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  • #31
    Frank, I really think you give a rats ass about that thread being moved .. How many posts do you have in there??? i think you are doing it for entertainment purposes and if this is true i think it is sick ..

    You know me well Frank and you know how much this shit bothers me and to start all this today makes me wonder of our friendship ...


    • #32
      Originally posted by frankb03
      Censorship once again.
      Where was bry censored?

      Show me Frank
      Show me Frank
      Show me Frank


      • #33
        Originally posted by BettorsChat
        Make light? That is ruffling everyones feathers up about why it was moved and should it have been moved. Look at the whole thread that you started on the poll as it looks like theres a lot of bitching going on in there. Is that making it light?
        Monte, what the fuck do you want in this forum. Only a site where we wish everyone gl. A site where no one offers their opinions.

        It certainly sounds like it.

        I created a poll. I felt it was the fair think to do. I stated the day all this shit went down it should be put to a vote.

        I'll tell you the same thing I told Wayne, You own the site. YOU DON'T MAKE THIS SITE GREAT. The mods don't make this site great. THE MEMBERS ARE WHAT THIS SITE IS ABOUT.

        Do you want to be in the business of telling us what to post and not post?


        • #34
          Originally posted by JBC13
          I know wayne mentioned threads were being moved, but if he planned on moving the urgent thread someone should have said something. That is one of the most popular threads on this site. I dont know i guess you guys dont understand what i am trying to say. Do you guys not realize how popular and important that thread is to some? Then you come on BC one day and it is moved somewhere without anybody saying anything to you. It's like a slap in the face.
          Maybe he didn't think anything of it being moved. I mean its 2 clicks away now. It's not like the thread was locked or deleted. Plus most posters said they didn't think it was a big deal. Also the rating on that thread was a 3 out of 5. That means a lot of posters didn't like it being where it was or it would have had a 4 or better rating.


          • #35
            Originally posted by BettorsChat
            Where was bry censored?

            Show me Frank
            Show me Frank
            Show me Frank
            I didn't say Bry was censored.

            By closing and moving threads IMO that's censorship.


            • #36
              Originally posted by frankb03
              How? One rectifies a situation by making it right.

              It became a personal matter. It no longer mattered if it was wrong or right.

              CLEARLY, this morning you thought the mods were WRONG by moving that thread.

              It's your choice to fix what's wrong.
              Yes, I can make a choice as it's my site.

              I can also reserve the right to speak to my mods about it too. Which I have and its still being discussed.

              And its became personal obviously to you as well Frank as you've been carrying on about this all day.


              • #37
                Originally posted by BettorsChat
                All of this can be put to an end Bry.

                Simply apologize for the way you acted about the moving of the urgent thread. Now i'm sure you'll find this funny since in your opinion you didn't do anything wrong even though others have said straight out that you have.
                i will end this no problem. i'll apologize i just have 1 simple condition.
                Wayne also must apologize. Not to me, but to the forum. The ball is in your court. Do with it what you want.
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                • #38
                  Originally posted by SPARK
                  Frank, I really think you give a rats ass about that thread being moved .. How many posts do you have in there??? i think you are doing it for entertainment purposes and if this is true i think it is sick ..

                  You know me well Frank and you know how much this shit bothers me and to start all this today makes me wonder of our friendship ...
                  Spark, I don't give a rats ass.

                  I'm not doing this for entertainment. I created the Spark thread for entertainment. We both got a kick out of it as well as others.

                  However, Monte opened a can of worms by calling me a asshole. I was joking. We joke in this forum all the time. The issue was over till he called me an asshole.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by frankb03
                    Monte, what the fuck do you want in this forum. Only a site where we wish everyone gl. A site where no one offers their opinions.

                    It certainly sounds like it.

                    I created a poll. I felt it was the fair think to do. I stated the day all this shit went down it should be put to a vote.

                    I'll tell you the same thing I told Wayne, You own the site. YOU DON'T MAKE THIS SITE GREAT. The mods don't make this site great. THE MEMBERS ARE WHAT THIS SITE IS ABOUT.

                    Do you want to be in the business of telling us what to post and not post?
                    For someone stating they don't give a shit you sure are carrying on aren't you frank.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat
                      Maybe he didn't think anything of it being moved. I mean its 2 clicks away now. It's not like the thread was locked or deleted. Plus most posters said they didn't think it was a big deal. Also the rating on that thread was a 3 out of 5. That means a lot of posters didn't like it being where it was or it would have had a 4 or better rating.
                      It doesnt matter where it is. Some of the most respected members on this site post in that thread daily and enjoy that thread alot. To not ask them about what they think about the thread being moved is disrespectful IMO. Thats just my opinion, i have said this before i think you and the mods do a good job here i just think it could have been handled different.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        Wayne already explained it. He told people the day it was getting moved that the mods were moving non-gambling threads. Was the urgent thread specifically mentioned? no. When I logged on I backed the mods. So it wasn't like the service plays announcement which I did on my own.

                        How does one rectify a situation after its happened? I have members complaining about the way it was moved. I have mods & myself feeling as if we've been given all kinds of shit over it that wasn't called for.

                        Why can't we just move it back then? It will SHUT everyone up! Since I've been here this is the only thread people have asked to be in a certain spot, I don't understand why we can't be granted that one thing?

                        Monte, you OWN the site, it's YOUR decision. I know you back your MODS, and they did what they thought was right, I'm not saying they did it out of malice or bad intent but obviously some of us feel very strongly about that thread.

                        So, for the MANY members that want that, can you PLEASE move it back for us?

                        That's the last thing I have to say on the matter.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by frankb03
                          I didn't say Bry was censored.

                          By closing and moving threads IMO that's censorship.
                          Moving a thread is not censorship give me a break as posters still can talk about the subject at hand.

                          Closing threads is usually to put the fire out. Or if someone is spamming the site etc.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat
                            Yes, I can make a choice as it's my site.

                            I can also reserve the right to speak to my mods about it too. Which I have and its still being discussed.

                            And its became personal obviously to you as well Frank as you've been carrying on about this all day.
                            i have looked at it from both sides of the table..............i would think the poll is a great way for u to let the people vote their opinion and that way u get a feel about what the people or lose on it i am biased on it all cause i dont egt into that thread much but i understand it from your point of view monte and thiers..................thanks and gl
                            rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by BettorsChat
                              And its became personal obviously to you as well Frank as you've been carrying on about this all day.
                              I could care less about the urgent thread. Delete the THREAD. I've stated from the beginning I could care less.

                              What I do care about is the blatant disregard and treatment toward the BC members.

                              Monte, I'll say it again. You have a great forum. But you don't make this forum GREAT.
                              Last edited by frankb03; 11-14-2005, 03:19 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by frankb03
                                Spark, I don't give a rats ass.

                                I'm not doing this for entertainment. I created the Spark thread for entertainment. We both got a kick out of it as well as others.

                                However, Monte opened a can of worms by calling me a asshole. I was joking. We joke in this forum all the time. The issue was over till he called me an asshole.
                                And I apologized Frank

                                Are you not grown up enough to accept it?

