Just wondering if anyone saw the quite frankly with stephen a smith today on gambling and what the opinions of it were.
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Quite Frankly on Gambling
It was very good. Brandon Lane said he has not lost in 15 years of doing this. He was so promoting his service the whole time. Sounded like such a scammer. He said his best sources were strippers! I have been folowing his plays since baseball and he has not been very good at all. That guy from intertops said he was one of the original computer boys syndicate with Billy Walters back in the 80's. Those guys killed vegas for awhile. Also, there was an ex-mob guy that was on and called both lane and this other guy out, and said everyone loses in the long term. Lane got pissed.
yea i saw it was ok... lane did do some toutin actin like he works so hard 16-17 hours a day and he wins for his clients blah blah blah....haha coulda swore his name was flashed on screen at one point and said brandon lang, espn dont even want the uneducated lookin him up cuz he's a bum, saved people money....yea that ex-mob guy said he was way deeper in the game then brandon and guy from intertops.com, made them look like punksedification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.
I have to laugh at some of these cappers who claim to work 16-20 days and/or with many sleepness night handicapping games;those lies are not even worthy of a response. If in fact they dow ork 16 + hours a day, the time is spent NOT capping games but trying to think up new ways to scam the betting public.
As I said Lane works for Feiner, who is acclaimed by just about everyone as the biggest scamdicapper for the last 25 years;another service termed the Big Green Machine (sports service) the Big Green Turd;judging by some of the cappers over there(Feiner, Lane, et al), the name seems very appropriate.Last edited by savage1; 10-20-2005, 01:04 PM.