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Hurricane Rita With 165-Mph Winds, Storm Upgraded to Category 5

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  • Hurricane Rita With 165-Mph Winds, Storm Upgraded to Category 5


    GALVESTON, Texas (Sept. 21) - Gaining strength with frightening speed, Hurricane Rita swirled toward the Gulf Coast a Category 5, 165-mph monster Wednesday as more than 1.3 million people in Texas and Louisiana were sent packing on orders from authorities who learned a bitter lesson from Katrina.

    "It's scary. It's really scary," Shalonda Dunn as she and her 5- and 9-year-old daughters waited to board a bus arranged by emergency authorities in Galveston. "I'm glad we've got the opportunity to leave. ... You never know what can happen."

    With Rita projected to hit Texas by Saturday, Gov. Rick Perry urged residents along the state's entire coast to begin evacuating. And New Orleans braced for the possibility that the storm could swamp the misery-stricken city all over again.

    Galveston, low-lying parts of Corpus Christi and Houston, and mostly emptied-out New Orleans were under mandatory evacuation orders as Rita sideswiped the Florida Keys and began drawing with terrifying efficiency from the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Between 2 a.m. and 4 p.m., it went from a 115-mph Category 2 to a 165-mph Category 5.

    Forecasters said Rita could be the most intense hurricane on record ever to hit Texas, and easily one of the most powerful ever to plow into the U.S. mainland. Category 5 is the highest on the scale, and only three Category 5 hurricanes are known to have hit the U.S. mainland - most recently, Andrew, which smashed South Florida in 1992.

    Government officials eager to show they had learned their lessons from the sluggish response to Katrina sent in hundreds of buses to evacuate the poor, moved out hospital and nursing home patients, dispatched truckloads of water, ice and ready-made meals, and put rescue and medical teams on standby. An Army general in Texas was told to be ready to assume control of a military task force in Rita's wake.

    "We hope and pray that Hurricane Rita will not be a devastating storm, but we got to be ready for the worst," President Bush said in Washington.

    By late afternoon, Rita was centered more than 700 miles southeast of Corpus Christi. Forecasters predicted it would come ashore along the central Texas coast between Galveston and Corpus Christi.

    But with its breathtaking size - tropical storm-force winds extending 350 miles across - practically the entire western end of the Gulf Coast was in peril, and even a slight rightward turn could prove devastating to the fractured levees protecting New Orleans.

    In the Galveston-Houston-Corpus Christi area, about 1.3 million people were under orders to get out, in addition to 20,000 or more along with the Louisiana coast. Special attention was given to hospitals and nursing homes, three weeks after scores of sick and elderly patients in the New Orleans area drowned in Katrina's floodwaters or died in the stifling heat while waiting to be rescued.

    Helicopter, ambulance and buses were used to evacuate 200 patients from Galveston's only hospital. And at the Edgewater Retirement Community, a six-story building near the city's seawall, 200 elderly residents were not given a choice.

    "They either go with a family member or they go with us, but this building is not safe sitting on the seawall with a major hurricane coming," said David Hastings, executive director. "I have had several say, `I don't want to go,' and I said, `I'm sorry, you're going."'

    Galveston, a city of 58,000 on a coastal island 8 feet above sea level, was the site of one of the deadliest natural disasters in U.S. history: an unnamed hurricane in 1900 that killed between 6,000 and 12,000 people and practically wiped the city off the map.

    The last major hurricane to strike the Houston area was Category-3 Alicia in 1983. It flooded downtown Houston, spawned 22 tornadoes and left 21 people dead.

    In Houston, the state's largest city and home to the highest concentration of Katrina refugees, the area's geography makes evacuation particularly tricky. While many hurricane-prone cities are right on the coast, Houston is 60 miles inland, so a coastal suburban area of 2 million people must evacuate through a metropolitan area of 4 million people where the freeways are often clogged under the best of circumstances.

    Mayor Bill White urged residents to look out for more than themselves.

    "There will not be enough government vehicles to go and evacuate everybody in every area," he said. "We need neighbor caring for neighbor."

    At the Galveston Community Center, where 1,500 evacuees had been put on school buses to points inland, another lesson from Katrina was put into practice: To overcome the reluctance of people to evacuate without their pets, they were allowed to bring them along in crates.

    "It was quite a sight," said Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas. "We were able to put people on with their dog crates, their cat crates, their shopping carts. It went very well."

    Some 600 public housing residents were among those evacuated by bus, and city officials reassured residents no one would be left behind.

    "After this killer in New Orleans, Katrina, I just cannot fathom staying," said 59-year-old Ldyyan Jean Jocque, who carried her Bible, a change of clothes and her dog.

    Barbara Anders, a 65-year-old woman who uses a walker, also made her way to a bus. "I really think it is going to be bad. That's really why I'm running. All these years I've stayed here," she said, "but I've got to go this time,"

    Authorities in the Mexican states along the gulf also set up shelters and stocked food distribution centers in case Rita veered off its expected course.

    Rita approached as the death toll from Katrina passed the 1,000 mark - to 1,036 - in five Gulf Coast states. The body count in Louisiana alone was put at 799, most found in the receding floodwaters of New Orleans.

    The Army Corps of Engineers raced to fortify the city's patched-up levees for fear the additional rain could swamp the walls and flood the city all over again. The Corps said New Orleans' levees can only handle up to 6 inches of rain and a storm surge of 10 to 12 feet.

    New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin estimated only 400 to 500 people remained in the vulnerable east bank areas of the city. They, too, were ordered to evacuate. But only a few people lined up for the evacuation buses provided. Most of the people still in the city were believed to have their own cars.

    "I don't think I can stay for another storm," said Keith Price, a nurse at New Orleans' University Hospital who stayed through Katrina and had to wade to safety through chest-deep water. "Until you are actually in that water, you really don't know how frightening it is."

    Rita also forced some Katrina refugees to flee a hurricane for the second time in 3{ weeks. More than 1,000 refugees who had been living in the civic center in Lake Charles, near the Texas state line, were being bused to shelters farther north.

    "We all have to go along with the system right now, until things get better," said Ralph Russell of the New Orleans suburb of Harvey. "I just hope it's a once in a lifetime thing."

    Crude oil prices rose again on fears that Rita would smash into key oil installations in Texas and the gulf. Hundreds of workers were evacuated from offshore oil rigs. Texas, the heart of U.S. crude production, accounts for 25 percent of the nation's total oil output.

    As Rita swirled away from Florida, thousands of residents who evacuated the Keys began returning to find that the storm had caused little more than minor flooding. Crews worked to restore electricity, store owners pulled the plywood off windows on the main drag, Duval Street, and seaweed and sand were cleared from the streets.

    "I'm turning on the A/C and putting a vacancy sign up. We're really lucky," said Mona Santiago, owner of the Southernmost Point Guest House, as she swept water off the front porch. "The sun is coming out. We're getting ready for business."

    Rita is the 17th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, making this the fourth-busiest season since record-keeping started in 1851. The record is 21 tropical storms in 1933. The hurricane season is not over until Nov. 30.

    AP-ES-09-21-05 1805EDT

  • #2
    Batten down the Hatches. We can only pray this one will be half as bad, and hopefully we learned somewhat of a lesson.
    It's always noon somewhere!

    My Fish and Aquariums

    Griffey's Posted Record


    • #3
      After This One Their Will Be Nothing Left From Tex Coastline To Fla Coastline, Mother Nature Is Angry This Summer


      • #4
        oh man..i hope it dont hit LA again my pops just went down there to help fix the phone lines and stuff


        • #5
          presure at 904 db----that is devastating---can't do anything but get even stronger before it hits land....This SOB will have some nasty ass swells (30-60") ones....

          Looks nasty for the Corpus/Galveston/ and even inward Houston area.....will generate some swells all the way to New Orleans and drop about 3-6 inches of rain........This lil lady can be a bit too much for parts of Texas and La to handle.....

          This one is gonna destroy a lot of stuff............I mean a lots....kapt

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #6
            God Bless The Lone Star State!
            5* 0-0
            4* 0-0
            3* 1-0
            2* 1-0
            1* 0-1

            God Bless America

            To win :1* unit = $100


            • #7
              Un-fucking-believable. I'm so fuckin sick of these hurricanes. We're up to R with another 4-5 weeks of cane season remaining.

              The worst part they say it'll be this way for many years.


              • #8
                My thoughts and prayers are with all of those in the path of this monster storm.
                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lsufan
                  My thoughts and prayers are with all of those in the path of this monster storm.
                  I second that buddy.

                  This one will get even stronger before it hits land.... it has only BEGUN enter the warm water of the gulf. The direction is only speculated at the time, but whereever it ends up hitting.... it's going to be devastating! From someone that just got finished with a nasty one. God bless and my prayers are with all of you.

                  ~~~ Tigger

