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A Woman and her Schnauzer

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  • A Woman and her Schnauzer

    A woman who had just bought a schnauzer for her pet was concerned that the little dog kept running into the furniture around the house.

    So she took him to the Vet to see what could be done.

    The Vet told the lady that it wasn't a condition the dog had but rather the hair covering it's eyes.

    He informed her that she could go to the local pharmacy and purchase some Nair and rub it above the pups eyes thus eliminating the hair so the little fellow could see better.

    As she sat the bottle on the counter to pay for it the pharmacist told her that if she was going to put it under her arms that she shouldn't use deodorant for 2 weeks because it could cause a rash. She informed the pharmacist that she wasn't going to put it under her arms.

    He then told her that if she was going to put it on her legs that she shouldn't wear panty hose for two weeks because it could cause a rash. She informed the pharmacist that she wasn't going to put it on her legs.

    Curious, the pharmacist asked the lady just where are you going to put it.

    She replied, "On my schnauzer"!

    He then replied "Well, in that case you shouldn't ride a bicycle for two weeks!"

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