you 100%. Thankfully, as evidenced by his sinking competency poll approval ratings, more and more Amercans are finally waking up to the fact that this secretive, deceptive and woefully incompetent administration is about itself, catering to the big money interests and stepping on anyone who gets in its way of its self serving agenda.
                        Last edited by savage1; 11-21-2005, 01:42 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slappy's son
                 hit the nail right on the head! Liberals are hypoctates, liars and socialist idiots! They can't stand America and what America stands for! They want all the benefits from America, but want to put NOTHING into it or pay the price it takes to stay free! They're cowards to the bone, they're socialists thru & thru, and they truly want this country to be communistic, just the way the USSR was for decades! Liberals are the most spineless, gutless bunch of hypocrates you'd ever lay eyes on! These friggin idiots don't understand that the military is here for this very reason. They WANT to fight, they WANT to fight for this country, and other countries that need help! It's only the bleeding heart moron liberals that think they know what the military wants! Fact is, the liberals don't know much of anything, especially on how to be true Americans!! Again, only a friggin moron or a liberal (one in the same) thinks Suddam had no weapons or biological agents!! HE HAD THEM, end of story idiots!!

                          Funny how these friggin moron liberals think it's OK to murder innocent, unborn infants, teach our young children about homosexuals in elementary school, teach them how to put condoms on cucumbers, and yet when it comes time to defending this country from those that attacked it on 9/11 killing 3000 Americans (chalk those up to that cowardly whore Clinton), they jump up and down screaming like babies! F*ck the scum-bag liberals!! This country doesn't need em!!
                          I was just asking if anyone has read the book!!!!
                          Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                          Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                          • #14
                            Capper, liberals have no answer. They just cry like little gilrs and have to resort to name calling when they can not back up there talk with facts.Fact is the dems felt the same exact way on the war.THE democrats are the true frauds!
                            You can live with one lung


                            • #15
                              Liberals are nothing more than a group of socialist cowards. Take, take, take from America and give absolutely nothing back! Their low-life whore of a leader, Billy-boy Clinton, was also a coward, and was directly responsible for the deaths of 3000 Americans on 9/11! He had his chance to stand up for America, and rid the world of the bastard who later attacked us and killed our citizens, and he chose not to (one more than 1 occassion)! Now that there's a president in office who has vowed to never let this happen again on our soil, the liberal cowards whine and cry! It's friggin unbelievable that the lowly socialist America-haters want all the good things this country has to offer, yet want nothing to do with taking the hard steps required to keep it what it is! The liberals have been destroying this country for the past 30 years, with their anti-God, anti-life, anti-moral, pro-homo, pro-murder rhetoric! It takes a truly sick individual to be a liberal Democrat! I'm just astonished to see anyone who chooses to be in that group.
                              Last edited by slappy's son; 11-21-2005, 02:13 PM.

