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For Spark only

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  • For Spark only

    I wanted to respond directly to your post; "
    I tried talking to him earlier and then Monte asked him not to put those words in his signature and he slapped Monte in the face and made a post with those words .."

    You did "talk" to me pre ban and told me no harm, no foul. I don't know why YOU feel I slapped BC in the face with posting the rules of his forum in my signature. I did NOT know he had removed them as I have never had a signature. So I didn't realize he removed them , so I reinserted them myself. As soon as he told me he removed them, I apologized, asked him why, (which I also wrote his site, his call) and truth be told, I know he didn't have to give me an answer. Now if I had known I wasn't allowed to post the site rules in a post, I wouldn't have done so. I was told about the sig, and the sig only. But I will personally apologize to him if he was offended by my lack of this knowledge. GL

    Rangers/Phx +150
    Giants/SDiego/Dallas 6pt tease +180
    Last edited by capperjohn1; 11-19-2005, 10:55 PM.
    Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
    Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)

  • #2
    You are obviously clueless!

    You were banned because after asking you NOT to post it in your signature you continued on by putting it in a post AFTER that. You were told to drop it and move on SEVERAL times and YOU refused.

    Why apologize now when you could have just done it when asked to stop and move on?


    • #3
      "Quit posting that in your signature. It was removed by me earlier and now you put it back."

      If I was told to not post the rules of the forum we all agreed to in a "post", I wouldn't have. But I posted it after being called an asshole. I considered that a threat and a vulgarity. So that's why it was posted. But it was never put in my sig after being told not to. Correct? And I apologized to BC now if necessary b/c I just found out from Spark's post that I slapped him in the face.
      Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
      Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


      • #4
        You truly don't have a clue do you?

        Who made YOU judge & Jury here of anything?

        You put it in a post, not the signature. Seriously, why do you come here? Those plays tonight have to be the only ones you ever posted here. I've looked back at 100 posts of yours and they are ALL useless and 99.9% of them only appear during a disagreement on the board. Do you have a purpose for being here because your stay is about to be cut short soon and for good. Believe me when i say, Spark and Monte won't have a problem with it and all your questions will be answered at that time. Go ahead, ask why. I expect it.


        • #5
          i really can't believe what is being argued here, acting like 3rd graders.


          • #6
            Originally posted by fro11bm
            i really can't believe what is being argued here, acting like 3rd graders.
            If he would stop creating the Drama/Threads, it wouldn't be an issue.


            • #7
              I don't consider it a drama thread as you call it b/c I have no way to get into contact with Spark directly, who said I slapped BC in the face. I explained that I was told not to post the forum rules in my sig, which I didn't know BC had removed. I apologized to him immediately after that. I don't want Spark or BC thinking that I slapped BC in the face, and if BC felt that way, I apologized to him.
              Judge and jury? I have my opinions just as others do. I don't swim upstream to swim upstream, but if my opinion is different then others, then so be it. I had a fine conversation with Kapt about a lot of things that he thought was fine even though we had different opinions.
              And yes, after coming back from kidney surgery recently, and finding out posting plays is a requirement, I started posting plays. UCLA on Thursday was my 1st post/winner. And hopefully there will be more. Who knows?
              As hard as you might find it to believe, I am more of a rule-follower then you would give me credit for. I just want to know the rules, and for those rules to apply to everyone. I've never bashed, and if you went back through my posts, you will see where I have given you the most handicapping credit on this board (no offense to the others!) I wish you and others a great night and a fantastic, money-making Sunday!!
              Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
              Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


              • #8
                Originally posted by fro11bm
                i really can't believe what is being argued here, acting like 3rd graders.
                No arguments from me Fro. I just wanted to clear the air and apologize if BC felt slapped in the face. If he felt that way, it was unintentional and I wanted to explain my side that's all. Good luck and good night!!
                Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                • #9
                  yeah i understand, still dont know why it was a big deal to begin with, lol


                  • #10
                    John, Let's just try to move forward. You are back with posting ability again and it's in the past. Worry more about taking care of yourself after surgery than you do about the rules here. It will make you recover faster.

                    GL Tomorrow!


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by fro11bm
                      yeah i understand, still dont know why it was a big deal to begin with, lol
                      If you'll notice---CapperJohn directed this to Spark only---He's a Mod....They were trying to work out some differences they recently had........

                      Wayne injected some input ---He's a Mod also---this is their discussion.....

                      You, one more time have to insert your unsoilicited opinion, which is already questionable, and you have nothing to do with it....

                      Honor CapperJohns request "Spark Only", meaning Mods---and let them work it out withouit your little knowledge of the subject, and your "who gives a shit" opinion........

                      If the Mods would look real hard, I think I would divert my attention to you, as you fit the category of a non contributor and Pot Stirrer....

                      Next time a member adresses a Mod, especially when they stipulate "Mod ONly"---keep your self out of it, or you won't be here long....

                      You have a nice day, and heed my statements, it's for the betterment of the Forum.....and yes, I came in here also, to read, you forced me to address you in this thread.....

                      Respect your fellow cappers....It's not hard to do, and when we want your opinion, we'el start a thread addressed to just you....kapt
                      Last edited by Kaptain; 11-20-2005, 07:54 AM.

                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • #12
                        John, When I said to you no harm no foul that was in response to the vets telling you that you were out of line and you were not going to post here anymore .. I felt that you were ok in what you were discussing with them and you were not causing any trouble ... You and everyone else here needs to understand that that there are only 2 people on this board can stop you from posting .. Wayne and Myself .. oops, sorry Monte, make that 3 ...

                        Monte comes in the thread and asks you not to put that disclaimer in your sig and he removed .. Grant it, you told him that you did not know he changed it and you did not know why .. but you could not leave it alone .. you kept at him and kept asking why ... he told you why, because he did not want it in there and so what did you do?? You posted it again ... that is what I considered a slap in the face ....

                        This case is closed ... I responded to your thread and it will be the only thing I will say about it .. If we did not want you here I would have banned you for good .. Now I wish you Luck and I hope your health continues to be good ...


                        • #13
                          enough with the "you wont be here long" crap! seriously kapt, this is a message board, get a life already. what i said did not harm anyone...


                          • #14
                            Thank you for the well wishes. My health is first. For the record, I only asked BC once I believe as to why no rules in sig. And obviously that was put in to make my point from other posts. He didn't even have to give me a reason, truth be told. But I truly didn't realize this also meant not putting the forum rules in a post. So in NO way was it meant to slap a face, just doing what I was told ( I thought). And I posted the forum rules in a post after being called an asshole by Knowelz. Again, thank you for the well wishes, have a great day, and good luck with your plays!!
                            Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                            Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by fro11bm
                              enough with the "you wont be here long" crap! seriously kapt, this is a message board, get a life already. what i said did not harm anyone...
                              It may not have harmed anyone, but there are intentions to a majority of your posts to cause drama. Anyone that looks back at your 44 posts can see that.

                              I mean your very first post...VERY FIRST post got you suspended for two days cause you left your email address in your post asking people to split the cost of a service with you!?!?!?!?!


                              I mean come on. 80% of your posts are defending the now confirmed scammer raninman, and now you want to throw your two cents into a post that you have no business being in. you've got I think I counted 2 posts with actual picks from yourself...maybe 4 posts with a positive spin on things, and the rest were just pure drama. that's not a good ratio to stick around here.

                              Truth be told, the post could have been emailed to spark instead of putting it out in the public forum...but that's neither here nor there.

                              I'm willing to bet you won't be here more then a month. You can't help yourself BUT to cause drama, or stir the pot...and it's gonna get you booted from here.

                              Let capperjohn and the mods take care of his issue. Kapt was speaking the truth.....not his fault you can't handle it.

