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NBC KO's Kanye's Bush Bashing

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  • #31
    Originally posted by james1961
    You can blame the local, state, and federal (President Bush or FEMA) officials for some of the problems but in my view the blame lies with the members of Congress because they create the large amount of red tape for all the agenices. If you notice they like to blame anybody but themselves and they like to investigate anybody or anything but themselves.

    goes exactly to my point that you can not and should not rely on the Federal Government for your survival.....


    • #32
      I didn't read all the posts but I must say.....
      The Mayor is an idiot......
      He had no evacuation plan. The President on the Friday before the storm came declared a pending emergency for the NOLA area. The mayor did not put an evacuation plan into affect until Sat. 20 hours before the storm landed. If he acted promptly the school buses seen underwater would have been filled with bodies and not submerged in a parking lot.
      It IS the sole responsiblity of the Mayor, According to the Emergency Evacuation plan of New Orleans, to put the plan into operation. He dropped the balll and was late on the call.
      He, the Mayor, had the idea to use the Superdome as an evac center, Yet he did not supply cots or ample amounts of water. His excuse for this was that the water was working when the evacuations started. And lets not forget the Mayor made a public service anouncement in July and basically stated that the citizens are responsible for their own evacuation.
      I live in SoFla so I believe I can offer an educated opinion on the point that the first thing that goes is the electricity, after that the water system does not operate effectively if the electricity is out.
      NOLA has received $18 million from the federal government in the last 3 years, for Emergency Evacuations funds and such....Where has that Money gone?
      Amtrak released a statemnt that they offered the local government the use of the trains as they were evacuating and getting their supplies and "belongings" out of New Orleans. That help was refused on Sat before the storm hit.
      He's an idiot trying to raise a smoke screen blaming everyone but himself.
      Remember the three R's:
      Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


      • #33
        Originally posted by rwall
        I didn't read all the posts but I must say.....
        The Mayor is an idiot......
        He had no evacuation plan. The President on the Friday before the storm came declared a pending emergency for the NOLA area. The mayor did not put an evacuation plan into affect until Sat. 20 hours before the storm landed. If he acted promptly the school buses seen underwater would have been filled with bodies and not submerged in a parking lot.
        It IS the sole responsiblity of the Mayor, According to the Emergency Evacuation plan of New Orleans, to put the plan into operation. He dropped the balll and was late on the call.
        He, the Mayor, had the idea to use the Superdome as an evac center, Yet he did not supply cots or ample amounts of water. His excuse for this was that the water was working when the evacuations started. And lets not forget the Mayor made a public service anouncement in July and basically stated that the citizens are responsible for their own evacuation.
        I live in SoFla so I believe I can offer an educated opinion on the point that the first thing that goes is the electricity, after that the water system does not operate effectively if the electricity is out.
        NOLA has received $18 million from the federal government in the last 3 years, for Emergency Evacuations funds and such....Where has that Money gone?
        Amtrak released a statemnt that they offered the local government the use of the trains as they were evacuating and getting their supplies and "belongings" out of New Orleans. That help was refused on Sat before the storm hit.
        He's an idiot trying to raise a smoke screen blaming everyone but himself.

        He did have an evacuation plan....but one that is useless if not put in motion....He also was the first to fly off the handle and point fingers and wanted "heads to roll"......He definitely will shoulder some of the blame......He was also the guy who said 10,000 will be dead......To me i want a leader who cares of course, but is cool under pressure....people feed off their leader and he was very emotional and out of control.....


        • #34
          Originally posted by te14
          Frank- I apologize. I'm not so blinded that I can't admit when I make a mistake. I get too emotional about some issues and perhaps I jumped the gun.
          NO need to apologize. I was a bit confused by your post. I thought we were basically saying the same thing.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tigger
            What is her fault is the lack of leadership she provided. I can't imagine the stress her and Nagin were under, the pressure, the timing, the lack of supplies, everything, but what I and others can see is Nagin perserved and fought through it while she couldn't. She looked LOST! I agree with you there, but I don't want to make this a sexist thing in fear of starting more trouble here. It's unnecessary.

            ~~~ Tigger
            Blanco showed no leadership. Gullianni, Jeb Bush, Nagin did. Nagin did a great job with what he had at his disposal. At first I was critical towards Nagin. I was wrong about him. He has my utmost respect.


            • #36
              Originally posted by rwall
              I didn't read all the posts but I must say.....
              The Mayor is an idiot......
              He had no evacuation plan. The President on the Friday before the storm came declared a pending emergency for the NOLA area. The mayor did not put an evacuation plan into affect until Sat. 20 hours before the storm landed. If he acted promptly the school buses seen underwater would have been filled with bodies and not submerged in a parking lot.
              It IS the sole responsiblity of the Mayor, According to the Emergency Evacuation plan of New Orleans, to put the plan into operation. He dropped the balll and was late on the call.
              He, the Mayor, had the idea to use the Superdome as an evac center, Yet he did not supply cots or ample amounts of water. His excuse for this was that the water was working when the evacuations started. And lets not forget the Mayor made a public service anouncement in July and basically stated that the citizens are responsible for their own evacuation.
              I live in SoFla so I believe I can offer an educated opinion on the point that the first thing that goes is the electricity, after that the water system does not operate effectively if the electricity is out.
              NOLA has received $18 million from the federal government in the last 3 years, for Emergency Evacuations funds and such....Where has that Money gone?
              Amtrak released a statemnt that they offered the local government the use of the trains as they were evacuating and getting their supplies and "belongings" out of New Orleans. That help was refused on Sat before the storm hit.
              He's an idiot trying to raise a smoke screen blaming everyone but himself.
              Great informative post.

              Any evacuation play is useless if the citizens won't leave. I think New Orleans escaped so many bullets through the years that they thought it wouldn't hit. A good friend of mine has family in New Orleans. I was with her the weekend of the hurricane. At first her family refused to leave. They truly believed the cane would veer off. Finally they left.


              • #37
                Papa Bush and Baby Bush actually went to N'aulins . To do what they could help out !!
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Let's see, ya live in a coastal city that lies 3 feet below sea level. A major hurricane is on the way. The local government tells ya to evacuate and ya choose to defy the evacuation order and stay. Regardless of how quick or slow the government reacted in the aftermath, ya made the decision to stay yourself. Mother Nature does not discriminate! It doesn't care if you're Black, White or Yellow. It will kill ya. I feel sorry for the kids whose parents put them in a life or death situation.

                  And who really cares what an illiterate, foul mouth rapper has to say anyway. NBC should pull the plug on Ellen Degenerate, Queer Eye for the Fag and all these other shows on homosexuality that our kids see and assume it's a socially exceptable lifestyle!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Tom Foolery
                    Papa Bush and Baby Bush actually went to N'aulins . To do what they could help out !!
                    LMAO. Are they edible? LOL


                    • #40
                      Tom- Although I am sick to death of the Bush bashing, I gotta admit, that 's some funny shit.


                      • #41
                        TE14 I agree I am getting tired of the Bush bashing after two weeks. The top Dems seem to just point blame but have you seen any of them helping out the people in New Orleans or be constructive in getting things done. I also am tired of the race card play, I didn't see rescue workers asking for the person's race and after making my donation ten days ago I didn't tell them "only give to white people". Finally the LA. Senator is blaming the federal govt. ( I thought she was part of the federal govt. so, she can blame herself).


                        • #42
                          i heard them play governor blanco's remarks admitting it was "probably" wednesday when she contacted the feds.....she lost track of days......What the hello kind of leader is she.....Trying to pass the buck on top it is disgraceful!!!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                            i heard them play governor blanco's remarks admitting it was "probably" wednesday when she contacted the feds.....she lost track of days......What the hello kind of leader is she.....Trying to pass the buck on top it is disgraceful!!!
                            I'm watching Killer Hurricance: Anatomy of Katrina on Discovery Channel. In all her interviews she looks totally lost. IMO she bares 90% of the blame. She's a joke.


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                Not to get too political, but anyone who gets HBO should watch Real Time with Bill Maher especially this week-check your onscreen guide to see when it is on again;I don't want to spoil it, but just watch what Bill and his guests say about Bush and see what you think.
                                Bill Maher is one of my favorite guys on tv, because by my way of thinking he tells it as it is.

