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Is anyone watching Rita?

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  • Is anyone watching Rita?

    This storm is going to become a hurricane overnight and then head into the Gulf....
    If you look at the "cone" of error for the 5-day forecast Louisiana is in that cone......

    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

  • #2
    Bro, i'm hoping and praying that shit doesn't turn north and head back up there.... They are saying its gonna be a Cat 3 or a Cat 4 by the time it hits land... What an amazing year out there in the tropics....WOW


    • #3
      friggin gulf of mexico, it friggin strenghthens these storms
      Questions, comments, complaints:
      [email protected]


      • #4
        It figures that it's also the name of my Mother In Law.....always a pain in the ass.


        • #5
          I am, it's at my back door tonight!
          5* 0-0
          4* 0-0
          3* 1-0
          2* 1-0
          1* 0-1

          God Bless America

          To win :1* unit = $100


          • #6
            Just Got Contacted By Adjuster For Ins Loss With Katrina, Decided To Hold The Aduster Hostage Until Rita Passes, Figure I Will Save Time On Filing Claim.........................


            • #7
              i pray it misses and loses strength!!!!


              • #8

                Last edited by Lsufan; 09-20-2005, 02:22 AM.
                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                  Bro, i'm hoping and praying that shit doesn't turn north and head back up there.... They are saying its gonna be a Cat 3 or a Cat 4 by the time it hits land... What an amazing year out there in the tropics....WOW
                  Doc, I feel you pain. We're up to freakin R (Rita) storm. It's never gotten this high since I've moved here.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jcindaville
                    friggin gulf of mexico, it friggin strenghthens these storms
                    The gulf is like a huge freakin bath tub


                    • #11
                      This storm heading right for the evacuees in Texas.


                      • #12
                        Predicted now to head to Houston, but the fact of the matter is... once it's in the Gulf... they can only guess from there on out. Warm water (the Gulf) feeds these storms like a mofo, and also cause them to become unpredictable in the direction they're taking from hour to hour. Technology is great, but it's not always 100% accurate at all, and that why I love the "uneducated" arguments that some people make with.... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY JUST EVACUTE EVERYONE *shaking head* IDIOTS!!!!

                        Things in New Orleans are just too delicate right now and if it turns there, it'll take the rest of the city out, or what's left. Bring it to me here in Dallas, I'd rather have it, then it hit my family back in Nawlings right now with the conditions set as is.

                        ~~~ Tigger

