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NBC KO's Kanye's Bush Bashing

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  • #16
    Last edited by FastBreak; 09-09-2005, 10:32 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mgdog96
      te14 -this was more than some ordinary flood or fire, this was a national disaster that the government (federal not state) should have gotten involved and helped out alot more. Where was all the support for the local police and fire dept? They didn't even have a bottle of water for themselves let alone the thousands of people they sent to the Superdome. This was a huge under estimation of the damage this hurricane was going to do. Federal Govt. didn't care til the rest of the nation was already outraged..
      Do you really think the Federal government didn't care? If you do then you are naive.

      Jeb Bush during the hurricanes last year and Gullianni during 911 got the job done. They did so not because of the federal government or George Bush. They are great leaders they took the ball and ran with it.

      Alabama and Mississippi didn't have the same problems Lousianna did why? Because they had strong leaders.

      Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco displayed no leadership. All they did was point fingers. Pointing fingers doesn't get the job done. In the first few days every interview I saw Blanco she was clearly crying. She was overwhelmed.

      One last point that many people forget. Immediately after the hurricane hit New Orleans there was very little flooding. That is why there was no immediate federal response. Only after the levees broke did the city become flooded.

      A sign of weakness is finger pointing. A sign of strength is getting the job done.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mgdog96
        Bwade210 - The prez's bro is the governor of Fla. That is where the support came from so fast. New Orleans got hit harder in a worse area. We needed Federal help then and New Orleans needed it on Tuesday morning not Thursday night.
        Also, getting support to Florida, Mississippi and Alabama was easy. There was no flooding. Getting support to New Orleans was a logistical nightmare.

        Federal help started coming Tuesday. They sent the Navy IMMEDIATELY. Do you really think getting help to New Orleans was an easy task? Come on! Think about it!


        • #19
          I agree with Frank,Governor Blanco was totally inept and without strong leadership which she showed none,it was up to local governments to try and get things rolling.


          • #20
            Originally posted by frankb03
            Also, getting support to Florida, Mississippi and Alabama was easy. There was no flooding. Getting support to New Orleans was a logistical nightmare.

            Federal help started coming Tuesday. They sent the Navy IMMEDIATELY. Do you really think getting help to New Orleans was an easy task? Come on! Think about it!
            Taking care of New Orleans right after the cane would of been difficult yes, but it could of been done. NOTHING WAS DONE.... Blanco was overwhelmed and didn't know what the hell she was doing... Nagin is a great leader and did take the reigns many times... got things done, and ultimately did the things that needed to be done.

            They could of gotten to New Orleans..... the cops were running back and forth from New Olreans to Slidell and I made many trips from Slidell to Baton Rouge, so why couldn't the feds via I-12 to causeway just like we did??? Why wouldn't they just air drop it in like the Tsunami efforts??? There are a lot of questions that make you say WTF??? You can't compare the canes that hit Florida to Katrina, NO WAY! Totally different hurricanes and areas....

            Do you think New Olreans wanted the levees to break? They have asked for levee money for decades and have begged and begged for levee money for over 12 years now and every year the federal gov't turn them down..... now they have to deal with what's happened. Maybe next time, they'll listen and stop worrying about saving the fucking spotted owl, or some other worthless shit they argue about on a daily basis in Congress.

            Frank - I don't mean any of this towards you in the least bit, but you have to understand this is a very sensative issue for me, hence I try to stay out of the discussions on it.... I just post my pieces from when I was there and dealing with the experiences on an everyday basis. Most of you know New Orleans and the surrounding areas from Spring Break or Mardi Gras or some great party that a friend threw down there..... not me.... I've heard all the stories, I grew up there, I know the problems of the area and how they've developed.... it was my "home".

            New Orleans is such a diverse culture of people unless you live and grow up there... you'd never hear the thousands of stories that we as citizens know about every building, person, site, tradition, superstition, culture, the history, the battles, the trades.... everything. It all contributes to who we are and what the city truly means to it's people. Ask Jimmy one day, I'm sure he'll be happy to explain much more.

            ~~~ Tigger
            Last edited by Tigger; 09-11-2005, 04:58 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by FastBreak
              "And before I get the tag of the "old way of thinking" and all the other conservative tags; I am 37 and have been a registered Republican since age 18. Where's Reagan when I need him!"
              WHAT?? Where am I? What's my name? Is it
              still Ronnie, Mommy?? What a joke.
              "Ronnie" is right where he belongs --6 feet under.
              Thank goodness we don't have to watch "Ronnie and Mommy" sleepwalk through antoher tragedy. Why bring up the
              disgaceful past?
              hey asshole....didn't your mommy tell you that if you do not have anything good to say then do not say anything......I do not mind not liking people, but to diss on a dead guy is BS.....

              he did alot for our him or not....


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tigger
                Taking care of New Orleans right after the cane would of been difficult yes, but it could of been done. NOTHING WAS DONE.... Blanco was overwhelmed and didn't know what the hell she was doing... Nagin is a great leader and did take the reigns many times... got things done, and ultimately did the things that needed to be done.

                They could of gotten to New Orleans..... the cops were running back and forth from New Olreans to Slidell and I made many trips from Slidell to Baton Rouge, so why couldn't the feds via I-12 to causeway just like we did??? Why wouldn't they just air drop it in like the Tsunami efforts??? There are a lot of questions that make you say WTF??? You can't compare the canes that hit Florida to Katrina, NO WAY! Totally different hurricanes and areas....

                Do you think New Olreans wanted the levees to break? They have asked for levee money for decades and have begged and begged for levee money for over 12 years now and every year the federal gov't turn them down..... now they have to deal with what's happened. Maybe next time, they'll listen and stop worrying about saving the fucking spotted owl, or some other worthless shit they argue about on a daily basis in Congress.

                Frank - I don't mean any of this towards you in the least bit, but you have to understand this is a very sensative issue for me, hence I try to stay out of the discussions on it.... I just post my pieces from when I was there and dealing with the experiences on an everyday basis. Most of you know New Orleans and the surrounding areas from Spring Break or Mardi Gras or some great party that a friend threw down there..... not me.... I've heard all the stories, I grew up there, I know the problems of the area and how they've developed.... it was my "home".

                New Orleans is such a diverse culture of people unless you live and grow up there... you'd never hear the thousands of stories that we as citizens know about every building, person, site, tradition, superstition, culture, the history, the battles, the trades.... everything. It all contributes to who we are and what the city truly means to it's people. Ask Jimmy one day, I'm sure he'll be happy to explain much more.

                ~~~ Tigger
                Tigger, I could never imagine the nightmare you went through and are going through. You are 1000% correct. The Florida canes were much different than Katrina. We didn't have the flooding.

                I'm also certain there's many more things you are aware that I'm not. The point I was trying to make was finger pointing doesn't get the job done. It's the easy way out. Blanco fucked up. She knows she fucked up. To cover her ass she pointed fingers.

                I know New Orleans has asked for money to upgrade the levees. It troubles me when people blame Bush. Yes, Bush and the current administration bares some to the burden. However, the burden also goes back further.

                Finally, I take no disrespect from you Tigger. I admire you. I admire how you and your neighbors are surviving. I've weeped watching the news reports. Stay safe my friend. My prays are with you.

                And yes New Orleans will bounce back. New Orleans will be better than ever. BECAUSE we are AMERICANS. We ALWAYS bounce back.


                • #23
                  Frank- Sometimes, the only reason I don't respond to you is because your posts seem to lay it out there for reasonable people to see. We know where each other stands on war and basically anything that involves Bush. Let's just leave it there. To say that the government did a better job in Fla. because Jeb is the prez's bro is absolutely ridiculous. I understand though, it makes you feel better to lay EVERYTHING at Bush's feet. That certainly is the easiest thing to do and you are certainly a master at it.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by te14
                    To say that the government did a better job in Fla. because Jeb is the prez's bro is absolutely ridiculous. I understand though, it makes you feel better to lay EVERYTHING at Bush's feet.
                    It is ridiculous to feel Florida got better treatment because of Jeb.

                    I didn't lay everything at Bush's feet. On the contrary. I think it's naive to point fingers at Bush over the hurricane crisis. There's plenty of blame to go around. That being said pointing fingers will not help the crisis.


                    • #25
                      You Can Point Fingers, Play The Blame Game But In 2004 A Test Was Done For The Gulf Coast, Call Hurricane Pam, It Was A Test To See The Impact Of Of Cat 3, It Was Disclosed At That Time That New Orleans Will Be Flooded For Months, 50000 Would Be The Death Toll, The Damages Would Be Greater Than Any Diaster Prior In Us History, Therefore You Had Anyone In Power The Knowledge To Recognize The Potential, Here We Are A Yr After And Katrina Hit The Gulf Coast, We Heard It Was A Black And White Issue, Whites Being Saved And Blacks Left Behind, Lets Look At The Facts, New Orleans Is Basically A Black City, With A Black Mayor, Black Police Chief, And Black City Council Basically, That Certainly Didn't Make It A Black Vs White Issue.

                      Ok Lets Blame The Governor, Who I Am Not Of Her Fans


                      • #26
                        It Took Longer Than I Hoped To Edit, I Was Trying To Say That Regardless Of Lack Of Preparation, Based Upon The City Being Below Sea Level, The Poverty Level Which Prevented People From Leaving Even Though They Were Warned, The Low Intellectual Level Of The City, Neither The Mayor, Governor Or President Could Done Better Prior To The Storm

                        Will Be Better Off In 3 Yrs If Another Cat 4 Or 5 Strikes, In Some Aspects I Hope So But Over All The Fury Of Mother Nature Allows Only So Much Prepartion By Anyone...............what S Important Down Is To Recognize We Are A Nation Of People After This Diaster Without Labels Of Any Kind, Not A Nation Of People Who Want To Point Blame, It Is Human Generosity That Speaks Volumes Above Anything That A Governament Body Does For Its People


                        • #27
                          Frank- I apologize. I'm not so blinded that I can't admit when I make a mistake. I get too emotional about some issues and perhaps I jumped the gun.


                          • #28
                            I agree Frank.... Blanco did fuck it up.... she asked for help and there is proof of it even before the storm hit... why they didn't come is not her fault.

                            What is her fault is the lack of leadership she provided. I can't imagine the stress her and Nagin were under, the pressure, the timing, the lack of supplies, everything, but what I and others can see is Nagin perserved and fought through it while she couldn't. She looked LOST! I agree with you there, but I don't want to make this a sexist thing in fear of starting more trouble here. It's unnecessary.

                            ~~~ Tigger


                            • #29
                              All Valid points......The fact of the matter is that the mayor had a good evacuation plan, but to have it work you must execute it.....the whole country knew a monster was bearing down on NO......action needed to take place

                              that's #1

                              number 2 is that the governor acted like a deer in headlights....i have never seen a national event where the national guard was not there within 24-48 hours.......that is her call......

                              number 3 - FEMA sucks...always has..always will....but if you as a citizen are depending on the office of the President and/or FEMA then you as a citizen are dilusional....We as heads of our families are responsible for their and our well being......regardless of class or race.......(elderly discluded due to health).......If their is a will there is a way to get out.....Period......If they did not get out they let their families down......But in some levels of society dependence on the Feds has been a way of life......and this was no was a disaster and people need help...But many lives could have been saved....Also much of the NO debacle was preventable and damage was due to water, whereas the gulf coast folks (who we do not hear much from) got hit head on by the monster and suffered a direct devastating hit from the storm..........just my opinion from where i sit....All i know is when i heard the warnings i would have packed my family and warned my friends and made plans to get out......


                              • #30
                                You can blame the local, state, and federal (President Bush or FEMA) officials for some of the problems but in my view the blame lies with the members of Congress because they create the large amount of red tape for all the agenices. If you notice they like to blame anybody but themselves and they like to investigate anybody or anything but themselves.

