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Stu Feiner Hypes Two for the Money

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  • Stu Feiner Hypes Two for the Money

    Well today Screw Feiner starts off by saying that he is watching the movie on the internet to be released in two weeks entitled Two for the Money;Even though movie is about a guy who works for him, Brandon Lane, Feiner with his massive ego says movie is about Him(Feiner) and that movie was inspired by Him(Feiner).
    He then brags about some of the other unsavory characters in the movie, including his despicable brother-in-law, Kevin Duffy.
    I guess though it doesn't really matter if he says the movie is about him rather than Lane, as there is no difference from one loser to the other.
    The only surprising thing is that the movie was not entitled Born to Lose or perhaps Born to Scam.
    Stay tuned as this "wonderful" film will soon be showing at a theater near you.
    ps Honk your horn if you remember Kevin Duffy;he rates right up there with the biggest scammers of all time.
    Last edited by savage1; 09-28-2005, 03:55 PM.

  • #2

    Based on this guy's stated record (Lane) on their website, perhaps "Born to Lose" would be a more appropriate title for the movie.
    Brandon Lane - 14-31-1 overall. 2-0 with 200 Dime releases (Minnesota
    on Saturday and Miami of Ohio last night); 1-1 with 150 Dime releases.
    1-2 with 100 Dime plays. 6-13 with 50 Dime selections


    • #3
      They should have to lick the snot off Ty Gastons lovestick after he gets done cornholing Jim Feist.


      • #4
        Personally I would rather see another followup documentary like they had on HBO a number of years ago exposing guys like Jack Price, Feiner and all the other scamdicappers.


        • #5
          Brandon Lane - 15-34-1 overall. 2-0 with 200 Dime releases (Minnesota
          on Saturday and Miami of Ohio Wednesday); 1-1 with 150 Dime releases.
          1-2 with 100 Dime plays. 6-13 with 50 Dime selections

          Based on this guy's record, perhaps the movie should have beem entitled "Success in Failure."


          • #6
            More Feiner Non-Sequiturs


            I won't comment but brefly on this one because it is just too stupid for words:
            Feiner today on his comp. line beseeching people to sign up for his Monday night parlay, asks the rhetorical question that some might ask as to why they(customers if he has any that is) should listen to him(Feiner).
            His dumb answer was that Hollywood would never let Al Pacino play a part of a loser(meaning Feiner);the implication is that he is a winner.(he is probably a bigger winner than that Lane guy, the subject of the movie, and who seems to lose a lot more than he wins, but that isn't saying much).
            Perhaps there is a Stu Feiner aficionado or maybe Stu himself can explain his "erudite" statement.
            ps-I will say that Feiner has been a "winner" over the years in deception, spin, lies, misrepresentation of record and other "praiseworthy" things;if that is what he is referring to, then yeah, perhaps He is not a "loser" but a "winner" in that he has succeeded in duping so many people;however with the internet, the jigs up.


            • #7
              Its also funny that the other day Feiner also stated that Al Pacino was incapable of playing him properly;that does makes sense, as how can a live person (Pacino) play the part of an inanimate object which can be described as the slang term for the orifice from someone's rectum, which equates with in this case Feiner?
              Last edited by savage1; 10-03-2005, 03:07 PM.


              • #8
                The first reviews are in on this pathetic and dumb movie;0 out of 5 on one rating scale;thats appropriate as its about what I would give for a rating for Feiner and Lane as cappers and in the case of Feiner as a person.
                Reviews 3 articles

                sort: alphabetically | by popularity | by rating | classically
                Killer Movie Reviews (Andrea Chase) review [0/5]
                Slant Magazine review [2/4]
                Orlando Weekly (Steve Schneider) review

                I will post the 0-5 review momentarily. The Orlando Weekly Review as lousy also.
       For some reason I can't copy/post the actual review;try the link which preceds this;you may have to sign up.
                Last edited by savage1; 10-06-2005, 10:11 AM.


                • #9
                  Here is the review from the person who gave the movie a nig fat ZERO rating.

                  TWO FOR THE MONEY , usa , 2005, MPAA Rating : R for pervasive language, a scene of sexuality and a violent act

                  The human mind is an amazing thing. Over the course of evolution, it has developed a host of fascinating mechanisms geared towards its survival in any number of harsh environments, be it the plains of Africa a million years ago, or the terrors of bad cinema at today’s local multiplex. It’s the latter that stirred two of those mechanisms into high gear while watching TWO FOR THE MONEY. One was the ability for the mind to create patterns where none exist. The other was denial, which kicked in because I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that two hours of my life was being so miserably wasted.

                  They were spent in the company of Matthew McConaughey and Al Pacino. The former is Brandon, who had a promising career in college football cut short by a nasty fracture that left his knee resembling a slightly undercooled gelatin. Instead of gridiron glory, he’s stuck in his hometown of Las Vegas recording messages on 900 lines and going nowhere fast until he shows an uncanny ability to pick winners in sports matches. The latter is Walter, a fast-talking sports handicapper with a ready spiel and a lucrative 900 line business in New York City. He uses his spiel to get Brandon to the Big Apple where he grooms him into a fast-talking clone of himself. From there things fall apart for both characters on the screen and the audience watching the mess congeal in the theater.

                  Pacino spends the film overacting while reciting dialogue that is there to explain to Brandon what the premise of his sports advisory service is. Unfortunately, he speaks to Brandon as though he were a slow-witted child and McConaughey acts the part of same with a conviction that is amazing to behold. Not enjoyable, mind you, but memorable. Something else amazing is that for all the exposition of what Walter, there’s never any real explanation for how he has been making money with all those employees for all these years before Brandon comes along. As for the dynamics at work here, there aren’t any. Instead there are emotional outbursts and roller-coaster character shifts that are as random as they are nonsensical. One minute Walter is a hyper-excitable Muppet in desperate need of swatting, the next he’s Michael Corleone redux, also in desperate need of swatting. All the time, however, he has a heart condition that the script tries to milk for all the pathos that it’s worth and in which it only succeeds in making us want him to drop dead as quickly as possible. Brandon suffers the same inconsistency. One minute wide-eyed aw-shucks and the next Gordon Gecko with more hair gel and less street-smarts and the next whirling around Manhattan at breakneck speed in a snazzy car in which he’s trapped Walter’s wife, played by Rene Russo with less sparkle than usual. It all thuds along blazing a peculiar trail of plot non-sequitors that are interrupted only for a montage of loving camera angles exploring the wonders of McConaughey’s musculature as it works out on a variety of exercise equipment.

                  And here’s where those mechanisms that I was on about kicked in. What, I thought desperately to myself, if the idea behind all this, the grand master plan, the Theory Of Everything in this particular cinematic universe is to get across the idea of the randomness of existence, that we and everything around us are just so many sub-atomic particles winking in and out of existence as they group themselves according to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and it was at that moment that I realized that denial of what I was watching was in full swing and that my desperation to find a point in all of this had caused some sort of synaptic overdrive. That spontaneous combustion did not occur is a small miracle. This means, of course, that TWO FOR THE MONEY is not just a bad movie, it’s one that may very well be dangerous.

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                  • #10
                    ps that is a typo in first line nig=big;I am not a racist. lol


                    • #11
                      Here is much shorter review from this regarding this non-descript piece of garbage film making:
                      By Steve Schneider

                      His college football career ended by a sickening injury, an insightful jock (Matthew McConaughey) takes a job manning a sports-phone line. Before long, his almost unnatural ability to pick weekly winners attracts the attention of a king tout (Al Pacino) on the lookout for a protégé; ensconced within the pro's kingdom of ringing phones and bad infomercials, recruit McConaughey learns to maximize the value of a spiel and keep the hopelessly addicted gamblers calling back for more hot tips. Mere words cannot convey the unparalleled excitement of watching a grown man get trained to answer the phone, which is basically what this movie has in store for us in place of honest-to-goodness activity or a proper story arc. At least the stars seem to be having fun. McConaughey gets to grin like an idiot and flash his toned bod in gratuitous, fetishistic workout scenes. Pacino blusters foolishly. And Rene Russo – whose face is unaccountably beginning to resemble Eric Stoltz's in Mask – exacerbates the movie's lulling effect by convincing Pacino's self-destructive character to lie down and rest his weary bones for a spell. After that, all bets (as they say) are off. Zzzzzzzzz.


                      • #12
                        stu feiner is a mother fu##ing asshole he costed a friend of mine over 2500 bucks which is most likely chicken feed or couch cushin money for most people who visit and get picks on this board but going into this he didnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of as he was buried to start with he also got fuc**ed by dr ron bash for i dont know how much


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LeRoy
                          stu feiner is a mother fu##ing asshole he costed a friend of mine over 2500 bucks which is most likely chicken feed or couch cushin money for most people who visit and get picks on this board but going into this he didnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of as he was buried to start with he also got fuc**ed by dr ron bash for i dont know how much
                          Yeah I heard a while back from a good source he was deep in the hole also;of course, he proclaims he is a millionaire many times over.


                          • #14
                            Hey Savage. You're pretty knowledgable about these touts. When I used to see Dr. Ron Bash on saturdays he used to brag taking 2 different teams to the final 4 in college basketball. I don't think it was division 1. do you know what teams he took to the final 4? and by the way what ever happened to the smuck!?


                            • #15
                              Leroy-Yeah I remember Dr. Ron Bash, the one 2 turn 2 and his nonsense about "swimming" with the Dolphins.
                              You are correct-he said he took two teams to the final four-it was division 3(if there is such a thing-no way division 1), and I have no clue what the teams were and/or whether the whole thing was made up. I have to say his alleged wife, Bonnie was nice looking.(that could all be bs also for all we know).
                              I don't know what happened to the dude-he just disappeared into thin like like Kevin Duffy;if memory serves me, Feiner, Bash and Duffy all appeared together on that show.
                              In all honesty I was fairly gullible back then and actually found the show entertaining.
                              ps I don't think the "Professor" was on that show;he appeared separately with Mike Warren on another show.

