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Anyone get banned?

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  • Anyone get banned?

    I got banned form the site? Hope I didnt do anything wrong? Anyone have this problem?

  • #2
    Originally posted by 89panther
    I got banned form the site? Hope I didnt do anything wrong? Anyone have this problem?
    doesn't look like you are banned


    • #3
      This is a new profile..I cant under stand why I would have been banned? It says banned for ever? What the hell?


      • #4
        Originally posted by 89panther
        This is a new profile..I cant under stand why I would have been banned? It says banned for ever? What the hell?
        where are you banned from?


        • #5
          You're banned for stiffing us in one of the pools and making me pay the money for it. Don't you remember entering the Nascar pool and making your picks while promising to send money? Well you started badly and didn't send the money or answer my requests as to why. You were invisible here for good reason and now you're back? I'll ban the next 10 names you sign up with as well. I already talked to Spark about too and we both agreed that we do not like people who stiff others here ... PERIOD!


          • #6

            Does That Go For People That Stiff Services Too ? Cause If It Does I Got Some Names !!!!!!!


            • #7
              How Does A Service Get Stiffed? Usually It's The Other Way Around! Lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by ROCKDEMANSPORTS
                Does That Go For People That Stiff Services Too ? Cause If It Does I Got Some Names !!!!!!!
                HA HA HA Services getting Stiffed, Bet you losing all kinds of money..
                GL with Yo Money


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ROCKDEMANSPORTS
                  Does That Go For People That Stiff Services Too ? Cause If It Does I Got Some Names !!!!!!!
                  Anyone that stiffed a service gets free lifetime membership to BC




                  • #10
                    Originally posted by frankb03
                    Anyone that stiffed a service gets free lifetime membership to BC



                    2013 NCAA POD Record

                    8-3ATS +3.80 units

                    2013 NFL POD Record

                    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                    • #11
                      what an idiot

                      Really smart to get back in and let everyone know you were banned and started up a new id...not like they wouldnt track down his IP addy anyhow...he should be banned, stiffing people out of money is inexcuseable...I have a couple friends or what I thought were friends making plays with me, they both ended last year losing one owes me 700 while the other one owes 550, have yet to see a penny since January


                      • #12
                        orgaza, I hope their not friends anymore. It's funny how people will let a few hundred $$$ cost them a friendship!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wayne1218
                          orgaza, I hope their not friends anymore. It's funny how people will let a few hundred $$$ cost them a friendship!
                          tell me about it


                          • #14
                            im to blame

                            The thing is I never pressured them to pay right away, which was my fault, but I couldn't be walking around spending money on shit knowing I owed someone cash...just principles I live by I guess...still talk to them a bit and looks like I might be getting some of it in payments...they took advantage of my friendship telling me they had bills and they had debts, not my problem, I have the same debts and bills...another thing is Ive known them for a while so what was I to do kick their ass, which is still a possibility but dont see how that will help, needless to say I dont take bets from anyone any longer friends or not


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ogarza
                              The thing is I never pressured them to pay right away, which was my fault, but I couldn't be walking around spending money on shit knowing I owed someone cash...just principles I live by I guess...still talk to them a bit and looks like I might be getting some of it in payments...they took advantage of my friendship telling me they had bills and they had debts, not my problem, I have the same debts and bills...another thing is Ive known them for a while so what was I to do kick their ass, which is still a possibility but dont see how that will help, needless to say I dont take bets from anyone any longer friends or not
                              ogarza...we have all been there pal.....they make the frst few payments...then it is late and a little short....then they miss and then they stop altogether........never lend money to a friend unless you are willing for it not to get paid back......i am sure many of us have the same story.....

